
public interfaceFusedLocationProviderClientimplementsHasApiKey<Api.ApiOptions.NoOptions>

The main entry point for interacting with the Fused Location Provider (FLP). In order to obtain an instance of this class, seeLocationServices.

In order to use most location APIs, clients are required to hold either theManifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission or theManifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION. Clients holding only thecoarse permissionwill receive locations that have been obfuscated to hide the device's exact location, and only reveal the approximate area of the device. In addition, clients with only the coarse permission will receive location updates at a throttled rate to avoid wasting power to derive approximate locations. Applications which do not require exact location to work properly (such as a weather app potentially) are encouraged to request only the coarse location permission. From Android 12 onwards, the user may force any app to use coarse location even if it has requested fine location, so apps should carefully test their behavior with only the coarse location permission to ensure their functionality works as expected.

If clients have only the coarse or fine location permission, they will not receive locations while they are in the background. Whether an app is in the background or foreground is normally determined by whether it is currently showing any UI to the user. Apps may also use aforeground location serviceto maintain their foreground status when they would normally be in the background.

If clients also hold the Manifest.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATIONpermission, they may receive locations while in the background even if the above conditions are not met.

There are several types of use cases for location. One of the most common is simply obtaining a single location in order to determine where the device is now, and continue from there. The getCurrentLocation(CurrentLocationRequest, CancellationToken)API is designed with exactly this use case in mind. On the other hand, if repeated location updates are required, such as when tracking the user's location over time, requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest, Executor, LocationListener)or one of its variants is better suited. Clients are encourage to familiarize themselves with the full range of APIs available in this class to understand which is best suited for their needs.

Constant Summary

String KEY_MOCK_LOCATION This constant is deprecated. Use Location.isMock() on Android S and above, otherwise use LocationCompat.isMock()from the compat libraries instead.
String KEY_VERTICAL_ACCURACY This constant is deprecated. Use Location.getVerticalAccuracyMeters()on Android O and above, otherwise use LocationCompat.getVerticalAccuracyMeters()from the compat libraries instead.

Public Method Summary

abstract Task<Void>
Flushes any locations currently being batched and sends them to all registered LocationListeners, LocationCallbacks, andPendingIntents.
abstract Task<Location>
getCurrentLocation(int priority, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Returns a single location fix representing the best estimate of the current location of the device.
abstract Task<Location>
getCurrentLocation(CurrentLocationRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Returns a single location fix representing the best estimate of the current location of the device.
abstract Task<Location>
getLastLocation(LastLocationRequest request)
Returns the most recent cached location from the past currently available.
abstract Task<Location>
Returns the most recent cached location from the past currently available.
abstract Task<LocationAvailability>
Returns the estimated availability of location data.
abstract Task<Void>
abstract Task<Void>
removeLocationUpdates(LocationListener listener)
Removes all location updates for the given listener.
abstract Task<Void>
removeLocationUpdates(LocationCallback callback)
Removes all location updates for the given callback.
abstract Task<Void>
removeLocationUpdates(PendingIntent pendingIntent)
Removes all location updates for the given pending intent.
abstract Task<Void>
abstract Task<Void>
abstract Task<Void>
requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest request,LocationListener listener,Looperlooper)
Requests location updates with the given request and results delivered to the given listener on the specifiedLooper.
abstract Task<Void>
requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest request,Executor executor,LocationCallback callback)
Requests location updates with the given request and results delivered to the given callback on the specifiedExecutor.
abstract Task<Void>
requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest request,Executor executor,LocationListener listener)
Requests location updates with the given request and results delivered to the given listener on the specifiedExecutor.
abstract Task<Void>
requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest request,LocationCallback callback,Looperlooper)
Requests location updates with the given request and results delivered to the given callback on the specifiedLooper.
abstract Task<Void>
requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest request,PendingIntent pendingIntent)
Requests location updates with the given request and results delivered via the specifiedPendingIntent.
abstract Task<Void>
setMockLocation(Location location)
Sets the mock location of the Fused Location Provider.
abstract Task<Void>
setMockMode(boolean mockMode)
Sets whether or not the Fused Location Provider is in mock mode.


public static finalString KEY_MOCK_LOCATION

This constant is deprecated.
UseLocation.isMock() on Android S and above, otherwise use LocationCompat.isMock()from the compat libraries instead.

Key used for the Bundle extra inLocation object indicating whether this is a mock location.

Constant Value: "mockLocation"

public static finalString KEY_VERTICAL_ACCURACY

This constant is deprecated.
Use Location.getVerticalAccuracyMeters()on Android O and above, otherwise use LocationCompat.getVerticalAccuracyMeters()from the compat libraries instead.

Key used for the Bundle extra inLocation object holding a float indicating the estimated vertical accuracy of the location, in meters.

