
public interfaceEventsClient

A client to interact with events functionality.

Public Method Summary

abstract void
increment(StringeventId, int incrementAmount)
Increments an event specified byeventIdby the given number of steps.
load(boolean forceReload)
Returns aTask which asynchronously loads an annotatedEventBuffer that represents the event data for the currently signed-in player.
loadByIds(boolean forceReload,String...eventIds)
Returns aTask which asynchronously loads an annotatedEventBuffer that represents the event data for the specified event IDs.

Public Methods

public abstract voidincrement(StringeventId, int incrementAmount)

Increments an event specified byeventIdby the given number of steps.

This is the fire-and-forget API. Event increments are cached locally and flushed to the server in batches.

eventId The event ID to increment.
incrementAmount The amount increment by. Must be greater than or equal to 0.

public abstractTask<AnnotatedData<EventBuffer>> load(boolean forceReload)

Returns aTaskwhich asynchronously loads an annotatedEventBuffer that represents the event data for the currently signed-in player.

AbstractDataBuffer.release()should be called to release resources after usage.

forceReload Iftrue,this call will clear any locally cached data and attempt to fetch the latest data from the server. This would commonly be used for something like a user-initiated refresh. Normally, this should be set tofalse to gain advantages of data caching.

public abstractTask<AnnotatedData<EventBuffer>> loadByIds(boolean forceReload,String... eventIds)

Returns aTaskwhich asynchronously loads an annotatedEventBuffer that represents the event data for the specified event IDs.

AbstractDataBuffer.release()should be called to release resources after usage.

forceReload Iftrue,this call will clear any locally cached data and attempt to fetch the latest data from the server. This would commonly be used for something like a user-initiated refresh. Normally, this should be set tofalse to gain advantages of data caching.
eventIds The IDs of the events to load.