
public classUIMediaControllerextendsObject
implements RemoteMediaClient.ListenerSessionManagerListener<CastSession>

A UIMediaControllerlets you bind the state of Android UI components to the state of a remoteCastSession. This class simplifies writing a sender UI with playback controls. To use this class, create an instance of this class, then call various bind methods to associate state of your Android UI components to a remote playback control, or the change of the remote playback state or metadata.

When aViewis bound to the UIMediaController,on the one hand, UIMediaControllerwill update its UI state according to theCastSession state, the remote playback state or metadata. On the other hand, if theViewis bound to a remote playback command (such as "SkipNext" button), UIMediaControllerwill also register relevant listeners to theViewso that when the user interacts with the control, the controller will perform the corresponding action.

Take bindViewToSkipNext(View, int)as an example. When aViewis bound to the UIMediaController, UIMediaControllerwill update the state of theViewbased on the status of theCastSession, such that it will only be enabled when theCastSession is connected and there is a next item in the queue. AView.OnClickListener will also be set on theViewsuch that when the Viewis clicked, the event will be forwarded to onSkipNextClicked(View),whose default behavior is to call RemoteMediaClient.queueNext(JSONObject)on theRemoteMediaClient:

protected void onSkipNextClicked(View view) {
RemoteMediaClient remoteMediaClient = getRemoteMediaClient();
if ((remoteMediaClient!= null) && remoteMediaClient.hasMediaSession()) {
remoteMediaClient.queueNext(null /* customData */);
If the app needs to perform custom behavior in addition to, or instead of, the default behavior for a given action, it can subclass UIMediaController and override the corresponding event-handling method. For example:
public class CustomUIMediaController extends UIMediaController {
// Omitting other methods.

protected void onSkipNextClicked(View view) {
super.onSkipNextClicked(view); // Optional

Public Constructor Summary

UIMediaController(Activity activity)
Constructs an instance of UIMediaControllerthat will be used to bind UI elements of an activity.

