
public final classScopesextendsObject

OAuth 2.0 scopes for use with Google Play services. See the specific client methods for details on which scopes are required.

Constant Summary

String APP_STATE Scope for using the App State service.
String CLOUD_SAVE Scope for using the CloudSave service.
String DRIVE_APPFOLDER Scope for accessing appfolder files from Google Drive.
String DRIVE_FILE Scope for access user-authorized files from Google Drive.
String EMAIL OAuth 2.0 scope for accessing user's Google account email address.
String GAMES Scope for accessing data from Google Play Games.
String PLUS_LOGIN This constant is deprecated. We recommend switching toPROFILE scope to get the one-tap sign-in experience. SeeGetting Profile Information.Your app will get much higher sign-in completion rate by switching to profile scopes because of the streamlined user experience. And your existing users with PLUS_LOGIN grant will not be asked to sign-in again.

If you really need user's age range and locale information (which is the only additional information you can get from PLUS_LOGIN as of September 2016), use below scopes in addition to PROFILE:

  • googleapis /auth/
  • googleapis /auth/
See alsoAndroid Plus API Deprecation Notes.
String PLUS_ME This scope was previously named PLUS_PROFILE.
String PROFILE OAuth 2.0 scope for viewing a user's basic profile information.

Inherited Method Summary


public static finalString APP_STATE

Scope for using the App State service.

Constant Value: "googleapis /auth/appstate"

public static finalString CLOUD_SAVE

Scope for using the CloudSave service.

Constant Value: "googleapis /auth/datastoremobile"

public static finalString DRIVE_APPFOLDER

Scope for accessing appfolder files from Google Drive.

Constant Value: "googleapis /auth/drive.appdata"

public static finalString DRIVE_FILE

Scope for access user-authorized files from Google Drive.

Constant Value: "googleapis /auth/drive.file"

public static finalString EMAIL

OAuth 2.0 scope for accessing user's Google account email address.

Constant Value:"email"

public static finalString GAMES

Scope for accessing data from Google Play Games.

Constant Value: "googleapis /auth/games"

public static finalString PLUS_LOGIN

This constant is deprecated.
We recommend switching toPROFILE scope to get the one-tap sign-in experience. SeeGetting Profile Information.Your app will get much higher sign-in completion rate by switching to profile scopes because of the streamlined user experience. And your existing users with PLUS_LOGIN grant will not be asked to sign-in again.

If you really need user's age range and locale information (which is the only additional information you can get from PLUS_LOGIN as of September 2016), use below scopes in addition to PROFILE:

  • googleapis /auth/
  • googleapis /auth/
See alsoAndroid Plus API Deprecation Notes.

OAuth 2.0 scope for accessing the user's name, basic profile info and Google+ profile info.

When using this scope, your app will have access to:

  • the user's full name, profile picture, Google+ profile ID, age range, and language
  • any other publicly available information on the user's Google+ profile
Constant Value: "googleapis /auth/plus.login"

public static finalString PLUS_ME

This scope was previously named PLUS_PROFILE.

When using this scope, it does the following:

  • It lets you know who the currently authenticated user is by letting you replace a Google+ user ID with "me", which represents the authenticated user, in any call to the Google+ API.
Constant Value: "googleapis /auth/"

public static finalString PROFILE

OAuth 2.0 scope for viewing a user's basic profile information.

Constant Value:"profile"