
public interfaceTransferPreferences

Transfer preferences interface. Defines preference types and methods to retrieve preferences information.

Nested Class Summary

@interface TransferPreferences.BatteryUsage Battery usage preference values.
@interface TransferPreferences.NetworkType Network type preference values.

Constant Summary

int BATTERY_USAGE_CHARGING_ONLY Transfer allowed only in charging state.
int BATTERY_USAGE_UNKNOWN Battery usage preference is unknown.
int BATTERY_USAGE_UNRESTRICTED Battery usage is unrestricted.
int NETWORK_TYPE_ANY Any network type is allowed.
int NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN Network type preference is unknown.
int NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI_ONLY Only WiFi networks are allowed.

Public Method Summary

abstract int
Returns the battery usage preference.
abstract int
Returns the network type preference.
abstract boolean
Returns whether roaming is allowed.


public static final int BATTERY_USAGE_CHARGING_ONLY

Transfer allowed only in charging state.

Constant Value:257

public static final int BATTERY_USAGE_UNKNOWN

Battery usage preference is unknown.

Constant Value:0

public static final int BATTERY_USAGE_UNRESTRICTED

Battery usage is unrestricted.

Constant Value:256

public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_ANY

Any network type is allowed.

Constant Value:1

public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN

Network type preference is unknown.

Constant Value:0

public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI_ONLY

Only WiFi networks are allowed.

Constant Value:2

Public Methods

public abstract intgetBatteryUsagePreference()

Returns the battery usage preference.

public abstract intgetNetworkPreference()

Returns the network type preference.

public abstract boolean isRoamingAllowed()

Returns whether roaming is allowed.