
public static final classCast.CastOptions.BuilderextendsObject

A builder to create an instance ofCast.CastOptions to set API configuration parameters forCast.

Public Constructor Summary

Builder(CastDevice castDevice,Cast.Listener castListener)
Creates a builder ofCast.CastOptions to set API configuration parameters forCast.

Public Method Summary

Builds a CastOptions with the arguments supplied to this builder.
setVerboseLoggingEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enables or disables verbose logging for this Cast session.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors

publicBuilder(CastDevicecastDevice, Cast.Listener castListener)

Creates a builder ofCast.CastOptions to set API configuration parameters forCast.

castDevice The Cast receiver device returned from the MediaRouteProvider. May not be null.
castListener The listener for Cast events. May not benull.

Public Methods

publicCast.CastOptions build()

Builds a CastOptions with the arguments supplied to this builder.

publicCast.CastOptions.Builder setVerboseLoggingEnabled(boolean enabled)

Enables or disables verbose logging for this Cast session. This option is provided to aid in testing and debugging, and should not be enabled in release builds.