

DevicePublicKeyStringDef Enum values to be passed into DevicePublicKeyExtension.


Algorithm An interface for an algorithm used in public key encryption.


AuthenticationExtensions Represents extensions that can be passed into FIDO2 APIs.
AuthenticationExtensions.Builder Builder for AuthenticationExtensions.
AuthenticationExtensionsClientOutputs This container class represents client output for extensions that can be passed into FIDO2 APIs.
AuthenticationExtensionsClientOutputs.Builder Builder for AuthenticationExtensionsClientOutputs.
AuthenticationExtensionsCredPropsOutputs Class that holds the result of the credPropsextension.
AuthenticatorAssertionResponse This structure contains cryptographic signatures produced by scoped credentials that provides proof of possession of a private key as well as evidence of user consent to a specific transaction.
AuthenticatorAttestationResponse Represents a newly-created scoped credential, aka the response from a registration request.
AuthenticatorErrorResponse The response after an error occurred.
AuthenticatorResponse Authenticators respond to relying party requests by returning an object derived from this interface.
AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria Relying Parties may use AuthenticatorSelectionCriteriato specify their requirements regarding authenticator attributes.
AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria.Builder Builder for AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria.
BrowserPublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions Parameters to a make credential request from a Web browser.
BrowserPublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.Builder Builder for BrowserPublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.
BrowserPublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions Parameters for a signature request from a Web Browser.
BrowserPublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.Builder Builder for BrowserPublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.
BrowserRequestOptions An abstract class representing browser-based request parameters.
COSEAlgorithmIdentifier This class specifies the cryptographic signature algorithm with which the newly generated credential will be used, and thus the type of asymmetric key pair to be generated.
FidoAppIdExtension Extension for FIDO appId, to support U2F backward compatibility in FIDO2 assertion requests.
FidoCredentialDetails Contains the attributes of a single FIDO credential that are returned to the caller in response to a Fido2PrivilegedApiClient.getCredentialList(String)call.
GoogleThirdPartyPaymentExtension Extension to support credentials enabled for secure payment confirmation.
KeyProtectionTypes The method used by the authenticator to protect the FIDO registration private key material.
MatcherProtectionTypes The method used by the authenticator to protect the matcher that performs user verification.
PublicKeyCredential This class is contains the attributes that are returned to the caller when a new credential is created, or a new assertion is requested.
PublicKeyCredential.Builder Builder for PublicKeyCredential.
PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions This class is used to supply options when creating a new credential.
PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.Builder Builder for PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.
PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor This class contains the attributes that are specified by a caller when referring to a credential as an input parameter to the registration or authentication method.
PublicKeyCredentialParameters This class supplies additional parameters when creating a new credential.
PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions This class is used to supply an authentication request with the data it needs to generate an assertion.
PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.Builder Builder for PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.
PublicKeyCredentialRpEntity Represents the information about a relying party with which a credential is associated.
PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity This class is used to supply additional parameters about the user account when creating a new Credential.
RequestOptions An abstract class representing FIDO2 request options.
TokenBinding Represents the Token binding information provided by the relying party.
UserVerificationMethodExtension Extension for FIDO User Verification Method.
UserVerificationMethods The authentication method/factor used by the authenticator to verify the user.
UvmEntries Represents up to three user verification methods used by the authenticator.
UvmEntries.Builder Builder forUvmEntries.
UvmEntry Represents a single User Verification Method Entry as defined atUVMEntry.
UvmEntry.Builder Builder forUvmEntry.


Attachment Clients may communicate with authenticators using a variety of mechanisms.
AttestationConveyancePreference An enum describing the relying party's preference for attestation conveyance.
EC2Algorithm Algorithm names and COSE identifiers for EC2 (public) keys.
ErrorCode Error codes that are referenced by WebAuthn spec.
PublicKeyCredentialType This enumeration defines the valid credential types.
ResidentKeyRequirement An enum that describes the Resident Key (Discoverable Credential) requirements.
RSAAlgorithm Algorithm names and COSE identifiers for RSA (public) keys.
TokenBinding.TokenBindingStatus The token binding status specified by the client.


Attachment.UnsupportedAttachmentException Exception thrown when an unsupported or unrecognized attachment is encountered.
AttestationConveyancePreference.UnsupportedAttestationConveyancePreferenceException Exception thrown when an unsupported or unrecognized attestation conveyance preference is encountered.
COSEAlgorithmIdentifier.UnsupportedAlgorithmIdentifierException Exception thrown when an unsupported or unrecognized algorithm identifier is encountered.
ErrorCode.UnsupportedErrorCodeException Exception thrown when an unsupported or unrecognized error code is encountered.
PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor.UnsupportedPubKeyCredDescriptorException Exception thrown when an unsupported or unrecognized public key credential descriptor is encountered.
PublicKeyCredentialType.UnsupportedPublicKeyCredTypeException Exception thrown when an unsupported or unrecognized transport is encountered.
ResidentKeyRequirement.UnsupportedResidentKeyRequirementException Exception thrown when an unsupported or unrecognized resident key requirement is encountered.
TokenBinding.UnsupportedTokenBindingStatusException Exception thrown when an unsupported or unrecognized TokenBinding.TokenBindingStatusis encountered.