
public static final classAdvertisingOptions.BuilderextendsObject

Builder class for AdvertisingOptions.

Public Constructor Summary

Creates a builder using the default advertising options.
Builder(AdvertisingOptions origin)
Creates a builder, copying the provided advertising options.

Public Method Summary

setConnectionType(int connectionType)
Sets whether the client should disrupt the current connection to optimize the transfer or not.
setDisruptiveUpgrade(boolean disruptiveUpgrade)
This method is deprecated. Use setConnectionType(int)instead.
setLowPower(boolean lowPower)
Sets whether low power should be used.
setStrategy(Strategy strategy)
Sets the advertising strategy.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors


Creates a builder using the default advertising options.

publicBuilder(AdvertisingOptions origin)

Creates a builder, copying the provided advertising options.

Public Methods

publicAdvertisingOptions build()

public AdvertisingOptions.BuildersetConnectionType(int connectionType)

Sets whether the client should disrupt the current connection to optimize the transfer or not. The default is ConnectionType.BALANCED.

public AdvertisingOptions.BuildersetDisruptiveUpgrade(boolean disruptiveUpgrade)

This method is deprecated.
Use setConnectionType(int)instead.

Sets the disruptive upgrade flag. A disruptive upgrade may disconnect the device from its primary Wi-Fi network, or otherwise modify Wi-Fi and/or BT state to optimize for faster throughput. By default, this option is true. Set this option to false if the user needs to maintain an internet connection or if the Nearby connection is expected to persist in the background.

public AdvertisingOptions.BuildersetLowPower(boolean lowPower)

Sets whether low power should be used. If true, only low power mediums (like BLE) will be used for advertising. By default, this option is false.

public AdvertisingOptions.BuildersetStrategy(Strategy strategy)

Sets the advertising strategy. The strategy used for advertising must match the strategy used inDiscoveryOptions.