
public interfaceSensorsApi

This interface is deprecated.
For apps targeting Wear OS 3, useHealth Servicesinstead. Otherwise for access to live sensor and location data useSensorManager andFusedLocationProviderClient, respectively.

API which exposes different sources of fitness data in local and connected devices, and delivers live events to listeners.

The API exposesdata sourcesfrom hardware sensors in the local device and in companion devices. It also exposes data sources from applications. Data sources can be queried via findDataSources(GoogleApiClient, DataSourcesRequest)

The API supports adding and removing listeners to live data streams from any available data source. It also allows for listening on aDataType, in which case the best available data source (or a combination of them) is used.

The Sensors API should be used whenever live updates from a sensor stream need to be pushed to the application (for instance, to update a UI). TheHistoryAPI can be used to query historical data in a pull-based model for scenarios where latency isn't critical.

The Sensors API should be accessed from theFitnessentry point. Example:

GoogleApiClient client = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(context)

PendingResult<Status> pendingResult = Fitness.SensorsApi.add(
new SensorRequest.Builder()
.setSamplingRate(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES) // sample once per minute
If the application doesn't need live sensor updates, but instead wants persistent recording of historical sensor data, for batch querying, theRecordingand HistoryAPIs and should be used instead.

Public Method Summary

add(GoogleApiClient client,SensorRequest request, OnDataPointListenerlistener)
Adds a data point listenerto a sensor data source.
add(GoogleApiClient client,SensorRequest request,PendingIntent intent)
Adds aPendingIntent listener to a sensor data source.
findDataSources(GoogleApiClient client, DataSourcesRequestrequest)
Finds all available data sources, on the device and remotely.
remove(GoogleApiClient client, OnDataPointListenerlistener)
Removes a listener from a sensor data source.
remove(GoogleApiClient client,PendingIntent pendingIntent)
Removes PendingIntent listener from a sensor data source.

Public Methods

public abstractPendingResult<Status> add(GoogleApiClient client,SensorRequest request,OnDataPointListener listener)

Adds a data pointlistener to a sensor data source. This method can be called to listen on live updates from a particular data source, or data type (in which case a default data source is used).

Once the add request succeeds, new data points in the data stream are delivered to the specified listener. Historic data is not delivered, but can be queried via the History API.When the application is closing, or once live data is no longer needed, the listener should be removed. If necessary, theRecording APIcan be used to persist data for later querying when the application is re-opened in a battery-efficient manner.

This method can be called several times with the same listener to change the desired sampling rate.

client An existing GoogleApiClient. It does not need to be connected at the time of this call, but the add operation will be delayed until the connection is complete
request Request specifying the desired data source or data type, as well as the desired parameters for the add request
listener The listener that will be used to respond to events. The listener object should be saved, since it can be used to remove the registration when live events are no longer needed
SecurityException If a required permission is missing for the requestedDataType orDataSource.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> add(GoogleApiClient client,SensorRequest request,PendingIntent intent)

Adds aPendingIntent listener to a sensor data source. This method can be called to listen on live updates from a particular data source, or a data type (in which case a default data source is used).

Once the add request succeeds, new data points in the data stream are delivered to the specified intent. Historic data is not delivered, but can be queried via the History API.

Unlike add(GoogleApiClient, SensorRequest, OnDataPointListener),which takes a listener and is intended for fast sampling rates while the application is on the foreground, this method is intended for slower sampling rates without the need for an always-on service.

The application specifies a PendingIntent callback (typically an IntentService) which will be called when new data points are available in the requested stream. When the PendingIntent is called, the application can use DataPoint.extract(android.content.Intent)to extract the DataPoint from the intent. See the documentation ofPendingIntent for more details.

Any previously registered requests that have the same PendingIntent (as defined by PendingIntent.equals(Object)) will be replaced by this request.

client An existing GoogleApiClient. It does not need to be connected at the time of this call, but the add operation will be delayed until the connection is complete
request Request specifying the desired data source or data type, as well as the desired parameters for the add request
intent A callback intent to be sent for each new data points.
SecurityException If a required permission is missing for the requestedDataType orDataSource.

public abstractPendingResult<DataSourcesResult> findDataSources(GoogleApiClient client,DataSourcesRequest request)

Finds all available data sources, on the device and remotely. Results are returned asynchronously as a PendingResult.

It's not necessary to call this method if an application is interested only in getting the best available data for a data type, regardless of source. In this case, add(GoogleApiClient, SensorRequest, OnDataPointListener)can be used with a generic data type.

client An existing GoogleApiClient. It does not need to be connected at the time of this call, but the find operation will be delayed until the connection is complete.
request A built request specifying the data sources that you're interested in finding.
  • A pending result containing the found data sources.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> remove(GoogleApiClient client,OnDataPointListener listener)

Removes a listener from a sensor data source. Should be called whenever live updates are no longer needed, such as when the activity that displays live data is paused, stopped, or destroyed.

client An existing GoogleApiClient. Must be connected at the time of this call.
listener The listener that was used in the addrequest.
IllegalStateException If client is not connected.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> remove(GoogleApiClient client,PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Removes PendingIntent listener from a sensor data source. Should be called whenever live updates are no longer needed.

client An existing GoogleApiClient. Must be connected at the time of this call.
pendingIntent The PendingIntent that was used in the addrequest or is equal as defined by PendingIntent.equals(Object).
IllegalStateException If client is not connected.