
public classGoogleMapextendsObject

This is the main class of the Google Maps SDK for Android and is the entry point for all methods related to the map. You cannot instantiate aGoogleMapobject directly, rather, you must obtain one from thegetMapAsync()method on a MapFragmentor MapViewthat you have added to your application.

Note: Similar to aViewobject, a GoogleMapcan only be read and modified from the Android UI thread. CallingGoogleMapmethods from another thread will result in an exception.

You can adjust the viewpoint of a map by changing the position of the camera (as opposed to moving the map). You can use the map's camera to set parameters such as location, zoom level, tilt angle, and bearing. For more information, seeCamera and View.

Developer Guide

To get started, read theGoogle Maps SDK for Android developer guide.

Nested Class Summary

interface GoogleMap.CancelableCallback A callback interface for reporting when a task is complete or canceled.
interface GoogleMap.InfoWindowAdapter Provides views for customized rendering of info windows.
interface GoogleMap.OnCameraChangeListener This interface is deprecated. Replaced by GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveStartedListener,GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveListener andGoogleMap.OnCameraIdleListener. The order in which the deprecatedonCameraChangemethod will be called in relation to the methods in the new camera change listeners is undefined.
interface GoogleMap.OnCameraIdleListener Callback interface for when camera movement has ended.
interface GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveCanceledListener Callback interface for when the camera's motion has been stopped or when the camera starts moving for a new reason.
interface GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveListener Callback interface for when the camera changes position.
interface GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveStartedListener Callback interface for when the camera motion starts.
interface GoogleMap.OnCircleClickListener Callback interface for when a circle is clicked.
interface GoogleMap.OnGroundOverlayClickListener Callback interface for when a ground overlay is clicked.
interface GoogleMap.OnIndoorStateChangeListener A listener for when the indoor state changes.
interface GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener Callback interface for click/tap events on a marker's info window.
interface GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowCloseListener Callback interface for close events on a marker's info window.
interface GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowLongClickListener Callback interface for when the user long presses on a marker's info window.
interface GoogleMap.OnMapCapabilitiesChangedListener Listener interface for when the map capabilities are changed.
interface GoogleMap.OnMapClickListener Callback interface for when the user taps on the map.
interface GoogleMap.OnMapLoadedCallback Callback interface for when the map has finished rendering.
interface GoogleMap.OnMapLongClickListener Callback interface for when the user long presses on the map.
interface GoogleMap.OnMarkerClickListener Defines signatures for methods that are called when a marker is clicked or tapped.
interface GoogleMap.OnMarkerDragListener Callback interface for drag events on markers.
interface GoogleMap.OnMyLocationButtonClickListener Callback interface for when the My Location button is clicked.
interface GoogleMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener This interface is deprecated. Use instead. FusedLocationProviderApi provides improved location finding and power usage and is used by the "My Location" blue dot. See theSelect Current Place tutorial,which uses the FusedLocationProviderApi, or theLocation Developer Guide.
interface GoogleMap.OnMyLocationClickListener Callback interface for when the My Location dot (which signifies the user's location) is clicked.
interface GoogleMap.OnPoiClickListener A listener for POI taps.
interface GoogleMap.OnPolygonClickListener Callback interface for when a polygon is clicked.
interface GoogleMap.OnPolylineClickListener Callback interface for when a polyline is clicked.
interface GoogleMap.SnapshotReadyCallback Callback interface to notify when the snapshot has been taken.

Constant Summary

String DEMO_MAP_ID Returns theDEMO_MAP_ID,which can be used for code samples which require a Map ID.
int MAP_TYPE_HYBRID Satellite maps with a transparent layer of major streets.
int MAP_TYPE_NONE No base map tiles.
int MAP_TYPE_NORMAL Basic maps.
int MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE Satellite maps with no labels.
int MAP_TYPE_TERRAIN Terrain maps.

