
public interfaceDriveFolderimplementsDriveResource

A folder in Drive. This class provides methods to list or query the contents of the folder, or create new resources within it.

To retrieve a DriveFolder from a known Drive ID, useasDriveFolder().

Nested Class Summary

interface DriveFolder.DriveFileResult This interface was deprecated. DriveFileobjects are returned directly in the new Drive clients.
interface DriveFolder.DriveFolderResult This interface was deprecated. DriveFolderobjects are returned directly in the new Drive clients.

Constant Summary

String MIME_TYPE The MIME type associated with folder resources.

Public Method Summary

createFile(GoogleApiClient apiClient,MetadataChangeSet changeSet,DriveContents driveContents)
This method was deprecated. Use createFile(DriveFolder, MetadataChangeSet, DriveContents) instead.
createFolder(GoogleApiClient apiClient,MetadataChangeSet changeSet)
This method was deprecated. Use createFolder(DriveFolder, MetadataChangeSet)instead.
listChildren(GoogleApiClient apiClient)
This method was deprecated. Use listChildren(DriveFolder)instead.
queryChildren(GoogleApiClient apiClient,Query query)
This method was deprecated. Use queryChildren(DriveFolder, Query)instead.

Inherited Method Summary


public static finalString MIME_TYPE

The MIME type associated with folder resources.

Constant Value: "application/"

Public Methods

public abstractPendingResult<DriveFolder.DriveFileResult> createFile(GoogleApiClient apiClient,MetadataChangeSet changeSet,DriveContents driveContents)

This method was deprecated.
Use createFile(DriveFolder, MetadataChangeSet, DriveContents)instead.

Creates a new binary file within this folder, with the provided initial metadata and DriveContents. SeeDriveFile for more details on binary files.

This method behaves like createFile(GoogleApiClient, MetadataChangeSet, DriveContents, ExecutionOptions)withnullExecutionOptions, which means no completion event requested and no operation tag.

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call. The client must be connected before invoking this method.
changeSet A set of metadata fields that should be initially set.
driveContents The initial contents. The provided contents must have been obtained through newDriveContents(GoogleApiClient).ThisDriveContents cannot be reused after this method returns. This parameter may also be set to nullto create an empty file, but it is recommended to create non-empty files where the mime-type does not support having a zero byte file (for example, image or PDF files).
  • A PendingResult which can be used to retrieve the newly created DriveFile.

public abstractPendingResult<DriveFolder.DriveFileResult> createFile(GoogleApiClient apiClient,MetadataChangeSet changeSet,DriveContents driveContents,ExecutionOptions executionOptions)

This method was deprecated.
Use createFile(DriveFolder, MetadataChangeSet, DriveContents, ExecutionOptions) instead.

Creates a new binary file within this folder, with the provided initial metadata and DriveContents. SeeDriveFile for more details on binary files.

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call. The client must be connected before invoking this method.
changeSet A set of metadata fields that should be initially set.
driveContents The initial contents. The provided contents must have been obtained through newDriveContents(GoogleApiClient).ThisDriveContents cannot be reused after this method returns. This parameter may also be set to nullto create an empty file, but it is recommended to create non-empty files where the mime-type does not support having a zero byte file (for example, image or PDF files).
executionOptions A set of options for this method execution, such as whether to send an event when the action has completed on the server. SeeExecutionOptions for more details. setConflictStrategy(int)is not supported for this method. When nullis provided, this method will use defaultExecutionOptions, that is no completion event requested and no operation tag.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to retrieve the newly created DriveFile.

public abstractPendingResult<DriveFolder.DriveFolderResult> createFolder(GoogleApiClient apiClient,MetadataChangeSet changeSet)

This method was deprecated.
Use createFolder(DriveFolder, MetadataChangeSet)instead.

Creates a new folder within this folder, with the provided initial metadata.

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call. The client must be connected before invoking this method.
changeSet A set of metadata fields that should be initially set. This must minimally include a title. The mime type will be set to the folder mime type.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to retrieve the newly created DriveFolder.

public abstractPendingResult<DriveApi.MetadataBufferResult> listChildren(GoogleApiClient apiClient)

This method was deprecated.
Use listChildren(DriveFolder)instead.

Retrieves a collection of metadata for the direct children of this folder. The result will include metadata for both files and folders.

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to retrieve the children list. Be sure to call release() when you're done with the result.

public abstractPendingResult<DriveApi.MetadataBufferResult> queryChildren(GoogleApiClient apiClient,Query query)

This method was deprecated.
Use queryChildren(DriveFolder, Query)instead.

Retrieves a collection of metadata for the files and folders that match the specified query and are direct children of this folder.

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
query A query that will restrict the results of the retrieved children.
  • A PendingResult which can be used to retrieve the children list. Be sure to call release() when you're done with the result.