
public static abstract classBeaconState.TypeFilterextendsObject

The type of beacon to match. Beacons can be specified by either:

  • A String match on both the namespace and type associated with the beacon.
  • A String match on the namespace, type, and byte-for-byte match on the content.

Inherited Constant Summary

Public Method Summary

static BeaconState.TypeFilter
with(Stringnamespace, String type)
Creates a BeaconState.TypeFilterthat matches against beacons with the given namespaceandtype,regardless of the content.
static BeaconState.TypeFilter
with(Stringnamespace, String type, byte[] content)
Creates a BeaconState.TypeFilterthat matches against beacons with the given namespace,type,andcontent.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

public staticBeaconState.TypeFilter with(Stringnamespace,Stringtype)

Creates a BeaconState.TypeFilterthat matches against beacons with the given namespaceandtype,regardless of the content.

namespace Beacon namespace to match against.
type beacon Type to match against.

public staticBeaconState.TypeFilter with(Stringnamespace,Stringtype, byte[] content)

Creates a BeaconState.TypeFilterthat matches against beacons with the given namespace,type,andcontent.

namespace Beacon namespace to match against.
type beacon Type to match against.
content Beacon context to match against. This must be an exact byte-for-byte match for the content.