Public Method Summary

addCircle(CircleOptions options)
Add a circle to this map.
addGroundOverlay(GroundOverlayOptions options)
Adds an image to this map.
addMarker(MarkerOptions options)
Adds a marker to this map.
final void
addOnMapCapabilitiesChangedListener(GoogleMap.OnMapCapabilitiesChangedListener listener)
Adds a listener that's invoked when the map capabilities are changed.
addPolygon(PolygonOptions options)
Adds a polygon to this map.
addPolyline(PolylineOptions options)
Adds a polyline to this map.
addTileOverlay(TileOverlayOptions options)
Adds a tile overlay to this map.
final void
animateCamera(CameraUpdate update, GoogleMap.CancelableCallbackcallback)
Animates the movement of the camera from the current position to the position defined in the update and calls an optional callback on completion.
final void
animateCamera(CameraUpdate update)
Animates the movement of the camera from the current position to the position defined in the update.
final void
animateCamera(CameraUpdate update, int durationMs, GoogleMap.CancelableCallbackcallback)
Moves the map according to the update with an animation over a specified duration, and calls an optional callback on completion.
final void
Removes all markers, polylines, polygons, overlays, etc from the map.
Gets the current position of the camera.
getFeatureLayer(FeatureLayerOptions featureLayerOptions)
Returns a feature layer of the specified type.
Gets the currently focused building.
Returns theMapCapabilities instance.
Returns theMapColorScheme int the map is currently rendering.
final int
Gets the type of map that's currently displayed.
final float
Returns the maximum zoom level for the current camera position.
final float
Returns the minimum zoom level.
This method is deprecated. Use instead. FusedLocationProviderApi provides improved location finding and power usage and is used by the "My Location" blue dot. See the MyLocationDemoActivity in the sample applications folder for example code, or theLocation Developer Guide.
Returns aProjection object that you can use to convert between screen coordinates and latitude/longitude coordinates.
Gets the user interface settings for the map.
final boolean
Returns whether 3D buildings layer is enabled.
final boolean
Gets whether indoor maps are currently enabled.
final boolean
Gets the status of the my-location layer.
final boolean
Checks whether the map is drawing traffic data.
final void
moveCamera(CameraUpdate update)
Repositions the camera according to the instructions defined in the update.
final void
removeOnMapCapabilitiesChangedListener(GoogleMap.OnMapCapabilitiesChangedListener listener)
Removes a listener that's invoked when the map capabilities are changed.
Removes any previously specified upper and lower zoom bounds.
final void
setBuildingsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Turns the 3D buildings layer on or off.
final void
Sets a contentDescription for the map.
final boolean
setIndoorEnabled(boolean enabled)
Sets whether indoor maps should be enabled.
final void
setInfoWindowAdapter(GoogleMap.InfoWindowAdapter adapter)
Sets a custom renderer for the contents of info windows.
setLatLngBoundsForCameraTarget(LatLngBounds bounds)
Specifies a LatLngBounds to constrain the camera target, so that when users scroll and pan the map, the camera target does not move outside these bounds.
final void
setLocationSource(LocationSource source)
Replaces the location source of the my-location layer.
setMapColorScheme(int mapColorScheme)
Sets the map rendering color scheme to light, dark, or follow system settings after initialization.
setMapStyle(MapStyleOptions style)
Sets the styling of the base map.
final void
setMapType(int type)
Sets the type of map tiles that should be displayed.
setMaxZoomPreference(float maxZoomPreference)
Sets a preferred upper bound for the camera zoom.
setMinZoomPreference(float minZoomPreference)
Sets a preferred lower bound for the camera zoom.
final void
setMyLocationEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enables or disables the my-location layer.
final void
final void
setOnCameraIdleListener(GoogleMap.OnCameraIdleListener listener)
Sets a callback that is invoked when camera movement has ended.
final void
setOnCameraMoveCanceledListener(GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveCanceledListener listener)
Sets a callback that is invoked when camera motion is stopped or interrupted by a new type of animation.
final void
setOnCameraMoveListener(GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveListener listener)
Sets a callback that is invoked repeatedly while the camera is in motion.
final void
setOnCameraMoveStartedListener(GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveStartedListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when the camera starts moving or the reason for camera motion has changed.
final void
setOnCircleClickListener(GoogleMap.OnCircleClickListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when a circle is clicked.
final void
setOnGroundOverlayClickListener(GoogleMap.OnGroundOverlayClickListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when a ground overlay is clicked.
final void
setOnIndoorStateChangeListener(GoogleMap.OnIndoorStateChangeListener listener)
Sets or clears the listener for indoor events.
final void
setOnInfoWindowClickListener(GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when a marker info window is clicked.
final void
setOnInfoWindowCloseListener(GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowCloseListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when a marker's info window is closed.
final void
setOnInfoWindowLongClickListener(GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowLongClickListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when a marker's info window is long pressed.
final void
setOnMapClickListener(GoogleMap.OnMapClickListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when the map is tapped.
setOnMapLoadedCallback(GoogleMap.OnMapLoadedCallback callback)
Sets a callback that's invoked when this map has finished rendering.
final void
setOnMapLongClickListener(GoogleMap.OnMapLongClickListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when the map is long pressed.
final void
setOnMarkerClickListener(GoogleMap.OnMarkerClickListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when a marker is clicked.
final void
setOnMarkerDragListener(GoogleMap.OnMarkerDragListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when a marker is dragged.
final void
setOnMyLocationButtonClickListener(GoogleMap.OnMyLocationButtonClickListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when the my location button is clicked.
final void
setOnMyLocationChangeListener(GoogleMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener listener)
This method is deprecated. use instead. FusedLocationProviderApi provides improved location finding and power usage and is used by the "My Location" blue dot. See the MyLocationDemoActivity in the sample applications folder for example code, or theLocation Developer Guide.
final void
setOnMyLocationClickListener(GoogleMap.OnMyLocationClickListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when the My Location dot (which signifies the user's location) is clicked.
final void
setOnPoiClickListener(GoogleMap.OnPoiClickListener listener)
Sets a listener which will be triggered when a POI is clicked or tapped.
final void
setOnPolygonClickListener(GoogleMap.OnPolygonClickListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when a polygon is clicked.
final void
setOnPolylineClickListener(GoogleMap.OnPolylineClickListener listener)
Sets a callback that's invoked when a polyline is clicked.
final void
setPadding(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
Sets padding on the map.
final void
setTrafficEnabled(boolean enabled)
Turns the traffic layer on or off.
final void
snapshot(GoogleMap.SnapshotReadyCallback callback,Bitmap bitmap)
Takes a snapshot of the map.
final void
snapshot(GoogleMap.SnapshotReadyCallback callback)
Takes a snapshot of the map.
final void
Stops the camera animation if there is one in progress.

