
public interfaceMessages

This interface is deprecated.

API which allows your app to publish simple messages and subscribe to receive those messages from nearby devices.

The API performs its operations in an unauthenticated manner, so it does not require a Google account. However, it requires that the developer has a project in theGoogle Developers Consolewith the following prerequisites:

  1. Nearby Messages API turned on.
    Follow theseinstructionsto enable the "Nearby Messages API".
  2. An API key for the Android application using its package name and SHA1 fingerprint.
    Follow theseinstructionsto create the "Public API access" API key specific for your app.
  3. Add the API key generated above to your application's manifest:
    android:name= ""
    android:value= "SPECIFY_APPLICATION_API_KEY_HERE" />

The Messages API should be accessed from theNearbyentry point. For example:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(context)

protected void onStart() {

public void onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) {
PendingResult<Status> pendingResult = Nearby.Messages.publish(mGoogleApiClient,
new Message(bytes));

All of the Messages APIs should be used from a foreground Activity, with the exception of the variants ofsubscribethat take aPendingIntent parameter. Your Activity should publish(GoogleApiClient, Message)or subscribe(GoogleApiClient, MessageListener)either inActivity.onStart() or in response to a user action in a visible Activity, and you should always symmetrically unpublish(GoogleApiClient, Message)or unsubscribe(GoogleApiClient, MessageListener)inActivity.onStop().

Public Method Summary

getPermissionStatus(GoogleApiClient client)
This method is deprecated. This call will always succeed now that permission status is handled at connection time.
abstract void
handleIntent(Intent intent,MessageListener messageListener)
Extracts information from an Intent sent as a subscription callback, and calls the corresponding methods on the given MessageListener.
publish(GoogleApiClient client,Message message)
Publishes a message so that it is visible to nearby devices, using the default options from PublishOptions.DEFAULT.
publish(GoogleApiClient client,Message message,PublishOptions options)
Publishes a message so that it is visible to nearby devices.
registerStatusCallback(GoogleApiClient client,StatusCallback statusCallback)
Registers a status callback, which will be notified when significant events occur that affect Nearby for your app.
subscribe(GoogleApiClient client,PendingIntent pendingIntent, SubscribeOptionsoptions)
Note: Currently, this method only finds messages attached to BLE beacons.
subscribe(GoogleApiClient client,MessageListener listener, SubscribeOptionsoptions)
Subscribes for published messages from nearby devices.
subscribe(GoogleApiClient client,MessageListener listener)
Subscribes for published messages from nearby devices, using the default options in SubscribeOptions.DEFAULT.
subscribe(GoogleApiClient client,PendingIntent pendingIntent)
Note: Currently, this method only finds messages attached to BLE beacons.
unpublish(GoogleApiClient client,Message message)
Cancels an existing published message.
unregisterStatusCallback(GoogleApiClient client,StatusCallback statusCallback)
Unregisters a status callback previously registered with registerStatusCallback(GoogleApiClient, StatusCallback).
unsubscribe(GoogleApiClient client,PendingIntent pendingIntent)
Cancels an existing subscription.
unsubscribe(GoogleApiClient client,MessageListener listener)
Cancels an existing subscription.

Public Methods

public abstractPendingResult<Status> getPermissionStatus(GoogleApiClient client)

This method is deprecated.
This call will always succeed now that permission status is handled at connection time.

Checks if the user has granted this app permission to publish and subscribe.

In particular, the status returned can be

client A connectedGoogleApiClient forNearby.MESSAGES_API
  • ThePendingResult which can be used to determine if the app has all the required permissions to publish/subscribe.

public abstract voidhandleIntent(Intentintent,MessageListener messageListener)

Extracts information from an Intent sent as a subscription callback, and calls the corresponding methods on the given MessageListener.

Note:Only MessageListener.onFound(Message)and MessageListener.onLost(Message)are supported.

For example:

PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(context, 0,
new Intent(context, MyService.class), PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);

Nearby.Messages.subscribe(googleApiClient, pendingIntent,...);

public class MyService extends IntentService {
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
Nearby.Messages.handleIntent(intent, new MessageListener() {
public void onFound(Message message) {...}
intent An intent that was sent as a result of subscribe(GoogleApiClient, PendingIntent, SubscribeOptions)
messageListener This will be called immediately with information present in the Intent

public abstractPendingResult<Status> publish(GoogleApiClient client,Message message)

Publishes a message so that it is visible to nearby devices, using the default options from PublishOptions.DEFAULT.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> publish(GoogleApiClient client,Message message,PublishOptions options)

Publishes a message so that it is visible to nearby devices.

