
public final classInstantAppsextendsObject

Entry point for Instant Apps APIs.

Public Method Summary

getActivityCompat(Activity activity)
Returns a helper for Activity functionality that can be used to retrieve information about running instant apps or installed apps.
getInstantAppsClient(Activity activity)
Creates a new instance ofInstantAppsClient for use in anActivity.
getInstantAppsClient(Context context)
Creates a new instance ofInstantAppsClient for use in a non-activityContext.
getLauncher(Context context)
Returns an API for launching instant apps by URL.
getPackageManagerCompat(Context context)
Returns a helper for PackageManager functionality that can be used to retrieve information about running instant apps or installed apps.
static boolean
showInstallPrompt(Activity activity,Intent postInstallIntent, int requestCode,Stringreferrer)
Shows a dialog that allows the user to install the current instant app.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

public staticActivityCompat getActivityCompat(Activity activity)

Returns a helper for Activity functionality that can be used to retrieve information about running instant apps or installed apps.

Information about instant apps will only be returned for currently running instant apps that include the package name of the calling application in a <instant:uses-app>element under the <application>element in their manifest.

activity the activity on which to query information.

public staticInstantAppsClient getInstantAppsClient(Activity activity)

Creates a new instance ofInstantAppsClient for use in anActivity. Error resolutions will be automatically launched from the provided Activity, displaying UI when necessary.

public staticInstantAppsClient getInstantAppsClient(Context context)

Creates a new instance ofInstantAppsClient for use in a non-activityContext. Error resolutions will be automatically launched from the provided Context, displaying system tray notifications when necessary.

public staticLauncher getLauncher(Context context)

Returns an API for launching instant apps by URL.

This method will cache a Launcher instance for the application context; you can invoke this method in many places in your code (without having to pass around a Launcher interface) without incurring extra allocations.

context the current context

public staticPackageManagerCompat getPackageManagerCompat(Context context)

Returns a helper for PackageManager functionality that can be used to retrieve information about running instant apps or installed apps.

This method will cache a PackageManagerCompat instance for the application context; you can invoke this method in many places in your code (without having to pass around a PackageManagerCompat interface) without incurring extra allocations.

context the current context

public static booleanshowInstallPrompt(Activityactivity, Intent postInstallIntent, int requestCode,Stringreferrer)

Shows a dialog that allows the user to install the current instant app. This method is a no-op if the current running process is an installed app. If the app is currently in Pre-Registration, it will allow the user to pre-register for the app and return to the instant app upon completion. A post-install intent must be provided, which will be used to start the application after install is complete (if applicable).

activity The activity launching the dialog
postInstallIntent The intent to launch after the instant app has been installed. If postInstallIntent is not provided or invalid, it falls back to the default launcher activity.
requestCode The request code to pass to startActivityForResult(Intent, int)
referrer The install referrer string
  • if the install prompt is successfully displayed