
public interfaceConnections

This interface is deprecated.

Entry point for advertising and discovering nearby apps and services, and communicating with them over established connections.

Nested Class Summary

class Connections.ConnectionRequestListener This class is deprecated. Use ConnectionLifecycleCallbackinstead.
interface Connections.ConnectionResponseCallback This interface is deprecated. Use ConnectionLifecycleCallbackinstead.
class Connections.EndpointDiscoveryListener This class is deprecated. Use EndpointDiscoveryCallbackinstead.
interface Connections.MessageListener This interface is deprecated. Use PayloadCallback instead.
interface Connections.StartAdvertisingResult Result delivered when a local endpoint starts being advertised.

Constant Summary

long DURATION_INDEFINITE This constant is deprecated. Durations are no longer supported.
int MAX_BYTES_DATA_SIZE This specifies the maximum allowed size of Payload.Type.BYTESPayloads sent via the sendPayload(GoogleApiClient, String, Payload)method.
int MAX_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_LEN This constant is deprecated. Use MAX_BYTES_DATA_SIZE.
int MAX_UNRELIABLE_MESSAGE_LEN This constant is deprecated. Use MAX_BYTES_DATA_SIZE.

Public Method Summary

acceptConnection(GoogleApiClient apiClient,StringendpointId, PayloadCallbackpayloadCallback)
Accepts a connection to a remote endpoint.
acceptConnectionRequest(GoogleApiClient apiClient,StringendpointId, byte[] handshakeData, Connections.MessageListenermessageListener)
This method is deprecated. Use acceptConnection(GoogleApiClient, String, PayloadCallback) instead.
cancelPayload(GoogleApiClient apiClient, long payloadId)
Cancels aPayload currently in-flight to or from remote endpoint(s).
abstract void
disconnectFromEndpoint(GoogleApiClient apiClient,StringendpointId)
Disconnects from a remote endpoint.
rejectConnection(GoogleApiClient apiClient,StringendpointId)
Rejects a connection to a remote endpoint.
rejectConnectionRequest(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String remoteEndpointId)
This method is deprecated. Use rejectConnection(GoogleApiClient, String)instead.
requestConnection(GoogleApiClient apiClient,Stringname, String endpointId, ConnectionLifecycleCallbackconnectionLifecycleCallback)
Sends a request to connect to a remote endpoint.
sendConnectionRequest(GoogleApiClient apiClient,Stringname, String remoteEndpointId, byte[] handshakeData, Connections.ConnectionResponseCallbackconnectionResponseCallback, Connections.MessageListenermessageListener)
sendPayload(GoogleApiClient apiClient,StringendpointId, Payload payload)
Sends aPayload to a remote endpoint.
sendPayload(GoogleApiClient apiClient,List<String> endpointIds,Payload payload)
Variant of sendPayload(GoogleApiClient, String, Payload)that takes a list of remote endpoint IDs.
abstract void
sendReliableMessage(GoogleApiClient apiClient,List<String> remoteEndpointIds, byte[] payload)
This method is deprecated. Use sendPayload(GoogleApiClient, List, Payload)with Payload.Type.BYTESinstead.
abstract void
sendReliableMessage(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String remoteEndpointId, byte[] payload)
This method is deprecated. Use sendPayload(GoogleApiClient, String, Payload)with Payload.Type.BYTESinstead.
abstract void
sendUnreliableMessage(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String remoteEndpointId, byte[] payload)
This method is deprecated. Use sendPayload(GoogleApiClient, String, Payload)with Payload.Type.BYTESinstead.
abstract void
sendUnreliableMessage(GoogleApiClient apiClient,List<String> remoteEndpointIds, byte[] payload)
This method is deprecated. Use sendPayload(GoogleApiClient, List, Payload)with Payload.Type.BYTESinstead.
startAdvertising(GoogleApiClient apiClient,Stringname, String serviceId, ConnectionLifecycleCallbackconnectionLifecycleCallback, AdvertisingOptionsoptions)
Starts advertising an endpoint for a local app.
startDiscovery(GoogleApiClient apiClient,StringserviceId, EndpointDiscoveryCallbackendpointDiscoveryCallback, DiscoveryOptionsoptions)
Starts discovery for remote endpoints with the specified service ID.
abstract void
stopAdvertising(GoogleApiClient apiClient)
Stops advertising a local endpoint.
abstract void
stopAllEndpoints(GoogleApiClient apiClient)
Disconnects from, and removes all traces of, all connected and/or discovered endpoints.
abstract void
stopDiscovery(GoogleApiClient apiClient)
Stops discovery for remote endpoints, after a previous call to startDiscovery(GoogleApiClient, String,, DiscoveryOptions),when the client no longer needs to discover endpoints or goes inactive.
abstract void
stopDiscovery(GoogleApiClient apiClient,StringserviceId)
This method is deprecated. Use stopDiscovery(GoogleApiClient)instead. You can only discover for a single serviceId at a time, so no need to pass in the serviceId.


public static final long DURATION_INDEFINITE

This constant is deprecated.
Durations are no longer supported.

