
public abstract classCastPresentationextendsPresentation

This class is deprecated.
The Remote Display feature is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Base class forPresentations suitable to be used with Cast Remote Display sessions.

This class should be instantiated from within aService,such as CastRemoteDisplayLocalService. The CastPresentation is an extension ofPresentation. The difference is that the CastPresentation decouples theActivitywindow from the CastPresentation window. This enables an application to continue rendering onto the remote display, while itsActivityis in the background.

Inherited Constant Summary

Public Constructor Summary

CastPresentation(Context serviceContext,Display display)
Creates a new cast presentation that is attached to the specified display using the default theme.
CastPresentation(Context serviceContext,Display display, int theme)
Creates a new cast presentation that is attached to the specified display using the optionally specified theme.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors

publicCastPresentation(Context serviceContext,Display display)

Creates a new cast presentation that is attached to the specified display using the default theme.

serviceContext The context of the service that is hosting the cast presentation. The cast presentation will create its own context (seeDialog.getContext()) based on this context and information about the associated display.
display The display to which the cast presentation should be attached.

publicCastPresentation(Context serviceContext,Displaydisplay, int theme)

Creates a new cast presentation that is attached to the specified display using the optionally specified theme.

serviceContext The context of the service typically a CastRemoteDisplayLocalServicethat is hosting the cast presentation. The cast presentation will create its own context (seeDialog.getContext()) based on this context and information about the associated display.
display The display to which the cast presentation should be attached.
theme A style resource describing the theme to use for the window. See Style and Theme Resourcesfor more information about defining and using styles. This theme is applied on top of the current theme in outerContext.If 0, the default cast presentation theme will be used.