
ActivityTransition.SupportedActivityTransition Activity transition constants annotation.
Geofence.GeofenceTransition Geofence transition event.
Geofence.TransitionTypes Geofence transition types of interest, as either 0 or a bitwise-OR ofGEOFENCE_TRANSITION_flags.
GeofencingRequest.InitialTrigger The triggering behavior at the moment when the geofences are added.
Granularity Location granularity levels to be used with APIs withinFusedLocationProviderClient.
Priority Location power vs accuracy priority levels to be used with APIs withinFusedLocationProviderClient.


ActivityRecognitionApi This interface is deprecated. Use the GoogleApi-based APIActivityRecognitionClient instead.
ActivityRecognitionClient The main entry point for interacting with activity recognition.
DeviceOrientationListener A listener for receiving device orientation from the FusedOrientationProviderClient.
FusedLocationProviderApi This interface is deprecated. Use the GoogleApi-based APIFusedLocationProviderClient instead.
FusedLocationProviderClient The main entry point for interacting with the Fused Location Provider (FLP).
FusedOrientationProviderClient The main entry point for interacting with the Fused Orientation Provider (FOP).
Geofence Represents a geographical region, also known as a geofence.
GeofencingApi This interface is deprecated. Use the GoogleApi-based APIGeofencingClient instead.
GeofencingClient The main entry point for interacting with geofencing.
LocationListener A listener for receiving locations from the FusedLocationProviderClient.
SettingsApi This interface is deprecated. Use GoogleApi-based APISettingsClient instead.
SettingsClient The main entry point for interacting with the location settings-enabler APIs.


ActivityRecognition The main entry point for activity recognition integration.
ActivityRecognitionResult Result of an activity recognition.
ActivityTransition Represents an activity and the transition of it.
ActivityTransition.Builder The builder to help create anActivityTransition object.
ActivityTransitionEvent Represents an activity transition event, for example start to walk, stop running etc.
ActivityTransitionRequest The request object for apps to get notified when user's activity changes.
ActivityTransitionResult Represents the result of activity transitions.
CurrentLocationRequest An encapsulation of various parameters for requesting the current location throughFusedLocationProviderClient.
CurrentLocationRequest.Builder A builder forCurrentLocationRequest.
DetectedActivity The detected activity of the device with an an associated confidence.
DeviceOrientation Data class used to represent a device orientation and returned by FusedOrientationProviderClientto registeredDeviceOrientationListeners.
DeviceOrientation.Builder A builder forDeviceOrientation.
DeviceOrientationRequest An encapsulation of various parameters for requesting device orientation through FusedOrientationProviderClient.
DeviceOrientationRequest.Builder A builder forDeviceOrientationRequest.
Geofence.Builder A builder that buildsGeofence.
GeofenceStatusCodes Geofence specific status codes, for use in Status.getStatusCode()
GeofencingEvent Represents an event from theGeofencingClient API.
GeofencingRequest Specifies the list of geofences to be monitored and how the geofence notifications should be reported.
GeofencingRequest.Builder A builder forGeofencingRequest.
LastLocationRequest An encapsulation of various parameters for requesting a (cached) last location throughFusedLocationProviderClient.
LastLocationRequest.Builder A builder forLastLocationRequest.
LocationAvailability Information on the availability of location data.
LocationCallback A callback for receiving locations from the FusedLocationProviderClient.
LocationRequest An encapsulation of various parameters for requesting location throughFusedLocationProviderClient.
LocationRequest.Builder Builder forLocationRequest.
LocationResult A data class representing a geographic location result from the fused location provider.
LocationServices The main entry point for location services integration.
LocationSettingsRequest Specifies the types of location services the client is interested in using.
LocationSettingsRequest.Builder A builder that buildsLocationSettingsRequest.
LocationSettingsResponse Successful response of checking settings via SettingsApi.checkLocationSettings(GoogleApiClient, LocationSettingsRequest).
LocationSettingsResult Result of checking settings via SettingsApi.checkLocationSettings(GoogleApiClient, LocationSettingsRequest), indicates whether a dialog should be shown to ask the user's consent to change their settings.
LocationSettingsStates Stores the current states of all location-related settings.
LocationSettingsStatusCodes Location settings specific status codes, for use inStatus.getStatusCode()
LocationStatusCodes This class is deprecated. UseGeofenceStatusCodes.
SleepClassifyEvent Represents a sleep classification event including the classification timestamp, the sleep confidence, and the supporting data such as device motion and ambient light level.
SleepSegmentEvent Represents the result of segmenting sleep after the user is awake.
SleepSegmentRequest A request object that specifies what data to receive from the Sleep API.