
public static final classStreetViewPanoramaCamera.BuilderextendsObject

Builds panorama cameras.

Field Summary

public float bearing
public float tilt
public float zoom

Public Constructor Summary

Creates an empty builder.
Builder(StreetViewPanoramaCamera previous)
Creates a builder with an existing StreetViewPanoramaCamera.

Public Method Summary

bearing(float bearing)
Sets the direction that the camera is pointing in, in degrees clockwise from north.
orientation(StreetViewPanoramaOrientation orientation)
Sets the camera tilt and bearing based upon the given orientation's tilt and bearing.
tilt(float tilt)
Sets the angle, in degrees, of the camera from the horizon of the panorama.
zoom(float zoom)
Sets the zoom level of the camera.

Inherited Method Summary


public float bearing

public float tilt

public float zoom

Public Constructors


Creates an empty builder.

publicBuilder(StreetViewPanoramaCamera previous)

Creates a builder with an existingStreetViewPanoramaCamera.

previous The existing camera to initialize the builder. Must not be null.

Public Methods

public StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Builderbearing(float bearing)

Sets the direction that the camera is pointing in, in degrees clockwise from north.

public StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Builderorientation(StreetViewPanoramaOrientation orientation)

Sets the camera tilt and bearing based upon the given orientation's tilt and bearing.

orientation The orientation to be set for the builder. Must not benull.

public StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Buildertilt(float tilt)

Sets the angle, in degrees, of the camera from the horizon of the panorama. This value is restricted to being between -90 (directly down) and 90 (directly up).

public StreetViewPanoramaCamera.Builderzoom(float zoom)

Sets the zoom level of the camera. The original zoom level is set at 0. A zoom of 1 would double the magnification. The zoom is clamped between 0 and the maximum zoom level. The maximum zoom level can vary based upon the panorama. Clamped means that any value falling outside this range will be set to the closest extreme that falls within the range. For example, a value of -1 will be set to 0. Another example: If the maximum zoom for the panorama is 19, and the value is given as 20, it will be set to 19. Note that the camera zoom need not be an integer value.