
public interfacePlayerStatsimplementsFreezable<PlayerStats> Parcelable

The PlayerStats API allows you to retrieve information about the player's activity in your application.

Constant Summary

float UNSET_VALUE The default value for each field when there isn't enough data to calculate.

Inherited Constant Summary

Public Method Summary

abstract float
The average session length of the player in minutes.
abstract float
This method is deprecated. This field will always return UNSET_VALUE.
abstract int
The approximate number of days since the player last played.
abstract float
This method is deprecated. This field will always return UNSET_VALUE.
abstract int
The approximate number of in-app purchases for the player.
abstract int
The approximate number of sessions of the player.
abstract float
The approximation of sessions percentile for the player.
abstract float
The approximate spend percentile of the player.
abstract float
This method is deprecated. This field will always return UNSET_VALUE.
abstract float
This method is deprecated. This field will always return UNSET_VALUE.

Inherited Method Summary


public static final float UNSET_VALUE

The default value for each field when there isn't enough data to calculate. Please check the value against this before using it.

Constant Value:-1.0

Public Methods

public abstract floatgetAverageSessionLength()

The average session length of the player in minutes. Session length is determined by the time that a player is signed in to Google Play Games services.


public abstract floatgetChurnProbability()

This method is deprecated.
This field will always return UNSET_VALUE.

The approximate probability of the player not returning to play the game. Higher values indicate that a player is less likely to return.

  • A decimal number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) orUNSET_VALUE.

public abstract intgetDaysSinceLastPlayed()

The approximate number of days since the player last played.


public abstract floatgetHighSpenderProbability()

This method is deprecated.
This field will always return UNSET_VALUE.

The probability that the player may spend a large amount relative to other players. Higher values indicate that a player is more likely to spend large amounts.

  • A decimal number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) orUNSET_VALUE.

public abstract intgetNumberOfPurchases()

The approximate number of in-app purchases for the player.


public abstract intgetNumberOfSessions()

The approximate number of sessions of the player. Sessions are determined by the number of times that a player signs in to Google Play Games services.


public abstract floatgetSessionPercentile()

The approximation of sessions percentile for the player. This value indicates how many sessions the current player has played in comparison to the rest of this game's player base. Higher numbers indicate that this player has played more sessions.

  • A decimal number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) orUNSET_VALUE.

public abstract floatgetSpendPercentile()

The approximate spend percentile of the player. This value indicates how much the current player has spent in comparison to the rest of this game's player base. Higher numbers indicate that this player has spent more.

  • A decimal number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) orUNSET_VALUE.

public abstract floatgetSpendProbability()

This method is deprecated.
This field will always return UNSET_VALUE.

The approximate probability of the player choosing to spend in this game. Higher values indicate that a player is more likely to spend.

  • A decimal number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) orUNSET_VALUE.

public abstract floatgetTotalSpendNext28Days()

This method is deprecated.
This field will always return UNSET_VALUE.

The predicted amount in USD that the player will spend over the next 28 days.

  • The estimated spend total over the next 28 days in USD, orUNSET_VALUE.