
public final classProjectionextendsObject

A projection is used to translate between on screen location and geographic coordinates on the surface of the Earth (LatLng). Screen location is in screen pixels (not display pixels) with respect to the top left corner of the map (and not necessarily of the whole screen).

Public Method Summary

Returns the geographic location that corresponds to a screen location.
Gets a projection of the viewing frustum for converting between screen coordinates and geo-latitude/longitude coordinates.
toScreenLocation(LatLng location)
Returns a screen location that corresponds to a geographical coordinate (LatLng).

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

publicLatLng fromScreenLocation(Point point)

Returns the geographic location that corresponds to a screen location. The screen location is specified in screen pixels (not display pixels) relative to the top left of the map (not the top left of the whole screen).

point APointon the screen in screen pixels. Must not benull.
  • TheLatLng corresponding to thepointon the screen, ornullif the ray through the given screen point does not intersect the ground plane (this might be the case if the map is heavily tilted).

publicVisibleRegion getVisibleRegion()

Gets a projection of the viewing frustum for converting between screen coordinates and geo-latitude/longitude coordinates.

  • The projection of the viewing frustum in its current state.

publicPoint toScreenLocation(LatLng location)

Returns a screen location that corresponds to a geographical coordinate (LatLng). The screen location is in screen pixels (not display pixels) relative to the top left of the map (not of the whole screen).

location ALatLng on the map to convert to a screen location. Must not benull.
  • APoint representing the screen location in screen pixels.