
public interfaceLeaderboardVariantimplementsFreezable<LeaderboardVariant>

Data interface for a specific variant of a leaderboard; a variant is defined by the combination of the leaderboard's collection (public or friends) and time span (daily, weekly, or all-time).

Nested Class Summary

@interface LeaderboardVariant.Collection A leaderboard collection.
@interface LeaderboardVariant.TimeSpan A leaderboard time span.

Constant Summary

int COLLECTION_FRIENDS Collection constant for friends leaderboards.
int COLLECTION_PUBLIC Collection constant for public leaderboards.
int NUM_SCORES_UNKNOWN Constant returned when the total number of scores for this variant is unknown.
int NUM_TIME_SPANS Number of time spans that exist.
int PLAYER_RANK_UNKNOWN Constant returned when a player's rank for this variant is unknown.
int PLAYER_SCORE_UNKNOWN Constant returned when a player's score for this variant is unknown.
int TIME_SPAN_ALL_TIME Scores are never reset.
int TIME_SPAN_DAILY Scores are reset every day.
int TIME_SPAN_WEEKLY Scores are reset once per week.

Public Method Summary

abstract int
Retrieves the collection of scores contained by this variant.
Retrieves the viewing player's formatted rank for this variant, if any.
Retrieves the viewing player's score for this variant, if any.
abstract long
Retrieves the total number of scores for this variant.
abstract long
Retrieves the viewing player's rank for this variant, if any.
Retrieves the viewing player's score tag for this variant, if any.
abstract long
Retrieves the viewing player's score for this variant, if any.
abstract int
Retrieves the time span that the scores for this variant are drawn from.
abstract boolean
Get whether or not this variant contains score information for the viewing player or not.

Inherited Method Summary


public static final int COLLECTION_FRIENDS

Collection constant for friends leaderboards. These leaderboards contain the scores of players in the viewing player's friends list.

Constant Value:3

public static final int COLLECTION_PUBLIC

Collection constant for public leaderboards. Public leaderboards contain the scores of players who are sharing their gameplay activity publicly.

Constant Value:0

public static final int NUM_SCORES_UNKNOWN

Constant returned when the total number of scores for this variant is unknown.

Constant Value:-1

public static final int NUM_TIME_SPANS

Number of time spans that exist. Needs to be updated if we ever have more.

Constant Value:3

public static final int PLAYER_RANK_UNKNOWN

Constant returned when a player's rank for this variant is unknown.

Constant Value:-1

public static final int PLAYER_SCORE_UNKNOWN

Constant returned when a player's score for this variant is unknown.

Constant Value:-1

public static final int TIME_SPAN_ALL_TIME

Scores are never reset.

Constant Value:2

public static final int TIME_SPAN_DAILY

Scores are reset every day. The reset occurs at 11:59PM PST.

Constant Value:0

public static final int TIME_SPAN_WEEKLY

Scores are reset once per week. The reset occurs at 11:59PM PST on Sunday.

Constant Value:1

Public Methods

public abstract intgetCollection()

Retrieves the collection of scores contained by this variant. Possible values are COLLECTION_PUBLICor COLLECTION_FRIENDS.

  • The collection of scores contained by this variant.

public abstractStringgetDisplayPlayerRank()

Retrieves the viewing player's formatted rank for this variant, if any. Note that this value is only accurate if hasPlayerInfo()returnstrue.

  • The String representation of the viewing player's rank, or {@code null) if the player has no rank for this variant.

public abstractStringgetDisplayPlayerScore()

Retrieves the viewing player's score for this variant, if any. Note that this value is only accurate if hasPlayerInfo()returnstrue.

  • The String representation of the viewing player's score, ornullif the player has no score for this variant.

public abstract longgetNumScores()

Retrieves the total number of scores for this variant. Not all of these scores will always be present on the local device. Note that if scores for this variant have not been loaded, this method will return NUM_SCORES_UNKNOWN.


public abstract longgetPlayerRank()

Retrieves the viewing player's rank for this variant, if any. Note that this value is only accurate if hasPlayerInfo()returnstrue.

  • The long representation of the viewing player's rank, or PLAYER_RANK_UNKNOWNif the player has no rank for this variant.

public abstractStringgetPlayerScoreTag()

Retrieves the viewing player's score tag for this variant, if any. Note that this value is only accurate if hasPlayerInfo()returnstrue.

  • The score tag associated with the viewing player's score, ornullif the player has no score for this variant.

public abstract longgetRawPlayerScore()

Retrieves the viewing player's score for this variant, if any. Note that this value is only accurate if hasPlayerInfo()returnstrue.

  • The long representation of the viewing player's score, or PLAYER_SCORE_UNKNOWNif the player has no score for this variant.

public abstract intgetTimeSpan()

Retrieves the time span that the scores for this variant are drawn from. Possible values are TIME_SPAN_ALL_TIME, TIME_SPAN_WEEKLY,or TIME_SPAN_DAILY.

  • The time span that the scores for this variant are drawn from.

public abstract boolean hasPlayerInfo()

Get whether or not this variant contains score information for the viewing player or not. There are several possible reasons why this might befalse.If the scores for this variant have never been loaded, we won't know if the player has a score or not. Similarly, if the player has not submitted a score for this variant, this will returnfalse.

It is possible to have a score but no rank. For instance, on leaderboard variants of COLLECTION_PUBLIC,players who are not sharing their scores publicly will never have a rank.

  • Whether or not this variant contains score information for the viewing player.