
public classDeleteBytesRequestextendsObject

A request to delete app data from BlockStore.

Nested Class Summary

class DeleteBytesRequest.Builder A builder forDeleteBytesRequest objects.

Inherited Constant Summary

Field Summary

public static finalCreator<DeleteBytesRequest> CREATOR

Public Method Summary

Returns whether or not all app's Block Store data should be deleted.
Returns the list of keys whose associated data, if any, should be deleted.
writeToParcel(Parceldest, int flags)

Inherited Method Summary


public static finalCreator<DeleteBytesRequest> CREATOR

Public Methods

public booleangetDeleteAll()

Returns whether or not all app's Block Store data should be deleted.

publicList<String> getKeys()

Returns the list of keys whose associated data, if any, should be deleted.

An empty list means that no key-based filtering will be performed. In other words, no data will be deleted if the key list is empty and no other criterion is provided.

Note that the app data that was stored without an explicit key can be deleted with the default key BlockstoreClient.DEFAULT_BYTES_DATA_KEY.

public voidwriteToParcel(Parceldest, int flags)