Value for duration meaning advertising / discovery should continue indefinitely until the application asks it to stop.

Constant Value:0

public static final int MAX_BYTES_DATA_SIZE

This specifies the maximum allowed size ofPayload.Type.BYTES Payloads sent via the sendPayload(GoogleApiClient, String, Payload)method.

Constant Value:32768

public static final int MAX_UNRELIABLE_MESSAGE_LEN

This constant is deprecated.

This gives the maximum payload size supported via the sendUnreliableMessage(GoogleApiClient, String, byte[])methods.

Constant Value:1168

Public Methods

public abstractPendingResult<Status> acceptConnection(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String endpointId,PayloadCallback payloadCallback)

Accepts a connection to a remote endpoint. This method must be called before Payloads can be exchanged with the remote endpoint.

Possible result status codes include:

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
endpointId The identifier for the remote endpoint. Should match the value provided in a call to ConnectionLifecycleCallback.onConnectionInitiated(String, ConnectionInfo).
payloadCallback A callback for payloads exchanged with the remote endpoint.
  • PendingResult to access the status of the operation when available.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> acceptConnectionRequest(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String endpointId, byte[] handshakeData, Connections.MessageListenermessageListener)

This method is deprecated.
Use acceptConnection(GoogleApiClient, String, PayloadCallback)instead.

Accepts a connection request from a remote endpoint. This method must be called before messages can be received from the remote endpoint.

Possible result status codes include:

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
endpointId The identifier for the remote endpoint that sent the connection request. Should match the value provided in a call to Connections.ConnectionRequestListener.onConnectionRequest(String, String, byte[]).
handshakeData Bytes of a custom message to send with the connection response. This message must not exceed MAX_BYTES_DATA_SIZEbytes in length.
messageListener A listener notified when a message is received from the remote endpoint, or it disconnects.
  • PendingResult to access the status of the operation when available.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> cancelPayload(GoogleApiClient apiClient, long payloadId)

Cancels aPayload currently in-flight to or from remote endpoint(s).

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
payloadId The identifier for the Payload to be canceled.
  • PendingResult to access the status of the operation when available.

public abstract voiddisconnectFromEndpoint(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String endpointId)

Disconnects from a remote endpoint.Payloads can no longer be sent to or received from the endpoint after this method is called.

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
endpointId The identifier for the remote endpoint to disconnect from.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> rejectConnection(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String endpointId)

Rejects a connection to a remote endpoint.

Possible result status codes include:

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
endpointId The identifier for the remote endpoint. Should match the value provided in a call to ConnectionLifecycleCallback.onConnectionInitiated(String, ConnectionInfo).
  • PendingResult to access the status of the operation when available.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> rejectConnectionRequest(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String remoteEndpointId)

This method is deprecated.
Use rejectConnection(GoogleApiClient, String)instead.

Rejects a connection request from a remote endpoint.

Possible result status codes include:

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
remoteEndpointId The identifier for the remote endpoint that sent the connection request. Should match the value provided in a call to Connections.ConnectionRequestListener.onConnectionRequest(String, String, byte[]).
  • PendingResult to access the status of the operation when available.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> requestConnection(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String name,String endpointId, ConnectionLifecycleCallbackconnectionLifecycleCallback)

Sends a request to connect to a remote endpoint.

Possible result status codes include:

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
name A human readable name for the local endpoint, to appear on the remote endpoint. If null or empty, a name will be generated based on the device name or model.
endpointId The identifier for the remote endpoint to which a connection request will be sent. Should match the value provided in a call to EndpointDiscoveryCallback.onEndpointFound(String, DiscoveredEndpointInfo)
connectionLifecycleCallback A callback notified when the remote endpoint sends a response to the connection request.
  • PendingResult to access the status of the operation when available.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> sendConnectionRequest(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String name,String remoteEndpointId, byte[] handshakeData, Connections.ConnectionResponseCallbackconnectionResponseCallback, Connections.MessageListenermessageListener)

This method is deprecated.
Use requestConnection(GoogleApiClient, String, String, ConnectionLifecycleCallback)instead.

