
RangingParameters.RangingUpdateRate Update rate settings.
RangingParameters.SlotDuration Slot duration settings.
RangingParameters.UwbConfigId Represents which Config ID should be used.
RangingSessionCallback.RangingSuspendedReason Reason why ranging was stopped.
UwbAvailabilityObserver.UwbStateChangeReason Reason why UWB state changed
UwbRangeDataNtfConfig.RangeDataNtfConfig Represents which range data notification config is selected.


RangingSessionCallback Callbacks used by startRanging.
UwbAvailabilityObserver Observer for UWB availability change events.
UwbClient Interface for getting UWB capabilities and interacting with nearby UWB devices to perform ranging.


RangingCapabilities Describes UWB ranging capabilities for the current device.
RangingControleeParameters Parameters passed to controller for UwbClient.addControleeWithSessionParams(RangingControleeParameters)when Provisioned STS individual key is used.
RangingMeasurement Measurement providing the value and confidence of the ranging.
RangingParameters Set of parameters which should be passed to the UWB chip to start ranging.
RangingParameters.Builder Builder for creatingRangingParameters.
RangingPosition Position of a device during ranging.
UwbAddress Represents a UWB address.
UwbComplexChannel Represents the channel which a UWB device is currently active on.
UwbComplexChannel.Builder Creates a new instance ofUwbComplexChannel.
UwbDevice Represents a UWB device.
UwbRangeDataNtfConfig Configurable range data notification reports for a UWB session.
UwbRangeDataNtfConfig.Builder Creates a new instance ofUwbRangeDataNtfConfig.
UwbStatusCodes Status codes for nearby uwb results.