
public final classPanoramaextendsObject

This class is deprecated.
Theplay-services-panoramalibrary is deprecated and will be turned down on 30 October 2023. There is no replacement.

The main entry point for panorama integration.

Field Summary

public static finalApi<Api.ApiOptions.NoOptions> API This field is deprecated. The play-services-panoramalibrary is deprecated and will be turned down on 30 October 2023. There is no replacement.
public static finalPanoramaApi PanoramaApi This field is deprecated. The play-services-panoramalibrary is deprecated and will be turned down on 30 October 2023. There is no replacement.

Inherited Method Summary


public static finalApi<Api.ApiOptions.NoOptions> API

This field is deprecated.
Theplay-services-panoramalibrary is deprecated and will be turned down on 30 October 2023. There is no replacement.

public static finalPanoramaApi PanoramaApi

This field is deprecated.
Theplay-services-panoramalibrary is deprecated and will be turned down on 30 October 2023. There is no replacement.

The entry point for interacting with the Panorama API.