Inherited Method Summary


public static finalString DEMO_MAP_ID

Returns theDEMO_MAP_ID,which can be used for code samples which require a Map ID. This Map ID is not intended for use in production applications and cannot be used for features which require cloud configuration (such asCloud-based maps styling).

Note: Usage ofDEMO_MAP_IDtriggers a map load charge against the Dynamic Maps SKU for Android and iOS. For more information, seeGoogle Maps Platform Pricing

Constant Value:"demo_map_id"

public static final int MAP_TYPE_HYBRID

Satellite maps with a transparent layer of major streets.

Constant Value:4

public static final int MAP_TYPE_NONE

No base map tiles.

Constant Value:0

public static final int MAP_TYPE_NORMAL

Basic maps.

Constant Value:1

public static final int MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE

Satellite maps with no labels.

Constant Value:2

public static final int MAP_TYPE_TERRAIN

Terrain maps.

Constant Value:3

Public Methods

public finalCircle addCircle(CircleOptions options)

Add a circle to this map.

options A circle options object that defines how to render the Circle
  • TheCircleobject that is added to the map

public finalGroundOverlay addGroundOverlay(GroundOverlayOptions options)

Adds an image to this map.

options A ground-overlay options object that defines how to render the overlay. Should never be null. Options must have an image (AnchoredBitmap) and position specified.
  • TheGroundOverlay that was added to the map. Might be null if there's an error adding the ground overlay.
IllegalArgumentException if either the image or the position is unspecified in the options.

public finalMarker addMarker(MarkerOptions options)

Adds a marker to this map.

