
public static final classBrowserPublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.Builderextends Object

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

setClientDataHash(byte[] clientDataHash)
Sets a clientDataHash value to sign over in place of assembling and hashing clientDataJSON during the signature request.
Sets the origin on whose behalf the calling browser is requesting a registration operation.
setPublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions(PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions publicKeyCredentialCreationOptions)
Sets the parameters to dictate the client behavior during this registration session.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors


Public Methods

public BrowserPublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.BuildersetClientDataHash(byte[] clientDataHash)

Sets a clientDataHash value to sign over in place of assembling and hashing clientDataJSON during the signature request.

Note: This is optional and only provided for contexts where the unhashed information necessary to assemble WebAuthn clientDataJSON is not available. If set, the resulting AuthenticatorAttestationResponsewill return an invalid value for getClientDataJSON().Generally, browser clients should use PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.Builder.setChallenge(byte[])instead.

public BrowserPublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.BuildersetOrigin(Uriorigin)

Sets the origin on whose behalf the calling browser is requesting a registration operation.

public BrowserPublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.BuildersetPublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions(PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions publicKeyCredentialCreationOptions)

Sets the parameters to dictate the client behavior during this registration session.