Public Method Summary

bindImageViewToImageOfCurrentItem(ImageView view, int imageType, int placeHolderDrawableResId)
bindImageViewToImageOfCurrentItem(ImageView view, int imageType,View placeHolderView)
bindImageViewToImageOfCurrentItem(ImageView view,ImageHints imageHints, int placeHolderDrawableResId)
Binds anImageView to the first image of the current item.
bindImageViewToImageOfCurrentItem(ImageView view,ImageHints imageHints,View placeHolderView)
Binds anImageView to an image of the current item.
bindImageViewToImageOfPreloadedItem(ImageView view, int imageType, int placeHolderDrawableResId)
bindImageViewToImageOfPreloadedItem(ImageView view,ImageHints imageHints, int placeHolderDrawableResId)
Binds anImageView to the first image of the preloaded item.
bindImageViewToMuteToggle(ImageView view)
Binds anImageView to mute and unmute the Cast receiver device volume.
bindImageViewToPlayPauseToggle(ImageView view,Drawable playDrawable,Drawable pauseDrawable,Drawable stopDrawable,View loadingIndicator, boolean hideViewWhenLoading)
Binds anImageView to toggle play / pause of the current item.
bindProgressBar(ProgressBar view)
Binds aProgressBar to the playback progress of the current item.
bindProgressBar(ProgressBar view, long progressUpdateStepMs)
Binds aProgressBar to the playback progress of the current item.
bindSeekBar(CastSeekBar view)
Binds a CastSeekBarto control the playback position of the current item.
bindSeekBar(SeekBarview, long progressUpdateStepMs)
Binds aSeekBar to control the playback position of the current item.
bindSeekBar(CastSeekBar view, long progressUpdateStepMs)
Binds a CastSeekBarto control the playback position of the current item.
Binds aSeekBar to control the playback position of the current item.
bindTextViewToMetadataOfCurrentItem(TextView view,Stringkey)
Binds aTextView to the metadata of the current item, keyed bykey.
bindTextViewToMetadataOfCurrentItem(TextView view,List<String> keysInPreference)
Binds aTextView to the metadata of the current item, keyed by a list of keys in the order of preferences.
bindTextViewToMetadataOfPreloadedItem(TextView view,List<String> keysInPreference)
Binds anTextView to the metadata of the preloaded item, keyed by a list of keys in the order of preferences.
bindTextViewToMetadataOfPreloadedItem(TextView view,Stringkey)
Binds anTextView to the metadata of the preloaded item, keyed bykey.
bindTextViewToSmartSubtitle(TextView textView)
Binds aTextView to the most appropriate item inMediaMetadata for subtitle.
bindTextViewToStreamDuration(TextView view,View liveStreamIndicator)
Binds aTextView to the playback duration of the current item.
bindTextViewToStreamDuration(TextView view)
Binds aTextView to the playback duration of the current item.
bindTextViewToStreamPosition(TextView view, boolean updateWhileScrubbing)
Binds aTextView to the playback position of the current item.
bindTextViewToStreamPosition(TextView view, boolean updateWhileScrubbing, long progressUpdateStepMs)
Binds aTextView to the playback position of the current item.
Binds aViewto launching the TracksChooserDialogFragmentwhen clicked.
bindViewToForward(Viewview, long skipStepMs)
Binds aViewto skip forward playback of the current itemskipStepMsmilliseconds.
Binds aViewto launching the expanded controllerActivity specified by the name in CastMediaOptions.getExpandedControllerActivityClassName().
Binds aView's visibility state toView.VISIBLE only when the remote receiver is either buffering, or loading the next item.
bindViewToRewind(Viewview, long skipStepMs)
Binds aViewto rewind playback of the current itemskipStepMsmilliseconds.
bindViewToSkipNext(Viewview, int invisibleState)
Binds aViewto skip to the next item in the queue.
bindViewToSkipPrev(Viewview, int invisibleState)
Binds aViewto skip to the previous item in the queue.
bindViewVisibilityToMediaSession(Viewview, int invisibleState)
Binds aView's visibility state to the availability of a Cast media session.
bindViewVisibilityToPreloadingEvent(Viewview, int invisibleState)
Binds aView's visibility state to the availability of a preloaded item.
Disposes this instance.
Returns the managed RemoteMediaClientof the current activeCastSession.
Returns true if there is an active connected Cast Session.
Called when updated ad break status information is received.
Called when updated media metadata is received.
Called when updated player queue preload status information is received, for example, the next item to play has been preloaded.
Called when updated player queue status information is received.
Called when there is an outgoing request to the receiver.
onSessionEnded(CastSession session, int error)
onSessionResumeFailed(CastSession session, int error)
onSessionResumed(CastSession session, boolean wasSuspended)
onSessionStartFailed(CastSession session, int error)
onSessionSuspended(CastSession session, int reason)
Called when updated player status information is received.
setPostRemoteMediaClientListener(RemoteMediaClient.Listener listener)
Sets a RemoteMediaClient.Listenerthat will be called after all the other registered listeners in the UIMediaControllerinstance are invoked.

Protected Method Summary

The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anView bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindViewToClosedCaption(View).
onForwardClicked(Viewview, long skipStepMs)
The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anView bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindViewToForward(View, long).
The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anView bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindViewToLaunchExpandedController(View).
onMuteToggleClicked(ImageView view)
The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anImageView bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindImageViewToMuteToggle(ImageView).
onRewindClicked(Viewview, long skipStepMs)
The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anView bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindViewToRewind(View, long).
onSeekBarProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser)
The callback that is invoked on progress change of aSeekBar bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindSeekBar(SeekBar).
onSeekBarStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar)
The callback that is invoked when the user starts a touch gesture on a SeekBar bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindSeekBar(SeekBar).
onSeekBarStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar)
The callback that is invoked when the user finished a touch gesture on a SeekBar bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindSeekBar(SeekBar).
The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anView bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindViewToSkipNext(View, int).
The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anView bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindViewToSkipPrev(View, int).

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors

publicUIMediaController(Activity activity)

Constructs an instance of UIMediaControllerthat will be used to bind UI elements of an activity.