Sends a request to connect to a remote endpoint.

Possible result status codes include:

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
name A human readable name for the local endpoint, to appear on the remote endpoint. If null or empty, a name will be generated based on the device name or model.
remoteEndpointId The identifier for the remote endpoint to which a connection request will be sent. Should match the value provided in a call to Connections.EndpointDiscoveryListener.onEndpointFound(String, String, String)
handshakeData Bytes of a custom message to send with the connection request. This message must not exceed MAX_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_LENbytes in length.
connectionResponseCallback A callback notified when the remote endpoint sends a response to the connection request.
messageListener A listener notified when a message is received from the remote endpoint, or it disconnects.
  • PendingResult to access the status of the operation when available.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> sendPayload(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String endpointId,Payload payload)

Sends aPayload to a remote endpoint. Payloads can only be sent to remote endpoints once a notice of connection acceptance has been delivered via ConnectionLifecycleCallback.onConnectionResult(String, ConnectionResolution)

Possible result status codes include:

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
endpointId The identifier for the remote endpoint to which the payload should be sent.
payload ThePayload to be sent.
  • PendingResult to access the status of the operation when available.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> sendPayload(GoogleApiClient apiClient,List<String> endpointIds, Payload payload)

Variant of sendPayload(GoogleApiClient, String, Payload)that takes a list of remote endpoint IDs. If none of the requested endpoints are connected, ConnectionsStatusCodes.STATUS_ENDPOINT_UNKNOWNwill be returned.

public abstract voidsendReliableMessage(GoogleApiClient apiClient,List<String> remoteEndpointIds, byte[] payload)

This method is deprecated.
Use sendPayload(GoogleApiClient, List, Payload)withPayload.Type.BYTES instead.

Variant of sendReliableMessage(GoogleApiClient, String, byte[])that takes a list of remote endpoint IDs.

public abstract voidsendReliableMessage(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String remoteEndpointId, byte[] payload)

This method is deprecated.
Use sendPayload(GoogleApiClient, String, Payload)withPayload.Type.BYTES instead.

Sends a message to a remote endpoint using a reliable protocol. Reliable messages will be retried until delivered, and are delivered in the order they were sent to a given endpoint. Messages can only be sent to remote endpoints once a connection request was first sent and accepted (in either direction).

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
remoteEndpointId The identifier for the remote endpoint to which the message should be sent.
payload The bytes of the message to send to the remote endpoint. This message must not exceed MAX_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_LENbytes in length.

public abstract voidsendUnreliableMessage(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String remoteEndpointId, byte[] payload)

This method is deprecated.
Use sendPayload(GoogleApiClient, String, Payload)withPayload.Type.BYTES instead.

Sends a message to a remote endpoint using an unreliable protocol. Unreliable messages may be dropped or delivered out of order. Messages can only be sent to remote endpoints once a connection request was first sent and accepted (in either direction).

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
remoteEndpointId The identifier for the remote endpoint to which the message should be sent.
payload The bytes of the message to send to the remote endpoint. This message must not exceed MAX_UNRELIABLE_MESSAGE_LENbytes in length.

public abstract voidsendUnreliableMessage(GoogleApiClient apiClient,List<String> remoteEndpointIds, byte[] payload)

This method is deprecated.
Use sendPayload(GoogleApiClient, List, Payload)withPayload.Type.BYTES instead.

Variant of sendUnreliableMessage(GoogleApiClient, String, byte[])that takes a list of remote endpoint IDs.

public abstractPendingResult<Connections.StartAdvertisingResult> startAdvertising(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String name,String serviceId, ConnectionLifecycleCallbackconnectionLifecycleCallback,AdvertisingOptions options)

Starts advertising an endpoint for a local app.

Possible result status codes include:

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
name A human readable name for this endpoint, to appear on other devices. If null or empty, a name will be generated based on the device name or model.
serviceId An identifier to advertise your app to other endpoints. This can be an arbitrary string, so long as it uniquely identifies your service. A good default is to use your app's package name.
connectionLifecycleCallback A callback notified when remote endpoints request a connection to this endpoint.
options The options for advertising.

public abstractPendingResult<Connections.StartAdvertisingResult> startAdvertising(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String name,AppMetadata appMetadata, long durationMillis, Connections.ConnectionRequestListenerconnectionRequestListener)

This method is deprecated.
Use startAdvertising(GoogleApiClient, String, String, ConnectionLifecycleCallback, AdvertisingOptions)instead.