The marker's icon is rendered on the map at the location Marker.position. Clicking the marker centers the camera on the marker. If Marker.title is defined, the map shows an info box with the marker's title and snippet. If the marker is draggable, long-clicking and then dragging the marker moves it.

If anAdvancedMarkerOptions is passed to this method then anAdvancedMarker will be created and returned as a Marker.

options A marker options object that defines how to render the marker.
  • TheMarker that was added to the map. Might be null if there's an error adding the marker.

public final voidaddOnMapCapabilitiesChangedListener(GoogleMap.OnMapCapabilitiesChangedListener listener)

Adds a listener that's invoked when the map capabilities are changed.

public finalPolygon addPolygon(PolygonOptions options)

Adds a polygon to this map.

options A polygon options object that defines how to render the Polygon.
  • ThePolygonobject that is added to the map.

public finalPolyline addPolyline(PolylineOptions options)

Adds a polyline to this map.

options A polyline options object that defines how to render the Polyline.
  • ThePolylineobject that was added to the map.

public finalTileOverlay addTileOverlay(TileOverlayOptions options)

Adds a tile overlay to this map. SeeTileOverlay for more information.

Note that unlike other overlays, if the map is recreated, tile overlays are not automatically restored and must be re-added manually.

options A tile-overlay options object that defines how to render the overlay. Should never be null. Options must have aTileProvider specified, otherwise anIllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
  • TheTileOverlay that was added to the map. Might be null if there's an error adding the tile overlay.
IllegalArgumentException if theTileProvider is unspecified in the options.

public final voidanimateCamera(CameraUpdateupdate, GoogleMap.CancelableCallback callback)

Animates the movement of the camera from the current position to the position defined in the update and calls an optional callback on completion. SeeCameraUpdateFactory for a set of updates.

During the animation, a call togetCameraPosition() returns an intermediate location of the camera.

update The change that should be applied to the camera.
callback The callback to invoke from the Android UI thread when the animation stops. If the animation completes normally, GoogleMap.CancelableCallback.onFinish()is called; otherwise, GoogleMap.CancelableCallback.onCancel()is called. Do not update or animate the camera from within GoogleMap.CancelableCallback.onCancel().

public final voidanimateCamera(CameraUpdate update)

Animates the movement of the camera from the current position to the position defined in the update. During the animation, a call togetCameraPosition() returns an intermediate location of the camera.

SeeCameraUpdateFactory for a set of updates.

update The change that should be applied to the camera.

public final voidanimateCamera(CameraUpdateupdate, int durationMs,GoogleMap.CancelableCallback callback)

Moves the map according to the update with an animation over a specified duration, and calls an optional callback on completion. SeeCameraUpdateFactory for a set of updates.

IfgetCameraPosition() is called during the animation, it will return the current location of the camera in flight.

durationMs The duration of the animation in milliseconds. This must be strictly positive, otherwise anIllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
callback An optional callback to be notified from the Android UI thread when the animation stops. If the animation stops due to its natural completion, the callback will be notified with GoogleMap.CancelableCallback.onFinish().If the animation stops due to interruption by a later camera movement or a user gesture, GoogleMap.CancelableCallback.onCancel()will be called. The callback should not attempt to move or animate the camera in its cancellation method. If a callback isn't required, leave it asnull.

public final voidclear()

Removes all markers, polylines, polygons, overlays, etc from the map.

public finalCameraPosition getCameraPosition()

Gets the current position of the camera.

TheCameraPosition returned is a snapshot of the current position, and will not automatically update when the camera moves.

For more information about changing the camera's position, seeCamera and View.

  • The current position of the Camera.

publicFeatureLayer getFeatureLayer(FeatureLayerOptions featureLayerOptions)

Returns a feature layer of the specified type. Feature layers must be configured in the Cloud Console.

If a layer of the specified type does not exist on this map, or if data-driven styling is not enabled, the resulting layer'sFeatureLayer.isAvailable() will be false, and will not respond to any calls.

featureLayerOptions A feature layer options object that defines which feature layer should be requested.

publicIndoorBuilding getFocusedBuilding()

Gets the currently focused building.

