
public interfaceSmsCodeAutofillClientimplementsHasApiKey<Api.ApiOptions.NoOptions>

The interface for interacting with the SMS Code Autofill API. These methods are only supported on devices running Android P and later. For devices that run versions earlier than Android P, all method calls return PLATFORM_NOT_SUPPORTED.

Note:This interface works only for the current user-designated autofill service. Any calls from non user-designated autofill services or other applications will fail with API_NOT_AVAILABLE.

Nested Class Summary

@interface SmsCodeAutofillClient.PermissionState Permission states for the current user-designated autofill service.

Public Method Summary

Returns the SmsCodeAutofillClient.PermissionStateof the current user-designated autofill service.
Returnstrueif there are requests fromSmsRetriever in progress for the given package name.
StartsSmsCodeRetriever,which looks for an SMS verification code from messages recently received (up to 1 minute prior).

Public Methods

public abstractTask<Integer> checkPermissionState()

Returns the SmsCodeAutofillClient.PermissionStateof the current user-designated autofill service. The result could beNONE,GRANTED,or DENIED.

The autofill service should check its permission state prior to showing the suggestion prompt for retrieving an SMS verification code, because it will definitely fail on calling startSmsCodeRetriever()in permission denied state.

public abstractTask<Boolean> hasOngoingSmsRequest(String packageName)

Returnstrueif there are requests fromSmsRetriever in progress for the given package name.

The autofill service can check this method to avoid showing a suggestion prompt for retrieving an SMS verification code, in case that a user app may already be retrieving the SMS verification code throughSmsRetriever.

Note:This result does not include those requests from SmsCodeAutofillClient.

public abstractTask<Void>startSmsCodeRetriever()

StartsSmsCodeRetriever,which looks for an SMS verification code from messages recently received (up to 1 minute prior). If there is no SMS verification code found from the SMS inbox, it waits for new incoming SMS messages until it finds an SMS verification code or reaches the timeout (about 5 minutes).

The SMS verification code will be sent via a Broadcast Intent with SMS_CODE_RETRIEVED_ACTION.This Intent contains Extras with keys EXTRA_SMS_CODEfor the retrieved verification code as aString, and EXTRA_STATUSforStatusto indicateRESULT_SUCCESS,RESULT_TIMEOUTor SmsRetrieverStatusCodes.

Note:Add SEND_PERMISSIONin registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter, String, Handler)while registering the receiver to detect that the broadcast intent is from the SMS Retriever. Be aware that this detection only works on devices using Google Play services v19.8.31 and later.