Starts advertising an endpoint for a local app.

Possible result status codes include:

To advertise an endpoint you must specify a service ID in a meta-data tag with the your application tag, like so:

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
name A human readable name for this endpoint, to appear on other devices. If null or empty, a name will be generated based on the device name or model.
appMetadata Metadata used to describe this application which can be used to prompt the user to launch or install the application. If null, only applications looking for the specified service ID will be able to discover this endpoint.
durationMillis The duration of the advertisement in milliseconds, unless stopAdvertising( mon.api.GoogleApiClient)is called first. If DURATION_INDEFINITEis passed in, the advertisement will continue indefinitely until stopAdvertising( mon.api.GoogleApiClient)is called.
connectionRequestListener A listener notified when remote endpoints request a connection to this endpoint.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> startDiscovery(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String serviceId, long durationMillis, Connections.EndpointDiscoveryListenerlistener)

This method is deprecated.
Use startDiscovery(GoogleApiClient, String, EndpointDiscoveryCallback, DiscoveryOptions)instead.

Starts discovery for remote endpoints with the specified service ID.

Possible result status codes include:

Required Scopes: None
apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
serviceId The ID for the service to be discovered, as specified in its manifest.
durationMillis The duration of discovery in milliseconds, unless stopDiscovery( mon.api.GoogleApiClient, String) is called first. If DURATION_INDEFINITEis passed in, discovery will continue indefinitely until stopDiscovery( mon.api.GoogleApiClient, String) is called.
listener A listener notified when a remote endpoint is discovered.
  • PendingResult to access the status of the operation when available.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> startDiscovery(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String serviceId, EndpointDiscoveryCallbackendpointDiscoveryCallback,DiscoveryOptions options)

Starts discovery for remote endpoints with the specified service ID.

Possible result status codes include:

Required Scopes: None
apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
serviceId The ID for the service to be discovered, as specified in the corresponding call to startAdvertising(GoogleApiClient, String, String, ConnectionLifecycleCallback, AdvertisingOptions).
endpointDiscoveryCallback A callback notified when a remote endpoint is discovered.
options The options for discovery.
  • PendingResult to access the status of the operation when available.

public abstract voidstopAdvertising(GoogleApiClient apiClient)

Stops advertising a local endpoint. Should be called after calling startAdvertising(GoogleApiClient, String, String, ConnectionLifecycleCallback, AdvertisingOptions),as soon as the application no longer needs to advertise itself or goes inactive.Payloads can still be sent to connected endpoints after advertising ends.

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.

public abstract voidstopAllEndpoints(GoogleApiClient apiClient)

Disconnects from, and removes all traces of, all connected and/or discovered endpoints. This call is expected to be preceded by a call to stopAdvertising(GoogleApiClient)or startDiscovery(GoogleApiClient, String, EndpointDiscoveryCallback, DiscoveryOptions)as needed. After calling stopAllEndpoints(GoogleApiClient),no further operations with remote endpoints will be possible until a new call to one of startAdvertising(GoogleApiClient, String, String, ConnectionLifecycleCallback, AdvertisingOptions)or startDiscovery(GoogleApiClient, String, EndpointDiscoveryCallback, DiscoveryOptions).

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.

public abstract voidstopDiscovery(GoogleApiClient apiClient)

Stops discovery for remote endpoints, after a previous call to startDiscovery(GoogleApiClient, String,, DiscoveryOptions),when the client no longer needs to discover endpoints or goes inactive.Payloads can still be sent to connected endpoints after discovery ends.

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.

public abstract voidstopDiscovery(GoogleApiClient apiClient,String serviceId)

This method is deprecated.
Use stopDiscovery(GoogleApiClient)instead. You can only discover for a single serviceId at a time, so no need to pass in the serviceId.

Stops discovery for remote endpoints with the specified service ID. Should be called after calling startDiscovery( mon.api.GoogleApiClient, String, long, EndpointDiscoveryListener),with the same service ID value, as soon as the client no longer needs to discover endpoints or goes inactive. Messages can still be sent to remote endpoints after discovery ends.

Required Scopes: None

apiClient TheGoogleApiClient to service the call.
serviceId The ID for the service to stop being discovered.