
public interfaceOnDataPointListener

Listener used to register to live data updates from aDataSource. Used by clients wanting to subscribe to live data stream updates viaSensorsClient. Each event is delivered as aDataPoint.

The listener is used both when addinga registration and when removingit. The same listener can be used for multiple registrations.

Public Method Summary

abstract void
onDataPoint(DataPoint dataPoint)
Handle a new data point from the data source.

Public Methods

public abstract voidonDataPoint(DataPoint dataPoint)

Handle a new data point from the data source. The data point'sdata typedescribes the format and meaning of its values.

Note:The application doesn't own the data point object passed as a parameter after this method returns and therefore should not hold on to it, since the DataPoint can be reused by the platform.

dataPoint The data point for this event.