
public final classAudioBytesextendsObject

This class is deprecated.
Nearby Messages will no longer support audio.

A message that will be sent directly over near-ultrasound audio. The payload can be an arbitrary byte[] array limited in size as given byMAX_SIZE.

Use this in combination with theMessages API to send or receive data over audio. For instance, the toMessage()method can be used to fetch a NearbyMessage object for a Messages.publish(GoogleApiClient, Message)call.

Similarly, the from(Message)method can be used to convert a Message obtained from a subscribe call to an AudioBytes object.

Constant Summary

int MAX_SIZE The maximum size of the audio message payload.

Public Constructor Summary

AudioBytes(byte[] audioData)
Creates an AudioBytes object from a byte[] payload for use with the Nearby Messages API.

Public Method Summary

from(Message message)
Converts a Message of type Message.MESSAGE_TYPE_AUDIO_BYTESto an AudioBytes object.
Returns the byte array payload.
Obtain aMessage object for use with the Messages.publish(GoogleApiClient, Message)call.

Inherited Method Summary


public static final int MAX_SIZE

The maximum size of the audio message payload. Only MAX_SIZEbytes will be sent over the audio medium.

Constant Value:10

Public Constructors

publicAudioBytes(byte[] audioData)

Creates an AudioBytes object from a byte[] payload for use with the Nearby Messages API.

Public Methods

public staticAudioBytes from(Message message)

Converts a Message of type Message.MESSAGE_TYPE_AUDIO_BYTESto an AudioBytes object.

message InputMessage object.

public byte[]getBytes()

Returns the byte array payload.

publicMessage toMessage()

Obtain aMessage object for use with the Messages.publish(GoogleApiClient, Message)call.

