
public classCastReasonCodesextendsObject

A class containing developer-friendly error codes mapped fromCastStatusCodes.

SomeCastStatusCodes are used by the Cast SDK internally. TheCastReasonCodes provides detailed explanation for thoseCastStatusCodes.

Nested Class Summary

@interface CastReasonCodes.CastReasonType Annotation used for theCastReasonCodes.

Constant Summary

int APPLICATION_LAUNCH_ERROR Reason code indicating an application launch error.
int CASTING_ROUTE_CHANGED Reason code indicating that the Cast session is ended when the media route is changed.
int CASTING_STOPPED Reason code indicating that the Cast session is explicitly stopped by users.
int CAST_CANCELLED Reason code indicating that a Cast session is cancelled.
int CAST_INTERNAL_ERROR Reason code indicating internal Cast SDK errors that should be rare to happen.
int CAST_SOCKET_ERROR Reason code indicating a Cast socket error.
int CAST_TIMEOUT Reason code indicating a Cast SDK operation has timed out.
int NETWORK_ERROR Reason code indicating network errors.
int RECEIVER_APP_NOT_RUNNING Reason code indicating that the Cast session has been taken over by another Cast session.
int SESSION_RESUME_FAILED Reason code indicating that the previously saved Cast session is unable to resume.
int SESSION_START_FAILED Reason code indicating that the starting session is unable to start.
int UNKNOWN_REASON Reason code indicating unknown reason.

Inherited Method Summary


public static final int APPLICATION_LAUNCH_ERROR

Reason code indicating an application launch error.

Constant Value:10

public static final int CASTING_ROUTE_CHANGED

Reason code indicating that the Cast session is ended when the media route is changed.

Constant Value:9

public static final int CASTING_STOPPED

Reason code indicating that the Cast session is explicitly stopped by users.

Constant Value:2

public static final int CAST_CANCELLED

Reason code indicating that a Cast session is cancelled.

Constant Value:11

public static final int CAST_INTERNAL_ERROR

Reason code indicating internal Cast SDK errors that should be rare to happen.

Constant Value:1

public static final int CAST_SOCKET_ERROR

Reason code indicating a Cast socket error. Cast socket errors may be caused by events such as a loss of network connectivity or the receiver being powered off, among others.

Constant Value:6

public static final int CAST_TIMEOUT

Reason code indicating a Cast SDK operation has timed out. For example, the message exchanging between the sender and the receiver has timed out in the media control channel.

Constant Value:7

public static final int NETWORK_ERROR

Reason code indicating network errors. For example, the device lost its WiFi connection or switched networks.

Constant Value:8

public static final int RECEIVER_APP_NOT_RUNNING

Reason code indicating that the Cast session has been taken over by another Cast session. For example, casting a new app to the same Cast device will take over the existing Cast session of the other app.

Constant Value:3

public static final int SESSION_RESUME_FAILED

Reason code indicating that the previously saved Cast session is unable to resume. This is usually not a critical issue. It means that the saved Cast session can not be resumed in the current environmental condition.

Constant Value:5

public static final int SESSION_START_FAILED

Reason code indicating that the starting session is unable to start. This should be rare to happen. It means that the environmental condition is not satisfied for starting a session.

Constant Value:4

public static final int UNKNOWN_REASON

Reason code indicating unknown reason.

Constant Value:0