
public interfaceConfigApi

This interface is deprecated.
For reading and writing historical fitness data, useHealth Connect instead.

API for accessing custom data types and settings in Google Fit.

Customdata type definitions can be added and then retrieved using createCustomDataType(GoogleApiClient, DataTypeCreateRequest)and readDataType(GoogleApiClient, String).

disableFit(GoogleApiClient)can be used to disconnect your app from Google Fit.

The Config API should be accessed via theFitnessentry point. Example:

GoogleApiClient client = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(context)

PendingResult<DataTypeResult> pendingResult = Fitness.ConfigApi.readDataType(
client, "com.example.my_custom_data_type" );

DataTypeResult dataTypeResult = pendingResult.await();
DataType dataType = dataTypeResult.getDataType();

Public Method Summary

createCustomDataType(GoogleApiClient client, DataTypeCreateRequestrequest)
This method is deprecated. Support for custom data types will be removed in a future version of Google Fit. Use one of the pre-defined data types listed in DataType.
disableFit(GoogleApiClient client)
Disables Google Fit for an app.
readDataType(GoogleApiClient client,String dataTypeName)
This method is deprecated. Support for custom data types will be removed in a future version of Google Fit. Use one of the pre-defined data types listed in DataType.

Public Methods

public abstractPendingResult<DataTypeResult> createCustomDataType(GoogleApiClient client,DataTypeCreateRequest request)

This method is deprecated.
Support for custom data types will be removed in a future version of Google Fit. Use one of the pre-defined data types listed inDataType.

Defines a new data type which is added to the Google Fit platform on behalf of the current application. Useful for adding a private custom data type for recording app-specific data. Custom data created by one app will not be visible to other apps.


PendingResult<DataTypeResult> pendingResult =
new DataTypeCreateRequest.Builder()
DataTypeResult result = pendingResult.await();
client An existing GoogleApiClient. Must be connected at the time of this call.
request The new data type name and fields that need to be added.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> disableFit(GoogleApiClient client)

Disables Google Fit for an app. Can be used to revoke all granted OAuth access permissions from an app and consequently remove all existing subscriptions and registrations of the app.

client An existing GoogleApiClient. Must be connected at the time of this call.
  • Result containing the status of the request.

public abstractPendingResult<DataTypeResult> readDataType(GoogleApiClient client,String dataTypeName)

This method is deprecated.
Support for custom data types will be removed in a future version of Google Fit. Use one of the pre-defined data types listed inDataType.

Returns a data type with the specifieddataTypeName.Useful to retrieve shareable data types added by other apps or custom data types added by your app. Custom data types created by other apps will not be returned.

client An existing GoogleApiClient. It does not need to be connected at the time of this call, but the read result will be delayed until the connection is complete.
dataTypeName Name of the data type we want to read.
  • Result containing the status of the request.