
public classCastRemoteDisplayClientextendsGoogleApi<Api.ApiOptions.NoOptions>

This class is deprecated.
The Remote Display feature is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

The low level API for starting a Cast Remote Display session (seeCastRemoteDisplay). In most use casesCastRemoteDisplayLocalService should be considered instead as it will simplify managing the Cast Remote Display session when the main activity goes to background and will provide a customizable default notification.CastRemoteDisplayClient is available for the use cases where the Cast Remote Display rendering has to happen in a foreground service that runs in a separate process.

Public Method Summary

startRemoteDisplay(CastDevice castDevice,String applicationId, int configPreset,PendingIntent sessionEndedPendingIntent)
The low level API for starting a Cast Remote Display session.
The low level API for stopping a Cast Remote Display session.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

public Task<Display> startRemoteDisplay(CastDevicecastDevice, StringapplicationId, int configPreset,PendingIntent sessionEndedPendingIntent)

The low level API for starting a Cast Remote Display session. Calling this method will terminate any Cast Remote Display session previously started on this Android device.

castDevice TheCastDevice to start Cast Remote Display. Must not benull.
applicationId The ID of Cast Remote Display application (from the Cast developer portal). Must not benull.
configPreset The desired streaming preset, which is one of CastRemoteDisplay.Configuration
sessionEndedPendingIntent An optionalPendingIntent. If provided, it will be fired when the Cast Remote Display session started by this call is ended. Caller can register aBroadcastReceiver to receive it. In the receivedIntent, anintextra keyed by CastRemoteDisplay.EXTRA_INT_SESSION_ENDED_STATUS_CODEcontains the CastStatusCodes indicating the reason that caused the remote display session to end.
  • ATaskthat will be successful if the remote display session could be started normally, in this case it will contain the display that can be used with aPresentation.

public Task<Void>stopRemoteDisplay()

The low level API for stopping a Cast Remote Display session.

  • ATaskthat will be successful if the remote display session could be stopped normally. Must not be null.