The message is only delivered to apps that share the same project id in the Developer Console and have an active subscription. Create project identifiers and turn on the Nearby API in theGoogle Developers Console.

Allowed ContextsGoogleApiClient can be bound to:

client A connectedGoogleApiClient forNearby.MESSAGES_API
message AMessage to publish for nearby devices to see
options APublishOptions object for this operation
  • ThePendingResult which can be used to determine if the call succeeded.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> registerStatusCallback(GoogleApiClient client,StatusCallback statusCallback)

Registers a status callback, which will be notified when significant events occur that affect Nearby for your app.

When your app first calls this API, it may be immediately called back with current status.

client A connectedGoogleApiClient forNearby.MESSAGES_API.
statusCallback A callback to notify when events occur.
  • ThePendingResult which can be used to determine if the call succeeded.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> subscribe(GoogleApiClient client,PendingIntent pendingIntent,SubscribeOptions options)

Note: Currently, this method only finds messages attached to BLE beacons. See Beacons.

Subscribes for published messages from nearby devices in a persistent and low-power manner. This uses less battery, but will have higher latency and lower reliability. Notably, updates may only be delivered when the device's screen turns on (or when Bluetooth turns on). The subscription will be retained after the client disconnects.

Call handleIntent(Intent, MessageListener)to handle the Intents received from Nearby while subscribed. Call unsubscribe(GoogleApiClient, PendingIntent)to cancel the subscription.

Each application can pass up to 5PendingIntents. When the limit is reached, this returns NearbyMessagesStatusCodes.TOO_MANY_PENDING_INTENTS,and the subscription is not created.

client A connectedGoogleApiClient forNearby.MESSAGES_API
pendingIntent APendingIntent to get callbacks about nearby messages
options ASubscribeOptions object for this operation
  • ThePendingResult which can be used to determine if the call succeeded.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> subscribe(GoogleApiClient client,MessageListener listener,SubscribeOptions options)

Subscribes for published messages from nearby devices.

Only messages published by apps sharing the same project id in the Developer Console will be delivered.

Allowed ContextsGoogleApiClient can be bound to:

client A connectedGoogleApiClient forNearby.MESSAGES_API
listener AMessageListener implementation to get callbacks of received messages
options ASubscribeOptions object for this operation
  • ThePendingResult which can be used to determine if the call succeeded.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> subscribe(GoogleApiClient client,MessageListener listener)

Subscribes for published messages from nearby devices, using the default options in SubscribeOptions.DEFAULT.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> subscribe(GoogleApiClient client,PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Note: Currently, this method only finds messages attached to BLE beacons. See Beacons.

Subscribes for published messages from nearby devices in a persistent and low-power manner, using the default options in SubscribeOptions.DEFAULT.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> unpublish(GoogleApiClient client,Message message)

Cancels an existing published message.

If this method is called and the message is not currently published, it will return aStatusof CommonStatusCodes.SUCCESS.

Allowed ContextsGoogleApiClient can be bound to:

client A connectedGoogleApiClient forNearby.MESSAGES_API
message AMessage that is currently published
  • ThePendingResult which can be used to determine if the call succeeded.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> unregisterStatusCallback(GoogleApiClient client,StatusCallback statusCallback)

Unregisters a status callback previously registered with registerStatusCallback(GoogleApiClient, StatusCallback).

client A connectedGoogleApiClient forNearby.MESSAGES_API.
statusCallback A callback previously registered with registerStatusCallback(GoogleApiClient, StatusCallback).
  • ThePendingResult which can be used to determine if the call succeeded.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> unsubscribe(GoogleApiClient client,PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Cancels an existing subscription.

If this method is called and thependingIntentis not currently subscribed, it will return aStatusof CommonStatusCodes.SUCCESS.

client A connectedGoogleApiClient forNearby.MESSAGES_API
pendingIntent APendingIntent that is currently subscribed
  • ThePendingResult which can be used to determine if the call succeeded.

public abstractPendingResult<Status> unsubscribe(GoogleApiClient client,MessageListener listener)

Cancels an existing subscription.

If this method is called and thelisteneris not currently subscribed, it will return aStatusof CommonStatusCodes.SUCCESS.

Allowed ContextsGoogleApiClient can be bound to:

client A connectedGoogleApiClient forNearby.MESSAGES_API
listener AMessageListener implementation that is currently subscribed
  • ThePendingResult which can be used to determine if the call succeeded.