
public static final classSignRequestParams.BuilderextendsObject

Builds SignRequestParams.

Public Constructor Summary

Creates an empty builder.

Public Method Summary

Sets sign request appId.
setChannelIdValue(ChannelIdValue channelIdValue)
Sets channelId value for the sign request.
setDefaultSignChallenge(byte[] defaultSignChallenge)
Sets default sign challenge for the sign request.
Sets the display hint that is shown to the user.
setRegisteredKeys(List<RegisteredKey> registeredKeys)
Sets registered keys for the sign request.
Sets the request id in order to link together events into a single session (the span of events between the time that the server initiates a single U2F request to the client and receives a reply) on a single device.
setTimeoutSeconds(Double timeoutSeconds)
Sets timeout in seconds, to indicate for how long this request remains valid.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors


Creates an empty builder.

Public Methods

publicSignRequestParams build()

public SignRequestParams.BuildersetAppId (UriappId)

Sets sign request appId. This field is optional.

public SignRequestParams.BuildersetChannelIdValue(ChannelIdValue channelIdValue)

Sets channelId value for the sign request. This field is optional.

public SignRequestParams.BuildersetDefaultSignChallenge(byte[] defaultSignChallenge)

Sets default sign challenge for the sign request. This field is optional.

public SignRequestParams.BuildersetDisplayHint(String displayHint)

Sets the display hint that is shown to the user. Note that if not null, the string should not be longer than SignRequestParams.MAX_DISPLAY_HINT_LENGTHcharacters. This field is optional.

public SignRequestParams.BuildersetRegisteredKeys(List<RegisteredKey> registeredKeys)

Sets registered keys for the sign request. This field is mandatory.

public SignRequestParams.BuildersetRequestId(Integer requestId)

Sets the request id in order to link together events into a single session (the span of events between the time that the server initiates a single U2F request to the client and receives a reply) on a single device. This field is optional.

public SignRequestParams.BuildersetTimeoutSeconds(Double timeoutSeconds)

Sets timeout in seconds, to indicate for how long this request remains valid. This field is optional.