
DriveFile.OpenMode The available modes that a file can be opened in.
TransferPreferences.BatteryUsage Battery usage preference values.
TransferPreferences.NetworkType Network type preference values.


DriveApi This interface is deprecated. The Google Drive Android API is deprecated and will be turned down on December 6, 2019. See themigration guidefor instructions on migrating to the REST API.
DriveApi.DriveContentsResult This interface is deprecated. The Google Drive Android API is deprecated and will be turned down on December 6, 2019. See themigration guidefor instructions on migrating to the REST API.
DriveApi.DriveIdResult This interface is deprecated. The Google Drive Android API is deprecated and will be turned down on December 6, 2019. See themigration guidefor instructions on migrating to the REST API.
DriveApi.MetadataBufferResult This interface is deprecated. The Google Drive Android API is deprecated and will be turned down on December 6, 2019. See themigration guidefor instructions on migrating to the REST API.
DriveContents A reference to a Drive file's contents.
DriveFile A file in Drive.
DriveFile.DownloadProgressListener This interface is deprecated. Use OpenFileCallback instead.
DriveFolder A folder in Drive.
DriveFolder.DriveFileResult This interface is deprecated. DriveFileobjects are returned directly in the new Drive clients.
DriveFolder.DriveFolderResult This interface is deprecated. DriveFolderobjects are returned directly in the new Drive clients.
DrivePreferencesApi This interface is deprecated. The Google Drive Android API is deprecated and will be turned down on December 6, 2019. See themigration guidefor instructions on migrating to the REST API.
DrivePreferencesApi.FileUploadPreferencesResult This interface is deprecated. The Google Drive Android API is deprecated and will be turned down on December 6, 2019. See themigration guidefor instructions on migrating to the REST API.
DriveResource A Resource represents a file or folder in Drive.
DriveResource.MetadataResult This interface is deprecated. Metadataobjects are returned directly in the new Drive clients.
FileUploadPreferences This interface is deprecated. Use TransferPreferences andTransferPreferencesBuilder instead.
TransferPreferences Transfer preferences interface.


CreateFileActivityBuilder This class was deprecated. UseCreateFileActivityOptions instead.
CreateFileActivityOptions Options used to configure settings for the create file dialog activity.
CreateFileActivityOptions.Builder Builder used to create a new instance of CreateFileActivityOptions.
Drive This class is deprecated. The Google Drive Android API is deprecated and will be turned down on December 6, 2019. See the migration guidefor instructions on migrating to the REST API.
DriveClient This class is deprecated. The Google Drive Android API is deprecated and will be turned down on December 6, 2019. See the migration guidefor instructions on migrating to the REST API.
DriveId A canonical identifier for a Drive resource.
DriveResourceClient This class is deprecated. The Google Drive Android API is deprecated and will be turned down on December 6, 2019. See the migration guidefor instructions on migrating to the REST API.
DriveStatusCodes Drive specific status codes, for use in getStatusCode().
ExecutionOptions Options that can be included with certain requests to the API to configure notification and conflict resolution behavior.
ExecutionOptions.Builder A builder for creating a newExecutionOptions.
Metadata The details of a Drive file or folder.
MetadataBuffer A data buffer that points to Metadata entries.
MetadataChangeSet A collection of metadata changes.
MetadataChangeSet.Builder A builder for creating a new MetadataChangeSet.
OpenFileActivityBuilder This class was deprecated. UseOpenFileActivityOptions instead.
OpenFileActivityOptions Options used to configure settings for the open file dialog activity.
OpenFileActivityOptions.Builder Builder used to create a new instance of OpenFileActivityOptions.
TransferPreferencesBuilder Builder of immutableTransferPreferences instances.