  • The current focused building ornullif no building is focused.

publicMapCapabilities getMapCapabilities()

Returns theMapCapabilities instance.

public intgetMapColorScheme()

Returns theMapColorScheme int the map is currently rendering.

public final intgetMapType()

Gets the type of map that's currently displayed. SeeMAP_TYPE_NORMAL, MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE, MAP_TYPE_TERRAIN for possible values.

  • The map type.

public final floatgetMaxZoomLevel()

Returns the maximum zoom level for the current camera position. This takes into account what map type is currently being used, e.g., satellite or terrain may have a lower max zoom level than the base map tiles.

Note: This returns the maximum zoom level supported by the Google Maps API for the current camera position, and not the zoom level preference previously requested in setMaxZoomPreference(float).

For more information about changing the camera's zoom level, seeCamera and View.

  • The maximum zoom level available at the current camera position.

public final floatgetMinZoomLevel()

Returns the minimum zoom level. This is the same for every location (unlike the maximum zoom level) but may vary between devices and map sizes.

Note: This returns the minimum zoom level supported by the Google Maps API, and not the zoom level preference previously requested in setMinZoomPreference(float).

For more information about changing the camera's zoom level, seeCamera and View.

  • The minimum zoom level available.

public finalLocation getMyLocation()

This method is deprecated.
Use instead. FusedLocationProviderApi provides improved location finding and power usage and is used by the "My Location" blue dot. See the MyLocationDemoActivity in the sample applications folder for example code, or theLocation Developer Guide.

Returns the currently displayed user location, ornullif there is no location data available.

IllegalStateException if the my-location layer is not enabled.

public finalProjection getProjection()

Returns aProjection object that you can use to convert between screen coordinates and latitude/longitude coordinates.

TheProjectionreturned is a snapshot of the current projection, and will not automatically update when the camera moves. As this operation is expensive, you should get the projection only once per screen. Google Maps uses the Mercator projection to create its maps from geographic data and convert points on the map into geographic coordinates.


public finalUiSettings getUiSettings()

Gets the user interface settings for the map.


public final booleanisBuildingsEnabled()

Returns whether 3D buildings layer is enabled.

  • trueif buildings are enabled;falseotherwise.

public final booleanisIndoorEnabled()

Gets whether indoor maps are currently enabled.

  • trueif indoor maps are enabled;falseif indoor maps are disabled;

public final booleanisMyLocationEnabled()

Gets the status of the my-location layer.

  • trueif the my-location layer is enabled;false otherwise.

public final booleanisTrafficEnabled()

Checks whether the map is drawing traffic data. This is subject to the availability of traffic data.

  • trueif traffic data is enabled;falseotherwise.

public final voidmoveCamera(CameraUpdate update)

Repositions the camera according to the instructions defined in the update. The move is instantaneous, and a subsequentgetCameraPosition() will reflect the new position. SeeCameraUpdateFactory for a set of updates.

update The change that should be applied to the camera.

public final voidremoveOnMapCapabilitiesChangedListener(GoogleMap.OnMapCapabilitiesChangedListener listener)

Removes a listener that's invoked when the map capabilities are changed.

public voidresetMinMaxZoomPreference()

Removes any previously specified upper and lower zoom bounds.

public final voidsetBuildingsEnabled(boolean enabled)

Turns the 3D buildings layer on or off.

enabled trueto enable the 3D buildings layer;falseto disable 3D buildings.

public final voidsetContentDescription(String description)

Sets a contentDescription for the map.

This is used to provide a spoken description of the map in accessibility mode. The default value is "Google Map"

description a string to use as a description.

public final booleansetIndoorEnabled(boolean enabled)

Sets whether indoor maps should be enabled. Currently, indoor maps can only be shown on one map at a time and by default, this is the first map added to your application. To enable indoor maps on another map, you must first disable indoor maps on the original map. If you try to enable indoor maps when it is enabled on another map, nothing will happen and this will returnfalse.When Indoor is not enabled for a map, all methods related to indoor will returnnull,or false.

enabled trueto try to enable indoor maps;falseto disable indoor maps.
  • whether it was possible to enable indoor maps.

public final voidsetInfoWindowAdapter(GoogleMap.InfoWindowAdapter adapter)

Sets a custom renderer for the contents of info windows.

