
public classCastContextextendsObject

A singleton class containing global context for the Cast SDK. The shared instance can be accessed by calling getSharedInstance(Context).To properly initializeCastContext, the application must have a class that implementsOptionsProvider interface:


public class CastOptionsProvider implements OptionsProvider {
public CastOptions getCastOptions(Context appContext) {
and specify its fully qualified class name in theAndroidManifest.xmlwith the key OPTIONS_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME_KEY:
android:name= ""
android:value= "" />
All public methods must be called from the main thread.

Constant Summary

String OPTIONS_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME_KEY The metadata key to specify the fully qualified name of theOptionsProvider implementation in theAndroidManifest.xml.

Public Method Summary

addAppVisibilityListener(AppVisibilityListener listener)
This method is deprecated. Don't use the SDK to listen to app visibility changes. Use alternative ways for watching activity lifecycle changes such as by overridingActivity lifecycle change methods, or by using Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks.This deprecated method is now a no-op and will be removed in the next version.
addCastStateListener(CastStateListener listener)
Adds a CastStateListenerto monitor changes of the currentCastState.
addSessionTransferCallback(SessionTransferCallback callback)
Adds a SessionTransferCallbackto monitor the transfer between different endpoints.
getCastReasonCodeForCastStatusCode(int castStatusCode)
Returns the CastReasonCodesfor the givenCastStatusCodes.
Returns the currentCastState.
Returns the mergedMediaRouteSelector used for discovering devices and deciding whether to show the MediaRouteButton.
Returns theSessionManager, never returnsnull.
getSharedInstance(Context context)
Returns a shared instance ofCastContext.
Returns the shared instance ofCastContext.
static Task<CastContext>
getSharedInstance(Context context,Executor executor)
Returns an asynchronousTask APIcall on the shared instance ofCastContext, which will not block the caller thread.
This method is deprecated. Don't use the SDK to listen to app visibility changes. Use alternative ways for watching activity lifecycle changes such as by overridingActivity lifecycle change methods, or by using Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks.This deprecated method always return false now and will be removed in the next version.
onDispatchVolumeKeyEventBeforeJellyBean(KeyEvent event)
This method is deprecated. Google Play services discontinued updates for Jelly Bean (API levels 16, 17 & 18) since July 2021. This method always returns false and will be removed in the next release.
removeAppVisibilityListener(AppVisibilityListener listener)
This method is deprecated. Don't use the SDK to listen to app visibility changes. Use alternative ways for watching activity lifecycle changes such as by overridingActivity lifecycle change methods, or by using Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks.This deprecated method is now a no-op and will be removed in the next version.
removeSessionTransferCallback(SessionTransferCallback callback)
Removes a SessionTransferCallbackfrom monitoring endpoint transferring events.
setLaunchCredentialsData(CredentialsData credentialsData)
Sets the credentials data of the current user.
setReceiverApplicationId(String applicationId)
Sets the receiver application ID.

Inherited Method Summary


public static finalString OPTIONS_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME_KEY

The metadata key to specify the fully qualified name of theOptionsProvider implementation in theAndroidManifest.xml.

Constant Value: ""

Public Methods

public voidaddAppVisibilityListener(AppVisibilityListener listener)

This method is deprecated.
Don't use the SDK to listen to app visibility changes. Use alternative ways for watching activity lifecycle changes such as by overridingActivity lifecycle change methods, or by using Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks.This deprecated method is now a no-op and will be removed in the next version.

public voidaddCastStateListener(CastStateListener listener)

Adds aCastStateListener to monitor changes of the currentCastState.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.
NullPointerException If listener isnull.

public voidaddSessionTransferCallback(SessionTransferCallback callback)

Adds a SessionTransferCallbackto monitor the transfer between different endpoints.

callback a SessionTransferCallbackto monitor endpoint transferring

publicCastOptions getCastOptions()

Returns theCastOptions.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public intgetCastReasonCodeForCastStatusCode(int castStatusCode)

Returns theCastReasonCodes for the givenCastStatusCodes.

Some of theCastStatusCodes are used by Cast SDK internally. This method translates thoseCastStatusCodes toCastReasonCodes which is developer-friendly.

castStatusCode theCastStatusCodes for checking the detailed explanation

public intgetCastState()

Returns the currentCastState.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

publicMediaNotificationManager getMediaNotificationManager()

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public MediaRouteSelector getMergedSelector()

Returns the mergedMediaRouteSelector used for discovering devices and deciding whether to show the MediaRouteButton. This selector is merged with any additionalSessionProviders that might be registered with the CastContext.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

publicPrecacheManager getPrecacheManager()

Returns thePrecacheManager.

publicSessionManager getSessionManager()

Returns theSessionManager, never returnsnull.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public staticCastContext getSharedInstance(Context context)

Returns a shared instance ofCastContext. The shared instance will be initialized on the first time this method is called.

