
public classGoalextendsObject

A fitness goal, which users create in Google Fit.

A goal should hold its objective, time period and activity (if any).

There are different objective types:

  • Goal.MetricObjective uses a metric value to determine whether the goal is met. Metrics include step, distance and calories. For example, "take 10k steps".
  • Goal.DurationObjective uses duration time of activities to determine whether the goal is met. For example, "run 30 minutes".
  • Goal.FrequencyObjective uses the number of activity segments to determine whether the goal is met. For example, "do yoga 2x".

A goal also has a recurrence period, since users often want to "take 10k steps a day" or "do yoga 2x per week".

A goal holds different times:

  • create timeis the time when a goal was first created.
  • start timeis the start of the time range that should be used to calculate a goal's progress for current recurrence period. For a weekly goal, this will be the start of the current week.
  • end timeis the end of the time range that should be used to calculate a goal's progress for current recurrence period. For a daily goal, this will be the end of the current day.
The following are some common goals:
Goal Recurrence Activity Objective type Objective
Run 3 times a week. 1 week FitnessActivities.RUNNING OBJECTIVE_TYPE_FREQUENCY Frequency: 3
Active 60 minutes a day. 1 day N/A OBJECTIVE_TYPE_DURATION Duration: 60 minutes
Take 1,000 steps a day. 1 day N/A OBJECTIVE_TYPE_METRIC
Run 2 km a week. 1 week FitnessActivities.RUNNING OBJECTIVE_TYPE_METRIC
Burn 30k calories a month. 1 month N/A OBJECTIVE_TYPE_METRIC

Nested Class Summary

class Goal.DurationObjective A duration objective, which uses duration time of activities to determine whether the goal is met.
class Goal.FrequencyObjective A frequency objective, which uses the number of activity segments to determine whether the goal is met.
class Goal.MetricObjective A metric objective, which uses a metric value to determine whether the goal is met.
class Goal.MismatchedGoalException Exception thrown by Goal.getMetricObjective(), Goal.getDurationObjective(), Goal.getFrequencyObjective()if the goal doesn't match the requested objective type.
@interface Goal.ObjectiveType Type of a goal's objective.
class Goal.Recurrence A recurrence period of a recurring goal.

Constant Summary

int OBJECTIVE_TYPE_DURATION Objective type constant representing a duration objective, which uses duration time of activities to determine whether the goal is met.
int OBJECTIVE_TYPE_FREQUENCY Objective type constant representing a frequency objective, which uses the number of activity segments to determine whether the goal is met.
int OBJECTIVE_TYPE_METRIC Objective type constant representing a metric objective, which uses a metric value to determine whether the goal is met.

Inherited Constant Summary

Field Summary

public static finalCreator<Goal> CREATOR

Public Method Summary

Returns the name of the goal's specific activity, if any.
getCreateTime(TimeUnit timeUnit)
Returns the creation time of the goal since epoch, in the specified time unit.
Returns the duration objective of the goal if the objective type is OBJECTIVE_TYPE_DURATION.
getEndTime(Calendarcurrent, TimeUnit timeUnit)
Returns the end time of the time range that should be used to calculate goal progress for current time.
Returns the frequency objective of the goal if the objective type is OBJECTIVE_TYPE_FREQUENCY.
Returns the metric objective of the goal if the objective type is OBJECTIVE_TYPE_METRIC.
Returns the type of the goal's objective.
Returns the recurrence period of a goal if the goal is a recurring one.
getStartTime(Calendarcurrent, TimeUnit timeUnit)
Returns the start time of the time range that should be used to calculate goal progress for current time.
writeToParcel(Parceldest, int flags)

Inherited Method Summary


public static final int OBJECTIVE_TYPE_DURATION

Objective type constant representing a duration objective, which uses duration time of activities to determine whether the goal is met. For example, "run 30 minutes".

Constant Value:2

public static final int OBJECTIVE_TYPE_FREQUENCY

Objective type constant representing a frequency objective, which uses the number of activity segments to determine whether the goal is met. For example, "do yoga 2x".

Constant Value:3

public static final int OBJECTIVE_TYPE_METRIC

Objective type constant representing a metric objective, which uses a metric value to determine whether the goal is met. For example, "take 10k steps".

Constant Value:1


public static finalCreator<Goal> CREATOR

Public Methods

public booleanequals(Objectother)


Returns the name of the goal's specific activity, if any. For example, returns "running" for a goal "run 30km a week".

  • nullif there is no specific activity for the goal. If there is no specific activity for a goal, then the goal should apply to all activities. For example, the goal "30km a week" takes into account all activities such as walking, running, and biking.

public longgetCreateTime(TimeUnit timeUnit)

Returns the creation time of the goal since epoch, in the specified time unit.

publicGoal.DurationObjective getDurationObjective()

Returns the duration objective of the goal if the objective type is OBJECTIVE_TYPE_DURATION.

Goal.MismatchedGoalException If the objective type of the goal is not OBJECTIVE_TYPE_DURATION.

public longgetEndTime(Calendarcurrent,TimeUnit timeUnit)

Returns the end time of the time range that should be used to calculate goal progress for current time. For recurring goals, end time represents the end time of the current recurrence of the goal. For non-recurring goals, the end time is the time at which user activities stop counting towards the objective.

current Current time.
timeUnit The desired time unit for the returned end time.

publicGoal.FrequencyObjective getFrequencyObjective()

Returns the frequency objective of the goal if the objective type is OBJECTIVE_TYPE_FREQUENCY.

Goal.MismatchedGoalException If the objective type of the goal is not OBJECTIVE_TYPE_FREQUENCY.

publicGoal.MetricObjective getMetricObjective()

Returns the metric objective of the goal if the objective type is OBJECTIVE_TYPE_METRIC.

Goal.MismatchedGoalException If the objective type of the goal is not OBJECTIVE_TYPE_METRIC.

public intgetObjectiveType()

Returns the type of the goal's objective. The objective type should be one of the OBJECTIVE_TYPE_METRIC, OBJECTIVE_TYPE_DURATION, OBJECTIVE_TYPE_FREQUENCYconstants.

publicGoal.Recurrence getRecurrence()

Returns the recurrence period of a goal if the goal is a recurring one. For example, returns 1 week for a goal to "run 30km a week".

  • nullif the goal is not recurring.

public longgetStartTime(Calendarcurrent,TimeUnit timeUnit)

Returns the start time of the time range that should be used to calculate goal progress for current time. This is the time from which user activities start counting towards the objective. For recurring goals, start time represents the start time of the current recurrence of the goal. For non-recurring goals, start time is the same as create time.

current Current time.
timeUnit The desired time unit for the returned start time.

public inthashCode()


public voidwriteToParcel(Parceldest, int flags)