
public classStreetViewPanoramaCameraextendsObject

An immutable class that aggregates all camera position parameters.

Nested Class Summary

class StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Builder Builds panorama cameras.

Inherited Constant Summary

Field Summary

public final float bearing Direction that the camera is pointing in, in degrees clockwise from north.
public final float tilt The angle, in degrees, of the camera from the horizon of the panorama.
public final float zoom Zoom level near the centre of the screen.

Public Constructor Summary

StreetViewPanoramaCamera(float zoom, float tilt, float bearing)
Constructs a StreetViewPanoramaCamera.

Public Method Summary

static StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Builder
Creates a builder for a Street View panorama camera.
static StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Builder
builder(StreetViewPanoramaCamera camera)
Creates a builder for a Street View panorama camera.
Returns the particular camera's tilt and bearing as an orientation
writeToParcel(Parcelout, int flags)

Inherited Method Summary


public final float bearing

Direction that the camera is pointing in, in degrees clockwise from north.

public final float tilt

The angle, in degrees, of the camera from the horizon of the panorama. See StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Builder.tiltfor details of restrictions on the range of values.

public final float zoom

Zoom level near the centre of the screen. See StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Builder.zoomfor the definition of the camera's zoom level.

Public Constructors

publicStreetViewPanoramaCamera(float zoom, float tilt, float bearing)

Constructs a StreetViewPanoramaCamera.

zoom Zoom level of the camera to the panorama. See StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Builder.zoomfor details of restrictions.
tilt The camera angle, in degrees, from the horizon of the panorama. See StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Builder.tiltfor details of restrictions.
bearing Direction that the camera is pointing in, in degrees clockwise from north. This value will be normalized to be within 0 degrees inclusive and 360 degrees exclusive.
IllegalArgumentException iftiltis outside the range of -90 to 90 degrees inclusive.

Public Methods

public static StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Builderbuilder()

Creates a builder for a Street View panorama camera.

public static StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Builderbuilder(StreetViewPanoramaCamera camera)

Creates a builder for a Street View panorama camera.

camera The camera that will be set to the builder. Must not benull.

public booleanequals(Objecto)

publicStreetViewPanoramaOrientation getOrientation()

Returns the particular camera's tilt and bearing as an orientation

  • orientation Tilt and bearing of the camera

public inthashCode()


public voidwriteToParcel(Parcelout, int flags)