
public static final classScoreSubmissionData.ResultextendsObject

Simple data class containing the result data for a particular time span.

Field Summary

public finalString formattedScore String containing the score data in a display-appropriate format.
public final boolean newBest Boolean indicating whether or not this score was the player's new best score for this time span.
public final long rawScore The raw score value of this score result.
public finalString scoreTag The score tag associated with this result, if any.

Public Method Summary


Inherited Method Summary


public finalString formattedScore

String containing the score data in a display-appropriate format.

public final boolean newBest

Boolean indicating whether or not this score was the player's new best score for this time span.

public final long rawScore

The raw score value of this score result.

public finalString scoreTag

The score tag associated with this result, if any.

Public Methods
