
public final classMapsInitializerextendsObject

Use this class to initialize the Google Maps SDK for Android if features need to be used before obtaining a map. It must be called because some classes such as BitmapDescriptorFactory and CameraUpdateFactory need to be initialized.

Do not use this class if you obtain a validGoogleMap reference using the onMapReady(GoogleMap map)callback. Instead provide the callback to either MapFragment#getMapAsync()or MapView#getMapAsync().For examples, see the sample application.

Nested Class Summary

enum MapsInitializer.Renderer Enables you to specify whichMapsInitializer.Renderer you prefer to use for your applicationLATESTor LEGACY.

Public Method Summary

synchronized static int
initialize(Context context,MapsInitializer.Renderer preferredRenderer, OnMapsSdkInitializedCallbackcallback)
Specifies whichMapsInitializer.Renderer type you prefer to use to initialize the Google Maps SDK for Android, and provides a callback to receive the actualMapsInitializer.Renderer type.
synchronized static int
initialize(Context context)
Initializes the Google Maps SDK for Android so that its classes are ready for use.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

public static synchronized int initialize(Contextcontext, MapsInitializer.Renderer preferredRenderer,OnMapsSdkInitializedCallback callback)

Specifies whichMapsInitializer.Renderer type you prefer to use to initialize the Google Maps SDK for Android, and provides a callback to receive the actualMapsInitializer.Renderer type. This call will initialize the Google Maps SDK for Android, so that its classes are ready for use. The callback will be triggered when the Maps SDK is initialized.

The Maps SDK only initializes once per Application lifecycle. Only the first call of this method or initialize(Context)takes effect. To make renderer preference meaningful, you must call this method before initialize(Context),and before MapFragment.onCreate(Bundle)and MapView.onCreate(Bundle).It's recommended to do this inApplication.onCreate().

Do not use this method if you obtain a validGoogleMap reference using the onMapReady(GoogleMap map)callback. Instead provide the callback to either MapFragment#getMapAsync()or MapView#getMapAsync().This call will then have no effect other than triggering the callback for the initializedMapsInitializer.Renderer.

Note the following:

  • UseLEGACYto request the legacy renderer. No action is necessary if you prefer to use the latest renderer, as the latest render is the default.
  • The latest renderer may not always be returned due to various reasons, including not enough memory, unsupported Android version, or routine downtime.
context Required to fetch the necessary SDK resources and code. Must not be null.
preferredRenderer WhichMapsInitializer.Renderer type you prefer to use for your application. Ifnullis provided, the defaultpreference is taken.
callback The callback that the Maps SDK triggers when it informs you about which renderer type was actually loaded. You can define what you want to do differently according to the maps renderer that is loaded.
  • A ConnectionResult error code.

public static synchronized int initialize(Context context)

Initializes the Google Maps SDK for Android so that its classes are ready for use.

Do not use this method if you obtain a validGoogleMap reference using the onMapReady(GoogleMap map)callback. Instead provide the callback to either MapFragment#getMapAsync()or MapView#getMapAsync().For examples, see the sample application.

context Required to fetch the necessary SDK resources and code. Must not be null.
  • A ConnectionResult error code.