Like the map's event listeners, this state is not serialized with the map. If the map gets re-created (e.g., due to a configuration change), you must ensure that you call this method again in order to preserve the customization.

adapter The adapter to use for info window contents, ornullto use the default content rendering in info windows.

public voidsetLatLngBoundsForCameraTarget(LatLngBounds bounds)

Specifies a LatLngBounds to constrain the camera target, so that when users scroll and pan the map, the camera target does not move outside these bounds.

Set to null to clear the bounding box completely. The new bounds replaces any previously specified bounding box.

When the LatLngBounds changes, the SDK adjusts all later camera updates to respect those bounds if possible. Note that there are technical considerations that may prevent the SDK from keeping the camera target strictly within the bounds. For example, floating point precision rounding errors or a very low zoom level.

bounds The bounds to constrain the camera target within.

public final voidsetLocationSource(LocationSource source)

Replaces the location source of the my-location layer.

source A location source to use in the my-location layer. Set tonullto use the default location source.

public voidsetMapColorScheme(int mapColorScheme)

Sets the map rendering color scheme to light, dark, or follow system settings after initialization.

Does not save state after the map is destroyed. Reinitialize via GoogleMapOptions.mapColorScheme(int)orsetMapColorScheme(int).

mapColorScheme to denote which pre-selected color scheme.

public booleansetMapStyle(MapStyleOptions style)

Sets the styling of the base map.

Using the style options, you can apply custom styles to features and elements on the map. SeeMapStyleOptions for style definition details.

style Map style options. Set to null to clear any previous custom styling.
  • trueif the style was successfully parsed;falseif problems were detected with theMapStyleOptions, including, e.g. unparsable styling JSON, unrecognized feature type, unrecognized element type, or invalid styler keys. If the return value isfalse,the current style is left unchanged.

public final voidsetMapType(int type)

Sets the type of map tiles that should be displayed. The allowable values are:

type The type of map to display.

public voidsetMaxZoomPreference(float maxZoomPreference)

Sets a preferred upper bound for the camera zoom.

When the maximum zoom changes, the SDK adjusts all later camera updates to respect that maximum if possible. Note that there are technical considerations that may prevent the SDK from allowing users to zoom too deep into the map. For example, satellite or terrain may have a lower maximum zoom than the base map tiles.

The SDK resolves any conflicts in the minimum and maximum values. If you set the minimum zoom to a higher zoom level than the current maximum, then the SDK uses the new minimum value for both minimum and maximum. If you set the maximum zoom to a lower zoom level than the minimum, the SDK uses the new maximum value for both minimum and maximum. For example: Assume the current minimum zoom is 8 and the maximum is 14. Then you set the maximum zoom to 6. The SDK uses a minimum zoom of 6 and a maximum zoom of 6.

maxZoomPreference The preferred upper bound.

public voidsetMinZoomPreference(float minZoomPreference)

Sets a preferred lower bound for the camera zoom.

When the minimum zoom changes, the SDK adjusts all later camera updates to respect that minimum if possible. Note that there are technical considerations that may prevent the SDK from allowing users to zoom too low.

The SDK resolves any conflicts in the minimum and maximum values. If you set the minimum zoom to a higher zoom level than the current maximum, then the SDK uses the new minimum value for both minimum and maximum. If you set the maximum zoom to a lower zoom level than the minimum, the SDK uses the new maximum value for both minimum and maximum. For example: Assume the current minimum zoom is 8 and the maximum is 14. Then you set the minimum zoom to 16. The SDK uses a minimum zoom of 16 and a maximum zoom of 16.

minZoomPreference The preferred lower bound.

public final voidsetMyLocationEnabled(boolean enabled)

Enables or disables the my-location layer.

While enabled and the location is available, the my-location layer continuously draws an indication of a user's current location and bearing, and displays UI controls that allow a user to interact with their location (for example, to enable or disable camera tracking of their location and bearing).

