
public static abstract classConnections.EndpointDiscoveryListenerextendsObject

This class is deprecated.
UseEndpointDiscoveryCallback instead.

Listener invoked during endpoint discovery.

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

onEndpointFound(StringendpointId, String serviceId,Stringname)
Called when a remote endpoint is discovered.
abstract void
Called when a remote endpoint is no longer discoverable; only called for endpoints that previously had been passed to onEndpointFound(String, String, String).

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors


Public Methods

public voidonEndpointFound(StringendpointId,StringserviceId,Stringname)

Called when a remote endpoint is discovered.

endpointId The ID of the remote endpoint that was discovered.
serviceId The ID of the service of the remote endpoint.
name The human readable name of the remote endpoint.

public abstract voidonEndpointLost(String endpointId)

Called when a remote endpoint is no longer discoverable; only called for endpoints that previously had been passed to onEndpointFound(String, String, String).

endpointId The ID of the remote endpoint that was lost.