Constant Value: "verticalAccuracy"

Public Methods

public abstract Task<Void>flushLocations()

Flushes any locations currently being batched and sends them to all registered LocationListeners, LocationCallbacks, andPendingIntents. This call is only useful when batching is specified using LocationRequest.setMaxWaitTime(long),otherwise locations are already delivered immediately when available.

public abstract Task<Location> getCurrentLocation(int priority, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Returns a single location fix representing the best estimate of the current location of the device. This may return a cached location if a recent enough location fix exists, or may compute a fresh location. If unable to retrieve a current location fix before timing out, null will be returned.

The behavior of this method can be modified in important ways through various parameters ofCurrentLocationRequest, and clients are encouraged to familiarize themselves withCurrentLocationRequest and the getCurrentLocation(CurrentLocationRequest, CancellationToken)overload.

See getCurrentLocation(CurrentLocationRequest, CancellationToken)for more documentation.

public abstract Task<Location> getCurrentLocation(CurrentLocationRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Returns a single location fix representing the best estimate of the current location of the device. This may return a cached location if a recent enough location fix exists, or may compute a fresh location. If unable to retrieve a current location fix before timing out, null will be returned.

Clients may supply an optionalCancellationToken which may be used to cancel the request.

This API has the samebackground location limitsthat apply to requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest, PendingIntent)and all location APIs, so clients may note that this API fails to return a location more often when invoked from the background.

There are many parameters ofCurrentLocationRequest that can substantially affect the latency and behavior of this API - in particular, clients are encouraged to select a CurrentLocationRequest.getMaxUpdateAgeMillis()that best suits their needs, and to review all parameters of the request to familiarize themselves with the options.

public abstract Task<Location> getLastLocation(LastLocationRequest request)

Returns the most recent cached location from the past currently available. Will return null if no such cached location is available. The returned location may be of an arbitrary age, so clients should check how old the location is to see if it suits their purposes.

See getLastLocation()for more documentation.

public abstract Task<Location> getLastLocation()

Returns the most recent cached location from the past currently available. Will return null if no such cached location is available. The returned location may be of an arbitrary age, so clients should check how old the location is to see if it suits their purposes.

Since this method simply checks caches for pre-computed locations it is generally cheap and quick to return.

However, clients should still avoid calling this method in a tight loop or otherwise wasting system resources. If a client wishes to be informed of new locations passively, registering a location request withPriority.PRIORITY_PASSIVE through requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest, Executor, LocationListener)or similar APIs is far more efficient than calling this method over and over indefinitely.

If a client needs the current location of the device and is checking to see if a cached location is recent enough to be useful, but will need to calculate a new location otherwise, clients are recommended to use getCurrentLocation(CurrentLocationRequest, CancellationToken)which can take advantage of a cached location or calculate a new location if necessary in a single method call.

public abstract Task<LocationAvailability> getLocationAvailability()

Returns the estimated availability of location data. If LocationAvailability.isLocationAvailable()returns true then it is likely (but not guaranteed) that Fused Location Provider APIs will be able to derive and return fresh location updates. If LocationAvailability.isLocationAvailable()returns false, then it is likely (but not guaranteed) that Fused Location Provider APIs will be unable to derive and return fresh location updates, though there may be cached locations available.

public abstract Task<Void>removeDeviceOrientationUpdates(DeviceOrientationListener listener)

This method is deprecated.
Use FusedOrientationProviderClient.removeOrientationUpdates(DeviceOrientationListener) instead.

Removes all device orientation updates for the given listener.

public abstract Task<Void>removeLocationUpdates(LocationListener listener)

Removes all location updates for the given listener.

public abstract Task<Void>removeLocationUpdates(LocationCallback callback)

Removes all location updates for the given callback.

public abstract Task<Void>removeLocationUpdates(PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Removes all location updates for the given pending intent.

public abstract Task<Void>requestDeviceOrientationUpdates(DeviceOrientationRequest request,Executor executor,DeviceOrientationListener listener)

This method is deprecated.
Use FusedOrientationProviderClient.requestOrientationUpdates(DeviceOrientationRequest, Executor, DeviceOrientationListener)instead.

Requests device orientation updates with the given request and delivers results to the given listener on the specifiedExecutor.

A previous request for device orientation for the same listener will be replaced by this request.

Device orientation updates will only be served if the requesting app is in foreground.

Use removeDeviceOrientationUpdates(DeviceOrientationListener)to stop device orientation updates once no longer needed.

public abstract Task<Void>requestDeviceOrientationUpdates(DeviceOrientationRequest request,DeviceOrientationListener listener,Looper looper)

This method is deprecated.
Use FusedOrientationProviderClient.requestOrientationUpdates(DeviceOrientationRequest, Executor, DeviceOrientationListener)instead.

Requests device orientation updates with the given request and delivers results to the given listener on the specifiedLooper.

A previous device orientation request for the same listener will be replaced by this request.

Device orientation updates will only be served if the requesting app is in foreground.

IllegalStateException iflooperis null and the calling thread has not called Looper.prepare().

public abstract Task<Void>requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest request,LocationListener listener,Looper looper)

Requests location updates with the given request and results delivered to the given listener on the specifiedLooper.

See requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest, Executor, LocationListener)for more documentation.

IllegalStateException iflooperis null and the calling thread has not called Looper.prepare()

public abstract Task<Void>requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest request,Executor executor,LocationCallback callback)

Requests location updates with the given request and results delivered to the given callback on the specifiedExecutor.

If the givenLooperis null, the Looper associated with the calling thread will be used instead.

See requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest, Executor, LocationListener)for more documentation.

public abstract Task<Void>requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest request,Executor executor,LocationListener listener)

Requests location updates with the given request and results delivered to the given listener on the specifiedExecutor. A previous request for location updates for the same listener will be replaced by this request. If the location request has a priority higher thanPriority.PRIORITY_PASSIVE, a wakelock may be held on the client's behalf while delivering locations.

Use removeLocationUpdates(LocationListener)to stop location updates once no longer needed.

Depending on the arguments passed in through theLocationRequest, cached locations from the past may be delivered when the listener is first registered. Clients should ensure they are checking location timestamps appropriately if necessary.

Location requests that do not specify batching (seeLocationRequest.isBatched()) are guaranteed to receive locations that are monotonically increasing in time (they will never receive a location that appears to travel backwards in time compared to the prior location). Location requests that allow for batching are guaranteed that every location within a batch will be monotonically increasing in time, but may receive out-of-order locations when compared across separate batches, and must be prepared to handle such locations correctly for their own needs.

public abstract Task<Void>requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest request,LocationCallback callback,Looper looper)

Requests location updates with the given request and results delivered to the given callback on the specifiedLooper.

If the givenLooperis null, the Looper associated with the calling thread will be used instead.

See requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest, Executor, LocationListener)for more documentation.

IllegalStateException iflooperis null and the calling thread has not called Looper.prepare()

public abstract Task<Void>requestLocationUpdates(LocationRequest request,PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Requests location updates with the given request and results delivered via the specifiedPendingIntent. A previous request for location updates for the same pending intent will be replaced by this request. If the location request has a priority higher thanPriority.PRIORITY_PASSIVE, a wakelock may be held on the client's behalf while delivering locations. A wakelock will not be held while delivering availability updates.

Location updates should be extracted from the receivedIntentvia LocationResult.hasResult(Intent)and LocationResult.extractResult(Intent).Availability updates should be extracted from theIntentvia LocationAvailability.hasLocationAvailability(Intent)and LocationAvailability.extractLocationAvailability(Intent).

This method is suited for receiving location updates in the background, even when the receiving app may have been killed by the system. Using aPendingIntent allows the target component to be started and receive location updates. For foreground use cases prefer to listen for location updates via a listener or callback instead of a pending intent.

PendingIntent location requests are automatically removed when the client application is reset (when the client application is upgraded or removed, or the user force-restarts or force-quits it), or if the pending intent is canceled.

Use removeLocationUpdates(PendingIntent)to stop location updates once no longer needed.

Depending on the arguments passed in through theLocationRequest, locations from the past may be delivered when the callback is first registered. Clients should ensure they are checking location timestamps appropriately if necessary.

Location requests that do not specify batching (seeLocationRequest.isBatched()) are guaranteed to receive locations that are monotonically increasing in time (they will never receive a location that appears to travel backwards in time compared to the prior location). Location requests that allow for batching may receive such out-of-order locations, and must be prepared to handle such locations correctly for their own needs.

This API will not work forinstant apps,since they are intended to run only in the foreground and will be disconnected otherwise. Instant apps should prefer to use any of the overloads that acceptLocationListener orLocationCallback instead.

public abstract Task<Void>setMockLocation(Location location)

Sets the mock location of the Fused Location Provider.

Delivers the given location to the FLP as if it was coming from an underlying location source. Normal FLP logic around receiving and delivering location will generally apply. For this reason the timestamps of the location should be set appropriately, as the FLP may expect monotonically increasing timestamps. When this location is reported to FLP clients it will be marked as a mock location (see Location.isMock() or LocationCompat.isMock()from the compat libraries).

This API can only be successfully used while the FLP is in mock mode. Clients must fulfill the same security requirements as for setMockMode(boolean)as well.

public abstract Task<Void>setMockMode(boolean mockMode)

Sets whether or not the Fused Location Provider is in mock mode.

Entering mock mode clears the FLP's cached locations, and ensures that the FLP will only report locations set through setMockLocation(Location).Exiting mock mode will clear any mock locations set from the FLP's cache as well. Mock mode affects all location clients using the FLP, including location clients in other processes and derivative APIs such as geofencing and so forth. Because this affects all FLP usage, clients should always ensure they properly set the mock mode to false when finished.

Successfully using this API on devices running Android M+ requires the client to request theandroid.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATIONpermission and to be selected as the mock location app within the device developer settings. Using this API on pre-M devices requires theSettings.Secure.ALLOW_MOCK_LOCATIONsetting to be enabled.