
public abstract classCloudMessagingReceiverextendsBroadcastReceiver

BroadcastReceiver that receives Cloud Messaging events as broadcasts and delivers them to callback methods in the application-specific subclass declared in the manifest:

android:name= "com.example.YourCloudMessagingReceiver"
android:exported= "true"
android:permission= "" >
<action android:name= "" />
<category android:name= "YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME" />
</receiver> is held by Google Play services. This prevents other apps from invoking the broadcast receiver.

Nested Class Summary

class CloudMessagingReceiver.IntentActionKeys Actions for the wrapped Intent of notification action broadcasts to indicate the notification action type.
class CloudMessagingReceiver.IntentKeys Keys used to pass data within the broadcast Intent's extras.

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

final void
onReceive(Context context,Intent intent)
This method is called when the BroadcastReceiver is receiving an Intent broadcast.

Protected Method Summary

Returns the Executor to use to handle broadcasts on.
abstract int
onMessageReceive(Context context,CloudMessage message)
Called when a message is received.
onNotificationDismissed(Context context,Bundledata)
Called when a notification created from a cloud message has been dismissed.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors


Public Methods

public final voidonReceive(Contextcontext, Intent intent)

This method is called when the BroadcastReceiver is receiving an Intent broadcast. Subclasses should instead override the callback onMessageReceive(Context, CloudMessage)(and optionally onNotificationDismissed(Context, Bundle)) to handle events received by this.

Protected Methods

protectedExecutor getBroadcastExecutor()

Returns the Executor to use to handle broadcasts on. Defaults to a static thread pool.

protected abstract int onMessageReceive(Context context,CloudMessage message)

Called when a message is received. Runs on the Executor returned by getBroadcastExecutor().

context The Context in which the receiver is running.
message The message that is being received.
  • Activity.RESULT_OK if the message was received correctly or an error code if it was not.

protected voidonNotificationDismissed(Contextcontext, Bundle data)

Called when a notification created from a cloud message has been dismissed. Runs on the Executor returned by getBroadcastExecutor().Defaults to do nothing.

context The Context in which the receiver is running.
data Data related to the notification that was dismissed.