In order to use the my-location-layer feature you need to request permission for eitherACCESS_COARSE_LOCATIONorACCESS_FINE_LOCATIONunless you have set a custom location source.

If you have set a custom location source via setLocationSource(LocationSource)the Google Maps SDK for Android will not check whether the above permissions have been granted. However, you still need to make sure that the user has granted all the permissions required for your custom location source.

enabled trueto enable;falseto disable.
SecurityException if location permission is not granted.

public final voidsetOnCameraChangeListener(GoogleMap.OnCameraChangeListener listener)

This method is deprecated.
Replaced by setOnCameraMoveStartedListener(GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveStartedListener), setOnCameraMoveListener(GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveListener), setOnCameraMoveCanceledListener(GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveCanceledListener)and setOnCameraIdleListener(GoogleMap.OnCameraIdleListener).

Sets a callback that's invoked when the camera changes.

listener The callback that's invoked when the camera changes. To unset the callback, use null.

public final voidsetOnCameraIdleListener(GoogleMap.OnCameraIdleListener listener)

Sets a callback that is invoked when camera movement has ended.

listener The callback that's invoked. To unset the callback, usenull.

public final voidsetOnCameraMoveCanceledListener(GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveCanceledListener listener)

Sets a callback that is invoked when camera motion is stopped or interrupted by a new type of animation.

listener The callback that's invoked. To unset the callback, usenull.Do not update or animate the camera from within onCameraMoveCanceled().

public final voidsetOnCameraMoveListener(GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveListener listener)

Sets a callback that is invoked repeatedly while the camera is in motion. The callback may be invoked as often as once every frame and should not perform expensive operations.

listener The callback that's invoked. To unset the callback, usenull.

public final voidsetOnCameraMoveStartedListener(GoogleMap.OnCameraMoveStartedListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when the camera starts moving or the reason for camera motion has changed.

listener The callback that's invoked. To unset the callback, usenull.Do not update or animate the camera from within onCameraMoveStarted().

public final voidsetOnCircleClickListener(GoogleMap.OnCircleClickListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when a circle is clicked.

listener The callback that's invoked when a circle is clicked. To unset the callback, usenull.

public final voidsetOnGroundOverlayClickListener(GoogleMap.OnGroundOverlayClickListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when a ground overlay is clicked.

listener The callback that's invoked when a ground overlay is clicked. To unset the callback, usenull.

public final voidsetOnIndoorStateChangeListener(GoogleMap.OnIndoorStateChangeListener listener)

Sets or clears the listener for indoor events. Only one listener can ever be set. Setting a new listener will remove the previous listener.

listener the listener for indoor events if non-null; otherwise, clears the listener

public final voidsetOnInfoWindowClickListener(GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when a marker info window is clicked.

listener The callback that's invoked when a marker info window is clicked. To unset the callback, usenull.

public final voidsetOnInfoWindowCloseListener(GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowCloseListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when a marker's info window is closed.

listener The callback that's invoked when a marker's info window is closed. To unset the callback, usenull.

public final voidsetOnInfoWindowLongClickListener(GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowLongClickListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when a marker's info window is long pressed.

listener The callback that's invoked when a marker's info window is long pressed. To unset the callback, usenull.

public final voidsetOnMapClickListener(GoogleMap.OnMapClickListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when the map is tapped.

listener The callback that's invoked when the map is tapped. To unset the callback, use null.

public voidsetOnMapLoadedCallback(GoogleMap.OnMapLoadedCallback callback)

Sets a callback that's invoked when this map has finished rendering. The callback will only be invoked once.

