
public classGooglePlayServicesManifestExceptionextendsIllegalStateException
Known Direct Subclasses

Exception encountered while checking if the package's manifest is consistent with the Google Play services client libraries.

Public Constructor Summary

GooglePlayServicesManifestException(int actualVersion,Stringmessage)
Creates aGooglePlayServicesManifestException.

Public Method Summary

Returns the actual version the client library found in the package's manifest.
Returns the version the client library expected to find in the package's manifest.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors

publicGooglePlayServicesManifestException(int actualVersion,Stringmessage)

Creates aGooglePlayServicesManifestException.

Public Methods

public intgetActualVersion()

Returns the actual version the client library found in the package's manifest.

public intgetExpectedVersion()

Returns the version the client library expected to find in the package's manifest.