Public Methods

public voidbindImageViewToImageOfCurrentItem(ImageViewview, int imageType, int placeHolderDrawableResId)

This method is deprecated.
Use bindImageViewToImageOfCurrentItem(ImageView, ImageHints, int)instead

Binds anImageView to the first image of the current item. If the current item doesn't contain any image or the framework fails to fetch the Bitmap for the image,imagePlaceHolder will be used instead.

view theViewto bind
imageType the type of image, used by theImagePicker to choose the proper image
placeHolderDrawableResId the resource ID of aDrawable used as a placeholder if no image is available from the current item
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindImageViewToImageOfCurrentItem(ImageViewview, int imageType,View placeHolderView)

This method is deprecated.
Use bindImageViewToImageOfCurrentItem(ImageView, ImageHints, View)instead

Binds anImageView to an image of the current item. When an item is loaded, and there is aWebImage that is suitable to be displayed, theBitmapof that image will be fetched and set on theImageView. If the item contains multiple images, this class will choose one using the ImagePicker configured inCastMediaOptions, with the givenimageType.

view theImageView
imageType type of image, used by theImagePicker to choose the proper image
placeHolderView theViewto show as a placeholder if no image is available from the current item
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindImageViewToImageOfCurrentItem(ImageViewview, ImageHints imageHints, int placeHolderDrawableResId)

Binds anImageView to the first image of the current item. If the current item doesn't contain any image or the framework fails to fetch the Bitmap for the image,imagePlaceHolder will be used instead.

view theViewto bind
imageHints ImageHints used by theImagePicker to choose the proper image
placeHolderDrawableResId the resource ID of aDrawable used as a placeholder if no image is available from the current item
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindImageViewToImageOfCurrentItem(ImageViewview, ImageHints imageHints,View placeHolderView)

Binds anImageView to an image of the current item. When an item is loaded, and there is aWebImage that is suitable to be displayed, theBitmapof that image will be fetched and set on theImageView. If the item contains multiple images, this class will choose one using the ImagePicker configured inCastMediaOptions, with the givenimageType.

view theImageView
imageHints ImageHints used by theImagePicker to choose the proper image
placeHolderView theViewto show as a placeholder if no image is available from the current item
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindImageViewToImageOfPreloadedItem(ImageViewview, int imageType, int placeHolderDrawableResId)

This method is deprecated.
Use bindImageViewToImageOfPreloadedItem(ImageView, ImageHints, int)instead

Binds anImageView to the first image of the preloaded item. If the current item doesn't contain any image or the framework fails to fetch the Bitmap for the image,imagePlaceHolder will be used instead.

view theViewto bind
imageType type of image, used by theImagePicker to choose the proper image
placeHolderDrawableResId the resource ID of aDrawable used as a placeholder if no image is available from the preloaded item
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindImageViewToImageOfPreloadedItem(ImageViewview, ImageHints imageHints, int placeHolderDrawableResId)

Binds anImageView to the first image of the preloaded item. If the current item doesn't contain any image or the framework fails to fetch the Bitmap for the image,imagePlaceHolder will be used instead.

view theViewto bind
imageHints ImageHints used by theImagePicker to choose the proper image
placeHolderDrawableResId the resource ID of aDrawable used as a placeholder if no image is available from the preloaded item
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindImageViewToMuteToggle(ImageView view)

Binds anImageView to mute and unmute the Cast receiver device volume.

TheImageView will be updated based on theCastSession connection state and muted state. AView.OnClickListener will also be set to theImageView so that when it is clicked, the listener will call onMuteToggleClicked(ImageView)to handle the click event. Do not call View.setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener)on theImageView. To override the behavior, create a subclass of UIMediaControllerand override the onMuteToggleClicked(ImageView)method.

view theImageView to bind
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindImageViewToPlayPauseToggle(ImageViewview, Drawable playDrawable,Drawable pauseDrawable,Drawable stopDrawable,View loadingIndicator, boolean hideViewWhenLoading)

Binds anImageView to toggle play / pause of the current item.

TheImageView will be updated based on theCastSession state and remote playback state. AView.OnClickListener will also be set to theImageView so that when it is clicked, the listener will call onPlayPauseToggleClicked(ImageView)to handle the click event. Do not call View.setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener)on theImageView. To override the behavior, create a subclass of UIMediaControllerand override the onPlayPauseToggleClicked(ImageView)method.

view theImageView to bind
playDrawable theDrawable to use when the state of the control is "play"
pauseDrawable theDrawable to use when the state of the control is "pause"
stopDrawable theDrawable to use when the state of the control is "stop live stream"; if set to null,the framework will display thepauseDrawablewhen a "stop live stream" icon is needed
loadingIndicator aViewthat should be displayed to indicate that a remote request is ongoing
hideViewWhenLoading trueif visibility ofimageViewshould be set to View.INVISIBLE when loading an item,falseif it should be set toView.VISIBLE when loading an item
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindProgressBar(ProgressBar view)

Binds aProgressBar to the playback progress of the current item. Progress will be updated once per second. If no item is loaded the progress of theProgressBar will be set to zero.

view theProgressBar to bind
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindProgressBar(ProgressBarview, long progressUpdateStepMs)

Binds aProgressBar to the playback progress of the current item. Progress will be updated once per progressUpdateStepMsmilliseconds. If no item is loaded the progress of theProgressBar will be set to zero.

view theProgressBar to bind
progressUpdateStepMs the interval between each update of the progress, in milliseconds
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindSeekBar(CastSeekBar view)

Binds a CastSeekBarto control the playback position of the current item.

