
public abstract classOptionalPendingResultextendsPendingResult<R extendsResult>

EachOptionalPendingResultis aPendingResult with additional support for non-blocking accessors. The result of an OptionalPendingResultmay be available immediately. If the result is available isDone() will return true.

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

abstract R
Returns theResult immediately if it is available.
abstract boolean
Returns true if the result is available immediately, false otherwise.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors


Public Methods

public abstract Rget()

Returns theResult immediately if it is available. If the result is not available, an exception will be thrown. This method should only be called after checking that isDone()returns true.

After the result has been retrieved using get(),PendingResult.await(), or has been delivered to the result callback, it is an error to attempt to retrieve the result again. It is the responsibility of the caller or callback receiver to release any resources associated with the returned result. Some result types may implement Releasable, in which caseReleasable.release() should be used to free the associated resources.

IllegalStateException when the result is not isDone().

public abstract boolean isDone()

Returns true if the result is available immediately, false otherwise.