
public abstract @interfaceMapColorSchemeimplementsAnnotation

Represents the integer value mapping for dark mode color scheme.

@see GoogleMap.setMapColorScheme(MapColorScheme)

@see GoogleMapOptions.setMapColorScheme(MapColorScheme).

Constant Summary

int DARK Represents dark mode.
int FOLLOW_SYSTEM Represents light or dark mode by referring to Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASKfrom device settings.
int LIGHT Represents light mode.

Inherited Method Summary


public static final int DARK

Represents dark mode. Ignoring device settings.

Constant Value:1

public static final int FOLLOW_SYSTEM

Represents light or dark mode by referring to Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASKfrom device settings.

Constant Value:2

public static final int LIGHT

Represents light mode. Ignoring device settings.

Constant Value:0