
public static final classBatch.BuilderextendsObject

Builder forBatchobjects. Note that this class is not thread-safe, by design.

Public Constructor Summary

Builder(GoogleApiClient googleApiClient)

Public Method Summary

<R extendsResult> BatchResultToken<R>
add(PendingResult<R> pendingResult)
Adds aPendingResult to the batch.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors

publicBuilder(GoogleApiClient googleApiClient)

Public Methods

publicBatchResultToken<R> add(PendingResult<R> pendingResult)

Adds aPendingResult to the batch. The returned token can be used to retrieve the result from the BatchResult passed to the result callback.

pendingResult Items to wait for completion of.
  • The result token to use to get the result from theBatchResult.

publicBatch build()