
public final classGoogleSignInStatusCodesextendsCommonStatusCodes

This class is deprecated.
UseCredential Managerfor authentication orGoogle Identity Servicesfor authorization.

Google Sign In specific status codes, for use inStatus#getStatusCode().

In addition to codes defined in this class, you might also want to check:

Constant Summary

int SIGN_IN_CANCELLED The sign in was cancelled by the user.
int SIGN_IN_CURRENTLY_IN_PROGRESS A sign in process is currently in progress and the current one cannot continue.
int SIGN_IN_FAILED The sign in attempt didn't succeed with the current account.

Inherited Constant Summary

Public Method Summary

getStatusCodeString(int statusCode)
Returns an untranslated debug (not user-friendly) string based on the current status code.

Inherited Method Summary


public static final int SIGN_IN_CANCELLED

The sign in was cancelled by the user. i.e. user cancelled some of the sign in resolutions, e.g. account picking or OAuth consent.

Constant Value:12501

public static final int SIGN_IN_CURRENTLY_IN_PROGRESS

A sign in process is currently in progress and the current one cannot continue. e.g. the user clicks the SignInButton multiple times and more than one sign in intent was launched.

Constant Value:12502

public static final int SIGN_IN_FAILED

The sign in attempt didn't succeed with the current account.

Unlike CommonStatusCodes.SIGN_IN_REQUIRED.when seeing this error code, there is nothing user can do to recover from the sign in failure. Switching to another account may or may not help. Check adb log to see details if any.

Constant Value:12500

Public Methods

public staticStringgetStatusCodeString(int statusCode)

Returns an untranslated debug (not user-friendly) string based on the current status code.