If this method is called when the map is fully rendered, the callback will be invoked immediately. This event will not fire if the map never loads due to connectivity issues, or if the map is continuously changing and never completes loading due to the user constantly interacting with the map.

callback The callback invoked when the map has finished rendering. To unset the callback, usenull.

public final voidsetOnMapLongClickListener(GoogleMap.OnMapLongClickListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when the map is long pressed.

listener The callback that's invoked when the map is long pressed. To unset the callback, usenull.

public final voidsetOnMarkerClickListener(GoogleMap.OnMarkerClickListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when a marker is clicked.

listener The callback that's invoked when a marker is clicked. To unset the callback, usenull.

public final voidsetOnMarkerDragListener(GoogleMap.OnMarkerDragListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when a marker is dragged.

listener The callback that's invoked on marker drag events. To unset the callback, use null.

public final voidsetOnMyLocationButtonClickListener(GoogleMap.OnMyLocationButtonClickListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when the my location button is clicked.

If thelistenerreturnstrue,the event is consumed and the default behavior will not occur. If it returnsfalse,the default behavior will occur (i.e. The camera moves such that it is centered on the user's location).

listener The callback that's invoked when the My Location button is clicked.

public final voidsetOnMyLocationChangeListener(GoogleMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener listener)

This method is deprecated.
use instead. FusedLocationProviderApi provides improved location finding and power usage and is used by the "My Location" blue dot. See the MyLocationDemoActivity in the sample applications folder for example code, or theLocation Developer Guide.

Sets a callback that's invoked when the My Location dot changes location.

listener The callback that's invoked when the My Location dot changes.

public final voidsetOnMyLocationClickListener(GoogleMap.OnMyLocationClickListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when the My Location dot (which signifies the user's location) is clicked.

listener The callback that's invoked when the My Location dot is clicked.

public final voidsetOnPoiClickListener(GoogleMap.OnPoiClickListener listener)

Sets a listener which will be triggered when a POI is clicked or tapped.

listener Listener for POI click and tap events. Passnullto clear the listener.

public final voidsetOnPolygonClickListener(GoogleMap.OnPolygonClickListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when a polygon is clicked.

listener The callback that's invoked when a polygon is clicked. To unset the callback, usenull.

public final voidsetOnPolylineClickListener(GoogleMap.OnPolylineClickListener listener)

Sets a callback that's invoked when a polyline is clicked.

listener The callback that's invoked when a polyline is clicked. To unset the callback, usenull.

public final voidsetPadding(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

Sets padding on the map.

This method allows you to define a visible region on the map, to signal to the map that portions of the map around the edges may be obscured, by setting padding on each of the four edges of the map. Map functions will be adapted to the padding. For example, the zoom controls, compass, copyright notices and Google logo will be moved to fit inside the defined region, camera movements will be relative to the center of the visible region, etc.

left the number of pixels of padding to be added on the left of the map.
top the number of pixels of padding to be added on the top of the map.
right the number of pixels of padding to be added on the right of the map.
bottom the number of pixels of padding to be added on the bottom of the map.

public final voidsetTrafficEnabled(boolean enabled)

Turns the traffic layer on or off.

public final voidsnapshot(GoogleMap.SnapshotReadyCallback callback,Bitmap bitmap)

Takes a snapshot of the map.

This method is equivalent to snapshot(SnapshotReadyCallback)but lets you provide a preallocated Bitmap.If the bitmap does not match the current dimensions of the map, another bitmap will be allocated that fits the map's dimensions.

Although in most cases the object passed by the callback method is the same as the one given in the parameter to this method, in some cases the returned object can be different (e.g., if the view's dimensions have changed by the time the snapshot is actually taken). Thus, you should only trust the content of the bitmap passed by the callback method.

callback Callback method invoked when the snapshot is taken.
bitmap A preallocated bitmap. Ifnull,behaves like snapshot(SnapshotReadyCallback).

public final voidsnapshot(GoogleMap.SnapshotReadyCallback callback)

Takes a snapshot of the map.

You can use snapshots within your application when an interactive map would be difficult, or impossible, to use. For example, images produced with the snapshot()method can be used to display a thumbnail of the map in your app, or a snapshot in the notification center.

Note:Images of the map must not be transmitted to your servers, or otherwise used outside of the application. If you need to send a map to another application or user, send data that allows them to reconstruct the map for the new user instead of a snapshot.

callback Callback method invoked when the snapshot is taken.

public final voidstopAnimation()

Stops the camera animation if there is one in progress. When the method is called, the camera stops moving immediately and remains in that position.