
public final classRecaptchaextendsObject

The reCAPTCHA API provides access to Google Cloud services that help you protect your app from spam and other abusive actions. For more information, seereCAPTCHA Enterprise

To instantiate a reCAPTCHA mobile client, call getClient(Context)or getClient(Activity).

Public Method Summary

getClient(Activity activity)
Returns aRecaptchaClient that is used to access all APIs that are called when the app has a foreground Activity.
getClient(Context context)
Returns aRecaptchaClient that is used to access all APIs that are called without access to a foreground Activity.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

public staticRecaptchaClient getClient(Activity activity)

Returns aRecaptchaClient that is used to access all APIs that are called when the app has a foreground Activity.

Use this method over getClient(Context)to improve performance if you plan to make multiple API calls from your application's foregroundActivity.

public staticRecaptchaClient getClient(Context context)

Returns aRecaptchaClient that is used to access all APIs that are called without access to a foreground Activity.