The CastSeekBarwill be updated based on theCastSession state and remote playback progress. Progress will be updated once per second. If no item is loaded, the progress of the CastSeekBarwill be set to zero and the CastSeekBarwill be disabled.

The CastSeekBarwill be able to handle live content. When playing live streams, the seek bar will draw the seekable range properly, and seek is only allowed within the seekable range.

view the CastSeekBarto bind
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindSeekBar(SeekBarview, long progressUpdateStepMs)

Binds aSeekBarto control the playback position of the current item.

TheSeekBarwill be updated based on theCastSession state and remote playback progress. Progress will be updated once per progressUpdateStepMsmilliseconds. If no item is loaded, the progress of theSeekBarwill be set to zero and theSeekBarwill be disabled. A SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListenerwill also be set to theSeekBarso that when the user interacts with theSeekBar,it will forward the listener events to this UIMediaControllerto handle the event. SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener.onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar)will be forwarded to onSeekBarStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar). SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener.onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar)will be forwarded to onSeekBarStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar). SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener.onProgressChanged(SeekBar, int, boolean) will be forwarded to onSeekBarProgressChanged(SeekBar, int, boolean).Do not call SeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener)on the SeekBar.To override the behavior, create a subclass of UIMediaControllerand override the onSeekBarProgressChanged(SeekBar, int, boolean), onSeekBarStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar)and onSeekBarStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar)methods.

TheSeekBar's behavior will be undefined for live content. It should not be used in this case.

If the client wants to set the thumb on theSeekBarvia AbsSeekBar.setThumb(Drawable),it need to call the method before binding the SeekBar. After binding, the method should not be called.

view theSeekBar to bind
progressUpdateStepMs the interval between each update of the progress, in milliseconds
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindSeekBar(CastSeekBar view, long progressUpdateStepMs)

Binds a CastSeekBarto control the playback position of the current item.

The CastSeekBarwill be updated based on theCastSession state and remote playback progress. Progress will be updated once per second. If no item is loaded, the progress of the CastSeekBarwill be set to zero and the CastSeekBarwill be disabled.

The CastSeekBarwill be able to handle live content. The ad breaks and seekable range will be drawn properly, and seek is only allowed in the seekable range.

view the CastSeekBarto bind
progressUpdateStepMs the interval between each update of the progress, in milliseconds
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindSeekBar(SeekBar view)

Binds aSeekBarto control the playback position of the current item.

TheSeekBarwill be updated based on theCastSession state and remote playback progress. Progress will be updated once per second. If no item is loaded, the progress of theSeekBarwill be set to zero and theSeekBarwill be disabled. A SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListenerwill also be set to theSeekBarso that when the user interacts with theSeekBar,it will forward the listener events to this UIMediaControllerto handle the event. SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener.onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar)will be forwarded to onSeekBarStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar). SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener.onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar)will be forwarded to onSeekBarStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar). SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener.onProgressChanged(SeekBar, int, boolean) will be forwarded to onSeekBarProgressChanged(SeekBar, int, boolean).Do not call SeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener)on the SeekBar.To override the behavior, create a subclass of UIMediaControllerand override the onSeekBarProgressChanged(SeekBar, int, boolean), onSeekBarStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar)and onSeekBarStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar)methods.

TheSeekBar's behavior will be undefined for live content. It should not be used in this case.

