
public static classHistoryApi.ViewIntentBuilderextendsObject

Builder of intents to view data stored in Google Fit. This intent can be used when the application wants to display a more detailed view of a particulardata type. Apps that can handle the data type (such as the app that inserted the data) can register for the intent.

If desired, setPreferredApplication(String)can be called to choose a specific application to handle the intent, if the application is installed on the device. This will often be the application defined inDataSource.getAppPackageName().

The data view intent has the following attributes:

  • actionis set toFitness.ACTION_VIEW
  • typeisDataType.MIME_TYPE_PREFIX followed by the data typename. For example,vnd.google.fitness.data_type/com.google.heart_rate.bpmcould be used for an intent to view heart rate.
  • extrascontain the data source, start time, and end time. Each of them has a corresponding constant defined inFitness.

An application that would like to handle History view intents should create an activity and add an intent filter to its manifest file. Here's an example activity that can display heart rate data:

<activity android:name= ".ViewHeartRateActivity" android:exported= "true" >
<action android:name= "vnd.google.fitness.VIEW" />
<category android:name= "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:mimeType= "vnd.google.fitness.data_type/com.google.heart_rate.bpm" />
If the application is only able to shown its own data (and not that from other apps), it can opt-out of implicit intents by removingIntent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT from the intent filter above.

Public Constructor Summary

ViewIntentBuilder(Context context,DataType dataType)
Starts building an intent to view History data.

Public Method Summary

Returns the built intent, which can be used with Context.startActivity(Intent)to launch the desired Fitness activity.
setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
Sets the data source to display data for, if a specific data source is desired.
Sets a preferred application to use for this intent.
setTimeInterval(long start, long end,TimeUnit timeUnit)
Sets the time interval to display data for.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors

publicViewIntentBuilder(Contextcontext, DataType dataType)

Starts building an intent to view History data.

context A valid context.
dataType The data type we want to visualize.

Public Methods

publicIntent build()

Returns the built intent, which can be used with Context.startActivity(Intent)to launch the desired Fitness activity.

IllegalStateException If not enough data has been passed into the Builder to build a valid intent.

publicHistoryApi.ViewIntentBuilder setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)

Sets the data source to display data for, if a specific data source is desired. Otherwise, the viewer can choose any data source or use the default one.

dataSource The specific data source we want to display data for.

publicHistoryApi.ViewIntentBuilder setPreferredApplication(String packageName)

Sets a preferred application to use for this intent. If the given app is installed and able to handle this intent, an explicit intent will be returned. This can be used in combination with DataSource.getAppPackageName()to link back to the original application which inserted the data being displayed.

packageName The package name for the application we want to link to.
  • This builder, for chaining.

publicHistoryApi.ViewIntentBuilder setTimeInterval(long start, long end,TimeUnit timeUnit)

Sets the time interval to display data for. Every intent requires a valid time interval.

start Start time, inclusive, in time since epoch.
end End time, exclusive, in time since epoch.
timeUnit The timeUnit for start and end times.