context An applicationContext. If this is not an applicationContext, Context.getApplicationContext()will be called on the given context, to retrieve it.
IllegalStateException If any of the following:
  • This method is not called on the main thread.
  • The fully qualified name of the OptionsProviderimplementation is not specified as a metadata in the AndroidManifest.xmlwith key OPTIONS_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME_KEY.
  • optionsProviderClassor its nullary constructor is not accessible.
  • Instantiation of OptionsProviderfails for some other reason.

public staticCastContext getSharedInstance()

Returns the shared instance ofCastContext. This method must be called afterCastContext is initialized through getSharedInstance(Context, Executor).Otherwise, this method will return null.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public static Task<CastContext> getSharedInstance(Contextcontext, Executor executor)

Returns an asynchronousTask APIcall on the shared instance ofCastContext, which will not block the caller thread. The shared instance will be initialized on the first time this method is called.

Note that getSharedInstance(Context, Executor)should be called in the Activity.onCreate(Bundle)method of the activities that might display a Cast button. The Cast SDK providesCastButtonFactory to set up a Cast button.

Note that other activity methods, e.g.Activity.onResume(), need to check the availability of theCastContext object before using it, because theCastContext is initialized on theExecutor.

Note that ModuleUnavailableExceptioncould be thrown when the SDK fails to load the internal Cast module. The caller will get the exception fromTask.getException() when the task completes.

context An applicationContext. If this is not an applicationContext, Context.getApplicationContext()will be called on the given context, to retrieve it.
executor AnExecutor to load the internal Cast module.
IllegalStateException If any of the following:
  • This method is not called on the main thread.
  • The fully qualified name of the OptionsProviderimplementation is not specified as a metadata in the AndroidManifest.xmlwith key OPTIONS_PROVIDER_CLASS_NAME_KEY.
  • optionsProviderClassor its nullary constructor is not accessible.
  • Instantiation of OptionsProviderfails for some other reason.

public booleanisAppVisible()

This method is deprecated.
Don't use the SDK to listen to app visibility changes. Use alternative ways for watching activity lifecycle changes such as by overridingActivity lifecycle change methods, or by using Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks.This deprecated method always return false now and will be removed in the next version.

public booleanonDispatchVolumeKeyEventBeforeJellyBean(KeyEvent event)

This method is deprecated.
Google Play services discontinued updates for Jelly Bean (API levels 16, 17 & 18) since July 2021. This method always returns false and will be removed in the next release.

If your application supports SDK versions before JELLY BEAN, you should call this method to delegate the handling of physical volume key events to the SDK so that users can use the physical volume keys to control device volume of the Cast receiver. Clients should override Activity.dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent)and call this method:

public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
return CastContext.getSharedInstance().onDispatchVolumeKeyEventBeforeJellyBean(event)
|| super.dispatchKeyEvent(event);
The amount of volume delta to increase or decrease is set through CastOptions.Builder.setVolumeDeltaBeforeIceCreamSandwich(double).This method is a no-op on platform JELLY BEAN and above.
event the dispatched event

public voidremoveAppVisibilityListener(AppVisibilityListener listener)

This method is deprecated.
Don't use the SDK to listen to app visibility changes. Use alternative ways for watching activity lifecycle changes such as by overridingActivity lifecycle change methods, or by using Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks.This deprecated method is now a no-op and will be removed in the next version.

public voidremoveCastStateListener(CastStateListener listener)

Removes aCastStateListener.

IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.

public voidremoveSessionTransferCallback(SessionTransferCallback callback)

Removes a SessionTransferCallbackfrom monitoring endpoint transferring events.

callback the SessionTransferCallbackto be unregistered

public voidsetLaunchCredentialsData(CredentialsData credentialsData)

Sets the credentials data of the current user. You should call this API with the current user information right after getSharedInstance()and whenever user account is changed.

Currently it serves two purposes:

  • The credentials data will be embedded in the launch request. If it is to launch an Android TV app, the app can use the credentials data to determine if the app supports this specific user. If not, the cast app will be launched instead.
  • If an Android TV app is launched, the credential data will be passed to the app, within the launch intent. The app can use this data to personalize the user experience.

public voidsetReceiverApplicationId(String applicationId)

Sets the receiver application ID. This overrides the receiver application ID specified inCastOptions.

Calling this method will result in the receiver application ID used for discovery and application launch being changed. The Cast button status will also changed accordingly. If the new application ID is different than the current one, the current session will be ended if there is any.

Specifying null or an empty string indicates that the app does not want to discover receiver devices or launch a receiver application.

For discovering for multiple application IDs at the same time, or for discovering for other application ID without affect the current session, useMediaRouter APIs instead.

applicationId The receiver application ID that will be used to discover the receiver device and launch the receiver application.
IllegalStateException If this method is not called on the main thread.