If the client wants to set the thumb on theSeekBarvia AbsSeekBar.setThumb(Drawable),it need to call the method before binding the SeekBar. After binding, the method should not be called.

view theSeekBar to bind
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindTextViewToMetadataOfCurrentItem(TextViewview, String key)

Binds aTextViewto the metadata of the current item, keyed bykey.If metadata for keyis unavailable, the TextView will be left untouched.

view theViewto bind
key the key of the metadata field to bind
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindTextViewToMetadataOfCurrentItem(TextViewview, List<String> keysInPreference)

Binds aTextViewto the metadata of the current item, keyed by a list of keys in the order of preferences.

view theViewto bind
keysInPreference the list of keys in the order of preference
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindTextViewToMetadataOfPreloadedItem(TextViewview, List<String> keysInPreference)

Binds anTextViewto the metadata of the preloaded item, keyed by a list of keys in the order of preferences.

view theViewto bind
keysInPreference the list of keys in the order of preference
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindTextViewToMetadataOfPreloadedItem(TextViewview, String key)

Binds anTextViewto the metadata of the preloaded item, keyed bykey.If metadata for keyis unavailable, the TextView will be left untouched.

view theViewto bind
key the key of the metadata field to bind
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindTextViewToSmartSubtitle(TextView textView)

Binds aTextViewto the most appropriate item inMediaMetadata for subtitle. For example the studio name for a movie or the artist name for a music track.

public voidbindTextViewToStreamDuration(TextView view,View liveStreamIndicator)

Binds aTextViewto the playback duration of the current item. If no item is loaded, or if the currently playing item is a live stream, then the text will be set to "--:--".

When playing a live stream item, ifliveStreamIndicatoris not null,thenviewwill be hidden and liveStreamIndicatorwill be shown to better indicate that a live stream is playing.

view theTextView to bind
liveStreamIndicator ifViewto indicate that a live stream items is playing
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindTextViewToStreamDuration(TextView view)

Binds aTextViewto the playback duration of the current item. If no item is loaded, or if the currently playing item is a live stream, then the text will be set to "--:--".

view theTextView to bind
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindTextViewToStreamPosition(TextView view, boolean updateWhileScrubbing)

Binds aTextViewto the playback position of the current item. Position will be updated once per second. If no item is loaded the text will be set to "--:--".

view theTextView to bind
updateWhileScrubbing if this is set totrue,theViewwill be put in the update-when-scrubbing set and will be updated to the position of a bound SeekBar or CastSeekBarwhile it is being scrubbed
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindTextViewToStreamPosition(TextView view, boolean updateWhileScrubbing, long progressUpdateStepMs)

Binds aTextViewto the playback position of the current item. Position will be updated once per progressUpdateStepMsmilliseconds. If no item is loaded the text will be set to "--:--".

view theTextView to bind
updateWhileScrubbing if this is set totrue,theViewwill be put in the update-when-scrubbing set and will be updated to the position of a bound SeekBar or CastSeekBarwhile it is being scrubbed
progressUpdateStepMs the interval between each update of the progress, in milliseconds
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindViewToClosedCaption(Viewview)

Binds aViewto launching the TracksChooserDialogFragmentwhen clicked.

The view will be updated based on theCastSession state and the availability of audio and text tracks. AView.OnClickListener will also be set to the view so that when the view is clicked, it will call onClosedCaptionClicked(View)to handle the click event. Do not call View.setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener)on the view. To override the behavior, create a subclass of UIMediaControllerand override the onClosedCaptionClicked(View)method.

IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindViewToForward(Viewview, long skipStepMs)

Binds aViewto skip forward playback of the current itemskipStepMsmilliseconds.

TheViewwill be updated based on theCastSession state, the remote playback progress and whether it is livestream. AView.OnClickListener will also be set to theViewso that when it is clicked, the listener will call onForwardClicked(View, long)to handle the click event. Do not call View.setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener)on theView.To override the behavior, create a subclass of UIMediaControllerand override the onForwardClicked(View, long)method.

view theViewto bind
skipStepMs the time (in milliseconds) to skip forward
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindViewToLaunchExpandedController(View view)

Binds aViewto launching the expanded controllerActivity specified by the name in CastMediaOptions.getExpandedControllerActivityClassName().If the specified class name isnull,then clicking the button is a no-op.

TheViewwill be updated based on theCastSession state. AView.OnClickListener will also be set to theViewso that when it is clicked, the listener will call onLaunchExpandedControllerClicked(View)to handle the click event. Do not call View.setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener)on theView.To override the behavior, create a subclass of UIMediaControllerand override the onLaunchExpandedControllerClicked(View)method.

IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindViewToLoadingIndicator(Viewview)

Binds aView's visibility state toView.VISIBLE only when the remote receiver is either buffering, or loading the next item. Otherwise visibility of theViewwill be set toView.GONE.

view theViewto bind
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindViewToRewind(Viewview, long skipStepMs)

Binds aViewto rewind playback of the current itemskipStepMsmilliseconds.

TheViewwill be updated based on theCastSession state, the remote playback state and whether it is livestream. AView.OnClickListener will also be set to theViewso that when it is clicked, the listener will call onRewindClicked(View, long)to handle the click event. Do not call View.setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener)on theView.To override the behavior, create a subclass of UIMediaControllerand override the onRewindClicked(View, long)method.

view theViewto bind
skipStepMs the time (in milliseconds) to rewind
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindViewToSkipNext(Viewview, int invisibleState)

Binds aViewto skip to the next item in the queue.

TheViewwill be updated based on theCastSession state, the remote playback state and the availability of the next queue item. A View.OnClickListener will also be set to theViewso that when it is clicked, the listener will call onSkipNextClicked(View)to handle the click event. Do not call View.setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener)on theView.To override the behavior, create a subclass of UIMediaControllerand override the onSkipNextClicked(View)method.

view theViewto bind
invisibleState eitherView.INVISIBLE orView.GONE; this parameter will be set as the visibility ofViewwhen there isn't a previous item in the queue
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindViewToSkipPrev(Viewview, int invisibleState)

Binds aViewto skip to the previous item in the queue.

TheViewwill be updated based on theCastSession state, the remote playabck state and the availability of the previous queue item. A View.OnClickListener will also be set to theViewso that when it is clicked, the listener will call onSkipPrevClicked(View)to handle the click event. Do not call View.setOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener)on theView.To override the behavior, create a subclass of UIMediaControllerand override the onSkipPrevClicked(View)method.

view theViewto bind
invisibleState eitherView.INVISIBLE orView.GONE; this parameter will be set as the visibility ofViewwhen there isn't a previous item in the queue
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindViewToUIController(Viewview, UIControlleruiController)

Binds aViewto a UIController.This method is typically used when the uiControlleris used to implement a custom control button.

view theViewto bind
uiController the UIControllerof theview
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindViewVisibilityToMediaSession(Viewview, int invisibleState)

Binds aView's visibility state to the availability of a Cast media session.Viewwill be set to View.VISIBLE when there is a media session, and will be set toinvisibleStatewhen there isn't a media session.

view theViewto bind
invisibleState eitherView.INVISIBLE orView.GONE, which will be set as the visibility ofviewwhen there isn't a media session
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidbindViewVisibilityToPreloadingEvent(Viewview, int invisibleState)

Binds aView's visibility state to the availability of a preloaded item.Viewwill be set to View.VISIBLE when there is a preloaded item, and will be set toinvisibleStatewhen there isn't a preloaded item.

view theViewto bind
invisibleState eitherView.INVISIBLE orView.GONE, which will be set as the visibility ofviewwhen there isn't a preloaded item
IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voiddispose()

Disposes this instance. The UIMediaControllercan not be reused after this method is called.

IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

publicRemoteMediaClient getRemoteMediaClient()

Returns the managed RemoteMediaClientof the current activeCastSession.

IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public booleanisActive()

Returns true if there is an active connected Cast Session.

IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

public voidonAdBreakStatusUpdated()

Called when updated ad break status information is received.

public voidonMetadataUpdated()

Called when updated media metadata is received.

public voidonPreloadStatusUpdated()

Called when updated player queue preload status information is received, for example, the next item to play has been preloaded. This gives the caller a chance to respond to preloading related event, such as displaying what will be played next in the UI.

public voidonQueueStatusUpdated()

Called when updated player queue status information is received.

public voidonSendingRemoteMediaRequest()

Called when there is an outgoing request to the receiver. This gives the caller a chance to update state of the UI of the sender app, for example, disable some controls.

public voidonSessionEnded(CastSession session, int error)

public voidonSessionEnding(CastSession session)

public voidonSessionResumeFailed(CastSession session, int error)

public voidonSessionResumed(CastSession session, boolean wasSuspended)

public voidonSessionResuming(CastSession session,String sessionId)

public voidonSessionStartFailed(CastSession session, int error)

public voidonSessionStarted(CastSession session,String sessionId)

public voidonSessionStarting(CastSession session)

public voidonSessionSuspended(CastSession session, int reason)

public voidonStatusUpdated()

Called when updated player status information is received.

public voidsetPostRemoteMediaClientListener(RemoteMediaClient.Listener listener)

Sets a RemoteMediaClient.Listenerthat will be called after all the other registered listeners in the UIMediaControllerinstance are invoked. Also, the states of all the bound Viewinstances are guaranteed to be updated before this listener is invoked.

