
public static final classPublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.BuilderextendsObject

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

setAllowList(List<PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor> allowList)
Sets a list of public key credentials which constrain authentication to authenticators that contain a private key for at least one of the supplied public keys.
setAuthenticationExtensions(AuthenticationExtensions authenticationExtensions)
Sets additional extensions that may dictate some client behavior during an exchange with a connected authenticator.
setChallenge(byte[] challenge)
Sets the nonce value that the authenticator should sign using a private key corresponding to a public key credential that is acceptable for this authentication session.
Sets the request id in order to link together events into a single session (the span of events between the time that the server initiates a single FIDO2 request to the client and receives reply) on a single device.
Sets identifier for a relying party, on whose behalf a given authentication operation is being performed.
setTimeoutSeconds(Double timeoutSeconds)
setTokenBinding(TokenBinding tokenBinding)
Sets the TokenBindingassociated with the calling origin.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors


Public Methods

public PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.BuildersetAllowList(List<PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor> allowList)

Sets a list of public key credentials which constrain authentication to authenticators that contain a private key for at least one of the supplied public keys.

public PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.BuildersetAuthenticationExtensions(AuthenticationExtensions authenticationExtensions)

Sets additional extensions that may dictate some client behavior during an exchange with a connected authenticator.

public PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.BuildersetChallenge(byte[] challenge)

Sets the nonce value that the authenticator should sign using a private key corresponding to a public key credential that is acceptable for this authentication session.

public PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.BuildersetRequestId(Integer requestId)

Sets the request id in order to link together events into a single session (the span of events between the time that the server initiates a single FIDO2 request to the client and receives reply) on a single device. This field is optional.

public PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.BuildersetRpId(StringrpId)

Sets identifier for a relying party, on whose behalf a given authentication operation is being performed. A public key credential can only be used for authentication with the same replying party it was registered with.

Note: the RpId should be an effective domain (aka, without scheme or port); and it should also be in secure context (aka https connection). Apps-facing API needs to check the package signature against Digital Asset Links, whose resource is the RP ID with prepended "//". Privileged (browser) API doesn't need the check.

public PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.BuildersetTimeoutSeconds(Double timeoutSeconds)

public PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.BuildersetTokenBinding(TokenBinding tokenBinding)

Sets theTokenBinding associated with the calling origin.