
public static final classLocationSettingsRequest.BuilderextendsObject

A builder that buildsLocationSettingsRequest.

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

addAllLocationRequests(Collection<LocationRequest> requests)
Adds a collection ofLocationRequests that the client is interested in.
addLocationRequest(LocationRequest request)
Adds oneLocationRequest that the client is interested in.
Creates a LocationSettingsRequest that can be used withSettingsApi.
setAlwaysShow(boolean show)
Whether or not location is required by the calling app in order to continue.
setNeedBle(boolean needBle)
Sets whether the client wants BLE scan to be enabled.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors


Public Methods

publicLocationSettingsRequest.Builder addAllLocationRequests(Collection<LocationRequest> requests)

Adds a collection ofLocationRequests that the client is interested in. Settings will be checked for optimal performance of allLocationRequests.

publicLocationSettingsRequest.Builder addLocationRequest(LocationRequest request)

Adds oneLocationRequest that the client is interested in. Settings will be checked for optimal performance of allLocationRequests.

publicLocationSettingsRequest build()

Creates a LocationSettingsRequest that can be used withSettingsApi.

publicLocationSettingsRequest.Builder setAlwaysShow(boolean show)

Whether or not location is required by the calling app in order to continue. Set this to true if location is required to continue and false if having location provides better results, but is not required. This changes the wording/appearance of the dialog accordingly.

publicLocationSettingsRequest.Builder setNeedBle(boolean needBle)

Sets whether the client wants BLE scan to be enabled. When this flag is set to true, if the platform supports BLE scan mode and Bluetooth is off, the dialog will prompt the user to enable BLE scan. If the platform doesn't support BLE scan mode, the dialog will prompt to enable Bluetooth.