This listener is useful if you want to modify the state of the boundView instances.

IllegalStateException if this method is not called on the main thread

Protected Methods

protected voidonClosedCaptionClicked(Viewview)

The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anViewbound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindViewToClosedCaption(View).

The default behavior is to launch the TracksChooserDialogFragmentif theActivityused to construct this UIMediaControlleris aFragmentActivity and the remote media is loaded.

view theViewthat the user clicked

protected voidonForwardClicked(Viewview, long skipStepMs)

The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anViewbound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindViewToForward(View, long).

The default behavior is to call the RemoteMediaClient.seek(MediaSeekOptions)method of getRemoteMediaClient()if the remote media is loaded, with the position of getRemoteMediaClient().getApproximateStreamPosition() + skipStepMs.

view theViewthat the user clicked
skipStepMs the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the playback position will move forward by when theViewis clicked

protected voidonLaunchExpandedControllerClicked(View view)

The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anViewbound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindViewToLaunchExpandedController(View).

The default behavior is to launch the expanded controllerActivity specified by the name in CastMediaOptions.getExpandedControllerActivityClassName()ofCastMediaOptions.

view theViewthat the user clicked

protected voidonMuteToggleClicked(ImageView view)

The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anImageView bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindImageViewToMuteToggle(ImageView).

The default behavior is to toggle the muted state of theCastSession if there is one and it is connected.

view theImageView that the user clicked

protected voidonPlayPauseToggleClicked(ImageView view)

The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anImageView bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindImageViewToPlayPauseToggle(ImageView, Drawable, Drawable, Drawable, View, boolean).

The default behavior is to call the RemoteMediaClient.togglePlayback()method of getRemoteMediaClient()if the remote media is loaded.

view theImageView that the user clicked

protected voidonRewindClicked(Viewview, long skipStepMs)

The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anViewbound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindViewToRewind(View, long).

The default behavior is to call the RemoteMediaClient.seek(MediaSeekOptions)method of getRemoteMediaClient()if the remote media is loaded, with the position of getRemoteMediaClient().getApproximateStreamPosition() - skipStepMs.

view theViewthat the user clicked
skipStepMs the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the playback position will move backward by when theViewis clicked

protected voidonSeekBarProgressChanged(SeekBarseekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser)

The callback that is invoked on progress change of aSeekBar bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindSeekBar(SeekBar).

The default behavior is: if the progress change comes from a user action, use progressto update the progress of all views in the update-when-scrubbing set.

seekBar theSeekBar that the user is scrubbing
progress the current progress level
fromUser trueif the progress change was initiated by the user

protected voidonSeekBarStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar)

The callback that is invoked when the user starts a touch gesture on a SeekBar bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindSeekBar(SeekBar).

The default behavior is to detach theseekBarand all the views in the update-when-scrubbing set from theCastSession to stop receiving furthur playback progress updates.

seekBar theSeekBar that the user is scrubbing

protected voidonSeekBarStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar)

The callback that is invoked when the user finished a touch gesture on a SeekBar bound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindSeekBar(SeekBar).

The default behavior is to reattach theseekBarand all the views in the update-when-scrubbing set to theCastSession to receive furthur playback progress updates. Then the method will call RemoteMediaClient.seek(MediaSeekOptions)method of getRemoteMediaClient()if the remote media is loaded.

seekBar theSeekBar that the user is scrubbing

protected voidonSkipNextClicked(Viewview)

The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anViewbound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindViewToSkipNext(View, int).

The default behavior is to call the RemoteMediaClient.queueNext(JSONObject)method of getRemoteMediaClient()if the remote media is loaded, with customDataofnull.

view theViewthat the user clicked

protected voidonSkipPrevClicked(Viewview)

The callback that is invoked when the user clicks on anViewbound to this UIMediaControllerthrough bindViewToSkipPrev(View, int).

The default behavior is to call the RemoteMediaClient.queuePrev(JSONObject)method of getRemoteMediaClient()if the remote media is loaded, with customDataofnull.

view theViewthat the user clicked