
public static classCreateFileActivityOptions.BuilderextendsObject

Builder used to create a new instance ofCreateFileActivityOptions.

Field Summary

protected finalCreateFileActivityBuilder builder

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

Builds theCreateShortcutFileActivityOptionswith the current options.
setActivityStartFolder(DriveId folder)
Sets the folder that the create file dialog activity will initially display to folder.
Sets the title of the dialog activity totitle.
setInitialDriveContents(DriveContents driveContents)
Sets the initial contents for the new file todriveContents.
setInitialMetadata(MetadataChangeSet metadataChangeSet)
Sets the initial metadata for the new file tometadataChangeSet.

Inherited Method Summary


protected finalCreateFileActivityBuilder builder

Public Constructors


Public Methods

publicCreateFileActivityOptions build()

Builds theCreateShortcutFileActivityOptionswith the current options.

publicCreateFileActivityOptions.Builder setActivityStartFolder(DriveId folder)

Sets the folder that the create file dialog activity will initially display to folder.If not specified, it will default to the root "My Drive" folder. The activity supports navigation from this folder to other folders.

publicCreateFileActivityOptions.Builder setActivityTitle(String title)

Sets the title of the dialog activity totitle.

publicCreateFileActivityOptions.Builder setInitialDriveContents(DriveContents driveContents)

Sets the initial contents for the new file todriveContents.In order to create the file with empty contents, pass innull.It is recommended that files with a mime-type that does not support having a zero-byte file (e.g. an image or PDF) is created as a non-empty file.

driveContentsmust be obtained through createContents().Once this method returns,driveContentswill be persisted and closed. In order to continue editing the file's contents, they must be opened again with openFile(DriveFile, int)or openFile(DriveFile, int, OpenFileCallback).

publicCreateFileActivityOptions.Builder setInitialMetadata(MetadataChangeSet metadataChangeSet)

Sets the initial metadata for the new file tometadataChangeSet.

This method must be called or build()will fail. A newMetadataChangeSet can be created usingMetadataChangeSet.Builder.